National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Case of Anna Janatková's murder in czech media with the emphasis on its objectivity
Bednářová, Ivana ; Benda, Josef (advisor) ; Křeček, Jan (referee)
Thesis deals with media objectivity on the example of four Czech newspapers. Thesis in its theoretical part focuses on definition of media, journalist's role and their job which is influenced by many factors, socio-cultural context in which news production is implemented, outlines concept of media objectivity and describes media image of crime. Another part of thesis explains the terms concerning criminal procedure, qualifies rights and duties of criminal justice and a suspect person and finally concentrates on providing with information about offence by media and difficulties which can be appeared. Practical part of the thesis analyzes media objectivity through qualitative analysis of articles. Articles were chosen from four Czech newspapers (Aha!, Blesk, Mladá fronta Dnes, Právo) and two time periods: October-November 2010 and March-April 2011. Research question asks: Did chosen newspapers inform about a murder of Anna Janatková in an objective way? Objective way of informing is examined in relation to rights and duties of suspect and to protection of victims.
Female circumcision as a sociocultural phenomenon
Bednářová, Ivana ; Uherek, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Soukup, Martin (referee)
Subject of the thesis is to present female circumcision as a sociocultural phenomenon located across the cultures. Circumcision is presented in changes of time emphasizing negative effects on physical and mental women health. The author concentrates mainly on the efforts of the states to forbid the practice. She mentions researches conducted on the subject and their difficulties and she classifies the types of female circumcision. She pays attention to the factors affecting the practice. She tries to answer the question why the efforts to forbid the practice made by the states fail. The thesis is theoretical analysis of case studies and researches complemented by an interview at the end of the thesis. Key words Culture, female circumcision, ritual, sexuality, sociocultural system.
Analysis of Green Doors Civic Association Communication Strategy in 2009 - 2010
Bednářová, Ivana ; Köppl, Daniel (advisor) ; Hejlová, Denisa (referee)
Thesis Analysis of Green Doors Civic Association Communication Strategy in 2009 - 2010 illustrates application of marketing principles and techniques in the czech non-profit sector on case of Green Doors Civic Association. This association provides labour and social rehabilitation to people with shizophrenia or another shizotypal disorder. Thesis describes and reviews not only the organization communication strategy for a different target segments as a whole but also each marketing communication instrument in terms of different theorethical principles used. According to a different communication purposes association perceive its communication with the external enviroment on the three different levels - Promotion, Fundraising and Social Marketing. Thesis shows asscociation communication in connection to marketing mix that was extended in non-profit enviroment by another 4P - Public, Partnership, Policy and Purse String. It analyzes the application of seven doors method in terms of organization social marketing communication. Seven doors represent seven barriers in recipients mind that non-profit organization have to overcome on the way of change recipients attitudes or behaviour. Thesis also tries to involve each aspects of market eviroment which affects Green Doors operation and communication. It...
Child as object and subject of parental educational influence
This bachelor work invents on importance of stable emocional primary family education and education for elementary values of life and does not omit social aspects and importance of school education. The key problem is disturb of parentage. Such parents are in principal relation to emotional problems their children.
Trvale udržitelný rozvoj se zaměřením na rozvoj města Třebíč
Bednářová, Ivana ; Jeníček, Vladimír (advisor) ; Stříbrská, Jindra (referee)
Práce objasňuje různé přístupy k definici trvale udržitelného rozvoje a popisuje významné konference, které s ním souvisejí. Dále se zaměřuje na analýzu indikátorů udržitelného rozvoje. Jsou vysvětleny celosvětové indikátory, společné evropské indikátory, ekologická stopa a specifické indikátory. V další části je uvedeno, jak dochází v praxi k naplnění principů udržitelného rozvoje v městě Třebíč, které je zapojeno do mezinárodního Projektu Zdravé město.

See also: similar author names
4 Bednářová, Ilona
2 Bednářová, Iva
4 Bednářová, Iveta
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