National Repository of Grey Literature 285 records found  beginprevious242 - 251nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Reconciliation of Work and Family Life - Reflection of the European Law in the Activities of the Czech Government
Vošmik, Josef ; Tomeš, Igor (advisor) ; Koldinská, Kristina (referee)
The problem of reconciliation or work and family life has been of cardinal importance over the past few years not only in the Czech Republic but in most European countries. For most families it is becoming more and more difficult to reconcile the duties connected with the care of children and other dependent persons with the occupation. This situation is caused by many factors such as the growth of women employment, changes in family structure, demographic effects, development of human rights and many others. Social policy must take these aspects into account and carry out such acctivities that will enable families to face the challenges of the present society and won't make them decide either work of family. As a part of theory there are quite many particular methods and ways how to help families to cope with their employment and family duties. Some sources distinguish these strategies among individual and family, employers' strategies and strategies of the welfare state. But the European states differ as to how they view family and social policy as well. In the Czech republic there has been a traditionally high level of women employment rate but the birth of a child has a negative impact on a woman's staying or (re)entry into labour market. The possibilities of flexible work arrangements are highly...
Educational element in social work with people without shelter
Pěnkava, Pavel ; Koldinská, Kristina (advisor) ; Tomeš, Igor (referee)
The rigorous thesis focuses on objectification of potential opportunities to benefit from educational activities in individual and community social work with the target group of people without shelter. The theoretical part focuses on critical reflectin of the causes of homelessness on psychological, social and time aspects. Knowledge of the causal evolution of this socially pathological phenomenon is important for creating methods of education and social approaches that can be applied within sociotherapy. Thesis discusses the typology of homeless people according to their possibilities, abilities and skills too. There is a chapter, which directly faces the sociotherapy itself, its use in social work with people, and describes the practical potential of this method. The conclusion of the theoretical part is considering the possibility of execution of autonomous activities of the central part of Prague in the process of education of the society, related to the professional help, as well as the common interactions. Questionnaire survey carried out examines the motivation, ideas and activities of the people without shelter on the issue of education. Attitudes and related facts are examined through quantitative techniques using face-to-face questionnaires. The results are to confirm or to reject the assumption...
Special working conditions of juveniles
Hroneš, Jakub ; Štangová, Věra (advisor) ; Koldinská, Kristina (referee)
Resumé: In my rigorous work I dealt with the legal arrangement of the special working conditions of juveniles and minors. These conditions are being legally arranged since over two centuries. One of the characteristical signs in the development of this legal arrangement is enlarging the legal protection of working minors as well as of juveniles resulting namely in shortening the working hours for minors, determinations of the minimal age for taking a job, determinations of the obligatory school attendance duration as well as the inhibition of certain works and workplace which are dangerous for juveniles. The development of the legal arrangement of the above mentioned working conditions is strongly affected by legal documents from the field of the european as well as international law arranging the fundamental human, social and economical rights. These international documents complete and enlarge the Czech legal arrangement of the special working conditions of the juveniles. The Labour code no. 262/2006 Sb. with the relating legal rules provide a special legal protection since these juveniles are not yet physically and mentally adult enough and thus their sound and safe development has to be protected. These special working conditions differ from general conditions for other employees and manifest before all...
Comparison of the regulation of working hours and time for rest in labour law of the Czech Republic and Polish Republic
Czeczotková, Alicja ; Štefko, Martin (advisor) ; Koldinská, Kristina (referee)
A comparison of regulation of working hours and a period of rest in the Czech Republic and Poland. My thesis describes institutes of labour law relating to working time and a period of rest in context of the comparison of the two national legislations - in the Czech Republic and Poland. The working hours and the period of rest are one of the basic institutes of the labour law which are interesting for all employers and employee. The purpose of this study is to describe the most important questions of this part of labour law and to find out and analyse differences of both compared legislations. Therefore I have explained relevant Czech and Polish legislation related to separate institutes of this part of labour law and I have tried to compare some investigated institutes which are different in both national legal regulations. The thesis involves an introduction, a main part, and a conclusion. The main part of the thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is focused on working hours and it is subdivided into a few parts dealing with different aspects of particular institutes of working hours such as length of working hours, schedule of working hours, overtime work, night work and standby. The second chapter concentrates on the institutes of the period of rest. The parts in this chapter...
Employing persons with health disabilities
Ryslová, Michaela ; Koldinská, Kristina (advisor) ; Peřina, Pavel (referee)
98 Summary The topic of my thesis is "Employment of disabled people". I think that this topic is today in the area of labour law quite actual and highly debated, so it should not be left out of attention.. Disabled people are one of the most threattened groups of people at the labour market. They are confront the risk of long-term or repeated unemployment. My work is dividend into six chapters. In the first one I explain the main terms of my thesis - disabled people and employment. It is important to understand the next part of my work. In The second chapter I describe International Law, mainly main documents of OSN, ILO and Council of Europe. I concentrated attention on Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In the third chapter I deal with the documents and rights of disabled peole in EC law. The Czech Republic is joined the European Union on the 1st May 2004 and from that day, the EC law became a part of Czech legal system. I directed my attention towards directive 2000/78 EC. The fourth chapter is focused on the sources of law. At the beginning of this charter I descritbe the situation in the Czech republic for 1989. In the next part I describe Constitution, Labour code and Employment law. In the next chapter I write about some aspects of employment of disabled people and try to show...
Employment of foreigners
Marková, Martina ; Štefko, Martin (advisor) ; Koldinská, Kristina (referee)
Employment of foreigners The topic of my thesis "Employment of foreigners" is quite actual, as the number of foreign workers in the Czech Republic is constantly growing. Foreigners are often very welcomed labour force in many areas of the czech labour market. Despite this fact, the czech labour market is not freely opened and the Czech Republic, just like the other EU Member States, tries to protect its labour market against uncontrolled flow of foreign workers. The most common instrument that states use in an effort to protect their labour markets are barriers of administrative nature, such as a work permit and a residence permit. Only foreign nationals are required to fulfill these conditions. My work is divided into five chapters, of which the first one deals with an international element in labour relations. That is a situation when one party of the obligation (an employee) is a foreigner and the legal relationship is factually connected with two or more legal orders. In this case a choice-of-law has to be made, to select the law applicable to this legal relationship. The choice-of-law rules are cointained in many international treaties, among them is the most important The Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations, signed in Rome in 1980. This Convetion was converted into a Community...
Rules for payment of social security and health insurance contributions within the EU
Krempa, Daniel ; Koldinská, Kristina (referee) ; Zemanová, Jana (referee)
Daniel Krempa Pravidla pro placení p ísp vk na sociální zabezpe ení a zdravotní pojišt ní v rámci EU 15. února 2010 86 jejich zam stnavatel a institucí lenských stát ) z d vodu nutnosti znalosti dvojích pravidel a pot eby vždy správn ur it, která pravidla se mají na danou situaci použít v etn nutnosti správného posouzení a vyhodnocení následných dopad . Prakticky m že vzniklá situace znamenat, že osoby v obdobném postavení mohou nakonec podléhat každá jiným pravidl m a to nap . pouze z titulu jejich státní p íslušnosti i z d vodu, že jedna z nich požádá o aplikaci nových pravidel a druhá nikoliv, atd. Z výše uvedeného je patrné, že a koliv Na ízení 883 vstoupí v ú innost již v dohledné dob , nebude ješt n jakou dobu možné zapomenout na pravidla Na ízení 1408. 8. Záv r Jak je z ejmé z posledního vývoje a zejména z p ijetí nových koordina ních pravidel v oblasti sociálního zabezpe ení, je v rámci EU patrná neustálá snaha reagovat na postupný rozvoj ekonomiky a pot eby zlepšovat "pravidla hry" i v oblasti sociálního zabezpe ení. Z dosavadních zkušeností lze usuzovat, že se postupným rozvojem praxe a s p isp ním rozhodovací inností ESD poda ilo dosáhnout významných pokrok ve zlepšení jasnosti aplikace koordina ních pravidel. To pak p ispívá k v tší jistot dot ených subjekt a p edevším by to m lo vést i ke zna...

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