National Repository of Grey Literature 23 records found  previous8 - 17next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Foreign Influences in Religion of Ancient Syria
Válek, František ; Antalík, Dalibor (advisor) ; Čech, Pavel (referee)
This thesis aims to map non-Semitic influences in the religion and culture of the Late Bronze Age Syria. During the Late Bronze Age, Syria was divided into many local kingdoms which were most of the time subdued to the great empires of the ancient Near East (Mitanni and Ḫatti) and Egypt. Influences from these cultural areas are the most noticeable. Trade across the Mediterranean brought many cultural influences, too. These are mostly observable in art. The thesis is centred around case studies from Ugarit, Amurru, Byblos, Karkemiš, Alalaḫ, Ḫalāb, Emar, Tunip and Qaṭna. Each case study shows peculiarities of individual sites and different modes of cultural transfer. The data are set into a broader anthropological perspective and some general conclusions are made about the process of culture transfer and about conceptions of foreignnessin theculturesof theancientNearEastand Egypt.Abroadertheoryof cultureasa system of concepts is outlined and the material is interpreted in its light. Key words Foreigners, foreignness, culture transfer, religion, Late Bronze Age, ancient Syria, ancient Near East, Egypt, Ḫatti, Mitanni, Hittites, Hurrians, Egyptians, Ugarit, Amurru, Byblos, Karkemiš, Alalaḫ, Ḫalāb, Emar, Tunip, Qaṭna.
Čech, Pavel ; Janík, Zdeněk (referee) ; Kalousek, Miloš (advisor)
This master´s thesis deals with the proposal of the kindergarten in the cadastral territory Moravany u Brna, district Brno-venkov. This object is self-standing building in a newly-built area. The kindergarten is designed for two schoolrooms up to the total number of forty-eight pupils. The object is double-storeyed, the part of the object has the basement. The roof is flat with a coating insulation, loaded with a mix of gravel and rubble. The object is designed as a brick construction with a contact thermal insulation system. The object is situated in a slightly sloping terrain.
War in Relation to Myth and Ritual in the Neo-Assyrian Period
Karban, Jiří ; Čech, Pavel (advisor) ; Antalík, Dalibor (referee)
The presented paper deals with relationship of war, mythology and ritual in the Neo-Assyrian period of Mesopotamian culture. We will focus especially on the themes of ritual torture and slaughter of enemies in the texts and visual art of Neo-Assyrian kings and in the mythology of warrior gods Ninurta and Marduk. According to the anthropological theories of Mary Douglas we will explain war as an important way how people of ancient Mesopotamia treated their enemies and recreated their world.
Role HR při akvizici v mezinárodní společnosti
Andriianova, Anastasiia ; Brunet-Thornton, Richard (advisor) ; Čech, Pavel (referee)
The topic of this thesis is dedicated to Human Resources role during a corporate acquisition in the company. The author has 3 years of HR experience from an international company that contributes to better understanding and clearer insight. Recently, acquisitions occur frequently, and companies do not always pay the appropriate attention to Human Resource issues that in turn, cause the decline of morale and culture. This results in the loss of key talent. In addition, this costs the company its reputation and possible decrease in profit. One can obtain the best technologies, but will not be able to succeed without employees who are satisfied with their employer and are dedicated to their job. The thesis is divided in two sections. In the first section, the author collects the most relevant knowledge from academic and business sources related to the topic. In the second section, the role of Human Resources during the turbulent time of acquisition is explored based on the example of one international company. The author describes the culture in this company, and also how the HR structure changed to be able to serve corporate objectives after the acquisition. Two surveys are conducted in this company among HR leaders and employees from Prague office. Based on the analysis of the surveys, author own observations and informal interviews with senior HR professionals, the author proposes valuable recommendations and suggestions for the most critical areas in which HR responsibilities are fundamental.
Cultic Use of Alcohol in Religion of Ancient Syria
Válek, František ; Antalík, Dalibor (advisor) ; Čech, Pavel (referee)
The presented paper deals with use of fermented beverages in cult of ancient Syria. The basis is work with written source material from Emar, Ugarit, Mari, Alalaḫ, Tuttul, Terqa and Ebla. Apart form cultic, administrative and legal texts, alcohol i also reflected from view of mythological and epic texts, as has been preserved in Ugaritic texts. Archeological and iconographical material is considered only briefly to illustrate the idea. The most interpretative part of the paper are chapters on perception of alcohol in wider cultural context of ancient Syria. Here we can see the influence of V. Turner's theory of liminality and antistructure, partial influence of M. Douglas's concept of ambivalence and M. Dietler's findings about alcohol form anthropological perspective. The most important finding of this paper is the relationship between feast and sacrifice, especially perception of sacrifice as feast and vice versa. It is in the context od feasting, where alcohol plays a crucial role as intoxicating drink, not as mere nourishment.
Newly-Built Detached House with Accommodation Facility
Čech, Pavel ; Melcr, Petr (referee) ; Fišarová, Zuzana (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with a desing of the wooden building of family house in cadastral territory of Dambořice, district of Hodonín. Objects are standing alone in the emerging area. The family house is designed for a four member family, the object with an accomodation capacity is designed for up to eleven people. It is one-storey family house, partly with a basement. There is one stand alone object behind the familly house. The object has accomodation capacity of two above ground floors and no basement. Both objects have a walnut roof of truss trusses. These object also have brick structures with a contact thermal insulation system. The object with an accomodation capacity is designed for recreation. Both object are put into medium sloping terrain.
El's and Baal's aspects in the concept of the Old Testament's Yahweh
Rejlková, Sandra ; Antalík, Dalibor (advisor) ; Čech, Pavel (referee)
My thesis describes the aspects of Ugarit gods El and Baal and depicts their influence on the conception of The Old Testament's Yahweh. The Biblical monotheistic tradition was indelibly influenced by the polytheistic lore of Ugarit - shards of this process can be observed even from today's perspective, despite all the efforts of ancient Biblical contributors. I suggest brief analysis of shared features of these gods, mainly Yahweh and El, who had more in common than it may seem. My ambition is not only to bring up an enumeration of their divine attributes, but also to construe the incentives, that might have led the Biblical authors to project Ugaritic imagery into their one true God.
The Flood Motive in the Literature of Ancient Mesopotamia
Koubková, Evelyne ; Čech, Pavel (advisor) ; Antalík, Dalibor (referee)
The presented paper deals with the flood motive in the literature of ancient Mesopotamia from the 2nd mil. BC until the 2nd cent. BC as it appears repeatedly in a variety of texts in this period. Apart from the varied versions of the mythical flood narrative I will examine the king lists, especially the Sumerian king list in which the flood appears, and sources about antediluvian kings. In a separate chapter I will focus on the tradition of the sages (apkallu) who are sometimes situated before the flood. The common feature of all the treated sources seems to be that the flood is a watershed. Its importance stems not from the dividing of qualitatively distinct periods of time but from the possibility to get over the boundary. According to the anthropological theory of antistructure I will try to explain that the flood is a breakthough of chaos which can strengthen the order. I will examine god Ea, too, as he is intrinsically bound to the flood and I will show his position in pantheon as analogical to the role of the flood.
The Text of the Masoretes: It's Character, Historical Setting and It's Relationship to the Jewish Biblical Exegesis
Tomášek, Petr ; Prudký, Martin (advisor) ; Čech, Pavel (referee) ; Schorch, Stefan (referee)
This work tries to take a new look at the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible. Based on the assumption that the masoretic vocalization has its roots in the oral tradition it asks what is the character of this text, why it was transmi ed orally, and in which context it was wri en down only at such a late date. It asks further what was the function and mutual relationship of the other masoretic elements: the Hebrew vocalization, the accentuation and the Masoretic notes, and whether they all can be traced back to a common denominator. Lastly, this work tries to answer a question whether the masoretic tradition presented a reinterpretation of the consonantal text to some degree. To answer these questions this thesis analyses phenomena connected to the masoretic vocalization, accentuation and masoretic notes. Further, it observes some grammatically unusual masoretic forms. It comes to the conclusion that all of the masoretic elements of the Hebrew biblical text are to be traced back to an institutionalized oral study of Bible, which was the prevalent way of learning before the literacy became common. e present work could not testify any interpretative tendency in the Hebrew vocalization. Keywords Hebrew Bible, Old Testament, textual criticism, Masoretic text, punctuation, vocalization, Hebrew accents,...
King lists of the ancient Syropalestine
Čech, Pavel ; Zemánek, Petr (advisor) ; Oliverius, Jaroslav (referee) ; Prosecký, Jiří (referee)
King lists of ancient Mesopotamia are a well-defined and described part of the "scientific" literature of the era, known as the Listenwissenschanft. This work aims to put on the same level the king lists of the neighbouring area of Syro-Palestine - the lists discovered in Ebla, Mari, and Ugarit and published over the last twenty-five years. Its value as a historiographic source is questioned and the lists are understood primarily as an expression of the royal ideology. The study is based on the analyses of individual anthroponyms, examining the lists especially on the basis of intuitively selected criteria and studying their function and relation to the narrative fabric. The main difference is between the lists from Mari, which constitute a part of the Babylonian administrative tradition, and the lists from the west of the region. These are a synthesis of the legendary past, the cult of the dead and the political situation of the time, which is most apparent in the parts dedicated to the oldest rulers. The lists are therefore related to each other in space rather than in time.

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