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Enzyme hydrolyses of wheat gluten for the gluten free application
Svobodová, Dominika ; Vránová, Dana (oponent) ; Ing.Silvia Mošovská,Ph.D. (vedoucí práce)
Celiac disease is attributable to autoimmune diseases, where treatment is based on absolute respect for gluten-free diet. As the gluten used widely in all areas of food production, strict adherence to a gluten-free diet really can be difficult for people with celiac disease. Products suitable also for those suffering from the disease are usually expensive. Finally, patients that undergo exclusively on a gluten-free diet are robbing the important nutritional components. Therefore, interest in this type of products innovation enhance as to the nutritional, technological, as well as organoleptic properties. The aim of this final thesis was to draw up literature review of the celiac disease and gluten allergen, or his particular part of gliadin. In the experimental part, attention was focused on the first hydrolytic cleavage of starch, the substrate was sterilized wheat flour and water, where is incorporated spiral just gluten. The best ability of degrading the starch grains, the combination of enzymes and MT3K and GLUAMK concentration of 0, 1% over 4 hours of action, as indicated by a reduction in the starch content of the original amount of 72,65 % at a concentration of 29,00 %. The next item of work distribution used different proteases, to reduce the amount of gliadin to below 20 ppm per kilogram of final product. Low levels investigated allergen (10,79 ppm/kg) recorded by the enzyme combination exoprotease Flavourzyme (0,1 %) and endoprotease Neutral Protease (0,1 %) at 7 hours hydrolytic action. The conclusion of the thesis was prepared several alternatives gluten-free breads and through sensory evaluation assessed the characteristics of color, aroma and taste to predict the location of the products on the commercial market.
Pocta Karlu Malichovi
Bakalářská práce Pocta Karlu Malichovi sestává ze dvou částí, teoretické a praktické. Teoretická část se věnuje především osobnosti, životu a dílu Karla Malicha. Dále nastiňuje historický a společenský kontext Malichovy tvorby a v neposlední řadě se zabývá energií jako inspiračním prvkem v Malichově produkci. Praktická část navazuje na teoretickou část realizací maleb. Také si klade za cíl porozumět Malichovu dílu a jeho podnětným zdrojům.
Doctor protection vs. pacient protection
Svobodová, Dominika ; Salač, Josef (vedoucí práce) ; Šustek, Petr (oponent)
Ochrana lekára vs. ochrana pacienta. Predmetom tejto diplomovej práce je medicínske právo, konkrétně potom ochrana lekára a ochrana pacienta a ich vzájomné porovnanie ako subjektov stojacich viacmenej naproti sebe. Hlavným cieľom práce bolo rozobrať ochranu subjektov na obidvoch stranách s tým, že skutočným prípadom uvedeným z praxe je názorne poukázané na spornú situáciu, ktorá príkladne môže v tomto vzťahu nastať a zároveň pre lepšie sprístupnenie a pochopenie problematiky pre čitateľa. Zámerom bolo taktiež v rozsahu práce zachytit komplexnú, ale zároveň veľmi rozsiahlu právnu úpravu témy, s ohľadom na rozmedzie práva medicínskeho a občianskeho. Vzhľadom na široký rozsah, ktorý táto téma zahŕňa, sú v práci obsiahnuté oblasti, ktoré sú z môjho pohľadu najzásadnejšie. Na začiatku práce sú uvedené najzákladnejšie právne predpisy a matéria, ktorá medicínske právo upravuje. Nejde o taxatívny výpočet prameňov, a to z dôvodu naozaj veľkého množstva matérie, ktorou je zdravotnícke právo upravené. V následujúcich jednotlivých kapitolách práce je postupne predstavovaná problematika informovaného súhlasu, spolu s ochranou osobných údajov, poskytovanie zdravotnej starostlivosti bez súhlasu pacienta a zvláštna úprava pre súhlas neplnoletého pacienta, vzťah lekára a pacienta, povinnosť mlčanlivosti, vopred...
Enzyme hydrolyses of wheat gluten for the gluten free application
Svobodová, Dominika ; Vránová, Dana (oponent) ; Ing.Silvia Mošovská,Ph.D. (vedoucí práce)
Celiac disease is attributable to autoimmune diseases, where treatment is based on absolute respect for gluten-free diet. As the gluten used widely in all areas of food production, strict adherence to a gluten-free diet really can be difficult for people with celiac disease. Products suitable also for those suffering from the disease are usually expensive. Finally, patients that undergo exclusively on a gluten-free diet are robbing the important nutritional components. Therefore, interest in this type of products innovation enhance as to the nutritional, technological, as well as organoleptic properties. The aim of this final thesis was to draw up literature review of the celiac disease and gluten allergen, or his particular part of gliadin. In the experimental part, attention was focused on the first hydrolytic cleavage of starch, the substrate was sterilized wheat flour and water, where is incorporated spiral just gluten. The best ability of degrading the starch grains, the combination of enzymes and MT3K and GLUAMK concentration of 0, 1% over 4 hours of action, as indicated by a reduction in the starch content of the original amount of 72,65 % at a concentration of 29,00 %. The next item of work distribution used different proteases, to reduce the amount of gliadin to below 20 ppm per kilogram of final product. Low levels investigated allergen (10,79 ppm/kg) recorded by the enzyme combination exoprotease Flavourzyme (0,1 %) and endoprotease Neutral Protease (0,1 %) at 7 hours hydrolytic action. The conclusion of the thesis was prepared several alternatives gluten-free breads and through sensory evaluation assessed the characteristics of color, aroma and taste to predict the location of the products on the commercial market.

Viz též: podobná jména autorů
12 SVOBODOVÁ, Denisa
14 Svobodová, Dagmar
2 Svobodová, Dagmar,
12 Svobodová, Dana
1 Svobodová, Daniela
12 Svobodová, Denisa
1 Svobodová, Dita
7 Svobodová, Dominika
1 Svobodová, Dora
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