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Interests of children with Asperger's syndrome from the perspective of parents
Štěpánová, Lenka ; Sotáková, Hana (advisor) ; Kucharská, Anna (referee)
Our study conserns the problematics of interests of Asperger syndrome children. In the theoretical part, the diagnosis of Asparger syndrome in the context of Autistic specter disorders is being reviewed. Moreover, we define Asperger syndrome compared with other Autistic specter disorders and present methods of diagnosis. The whole study is focused on the area of the family of a child with disabilities. The empirici part describes our research, that focuses on defining the specific interests of Asparger syndrome children through analysis and comparsion of these interests.
Siblings in pre-school age
Rindošová, Milena ; Smetáčková, Irena (advisor) ; Sotáková, Hana (referee)
ANOTACE: Rodina je místem, kde dochází k prvním sociálním vztahům a vazbám. Každý jedinec, má potřebu kontaktů s jinými lidmi. Ještě před dovršením tří let věku dítěte roste v každém touha být ve společenství vrstevníků. Tyto první kontakty dítě zažívá v rodině se sourozenci a v mateřské škole. Sourozenecká skupina vymezuje osobnost jedince, má vliv na jeho osobnostní charakteristiky a chování. Vědomí sama sebe se buduje prostřednictvím vztahů k druhému. Jakou roli bude dítě v rodině mít, je spjato s mnoha faktory, kterými jsou: počet sourozenců v rodině, pořadí narození sourozenců, věkový rozdíl a pohlaví. Následně záleží na výchovném přístupu rodičů. Vstup dítěte do mateřské školy je velkou životní změnou pro dítě i pro celou rodinu. Aby vstup proběhl hladce, musí být dítě připraveno odloučit se od rodičů, zvykat si na nové prostředí, na společenství vrstevníků, najít si svou vlastní identitu. Jak proběhne vstup a adaptace do skupiny vrstevníků, záleží na stupni socializace předškolního dítěte. V diplomové práci se zabývám na základě poznatků z rozhovorů, dotazníků a pozorování porovnáním schopností a dovedností sourozeneckých dvojic při nástupu do mateřské školy. Ve výzkumu se soustřeďuji zejména na to, zda ovlivnilo adaptaci mladšího sourozence vědomí, že v mateřské škole má staršího sourozence a jakým...
Adolescents with specific learning disabilities - perceptions of specific learning disabilities in the environment of secondary schools
Pospíšilová, Zuzana ; Kucharská, Anna (advisor) ; Sotáková, Hana (referee)
The thesis focuses on adolescents with specific learning disabilities in the milieu of secondary schools. It is divided into a theoretical part and an empirical part. The first part introduces a topic of specific learning disabilities in the developmental stage of adolescence. It first describes the most relevant aspects of adolescent development. The attention is then paid to typical manifestations of specific learning disabilities in adolescence, and also to secondary symptoms usually connected with this diagnosis. Finally, the so called positive aspects of specific learning disabilities are described, which is a rather unknown approach to specific learning disabilities in the Czech Republic. The empirical part aims to map coping strategies of adolescents with specific learning disabilities within the school environment. It attempts to identify manifestations of specific learning disabilities and it differentiates them into a typical school problems and everyday life problems. The data lead to a description of various approaches and strategies which adolescents with specific learning disabilities use to cope with demands of their study. The data were first analyzed in separated clusters and then combined and interpreted via more in-depth analysis. The empirical part eventually discusses the...
Influence of Primary Family Upbringing on the Form of Intimate Life of Young Adults
Vachudová, Kristina ; Procházková, Jana (advisor) ; Sotáková, Hana (referee)
The aim of the thesis was to explore the impact of sex education in the family on own intimate life of the individual. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes issues that affect the content of thesis - human sexuality, sex education at school and in family, and individual family surrounding. The practical part describes the implemented research. The research aim was formulated in four hypotheses. The first aim was to verify whether young people perceive sex education in the family as something that affects their intimate lives. The second aim was to verify the connection between points of view that parents present to their children about contraception, abortion and the beginning of sexual life and the view that in adulthood these children hold. Next aim was to determine whether there is the coherence between the way how parents talk to their children about sexuality and by how much is at the beginning of children own sexual life affected by these councils. And lastly, the work seeks to map the way how parents talk with children about sexuality and whether that affects children own experience of sexuality. In research took part 137 respondents - 80 women and 57 men, all respondents had secondary or university education and were aged from 21 to 30 years....
Preschool Children Drawings (developmental aspect of overlap in primary school)
Kašová, Ivana ; Sotáková, Hana (advisor) ; Kucharská, Anna (referee)
The thesis deals with the developmental period of preschool-aged and early school- aged children and their drawing of a figure. The theoretical part describes the children's development at this time and also their developmental oddities and determinants that influence the development. It follows up the children's drawing, its developmental stages and especially the drawing of a human figure. The practical part focuses on the drawing of a human figure created by children in kindergartens and elementary schools. It's divided into two stages. At the first stage there is the drawing evaluated according to the Draw-a-person Test written in 1982 by J. Šturm and M. Vágnerová. The discovered values are interpreted from the qualitative and quantitative point of view. The attention is paid to remarkable events at the second stage. The practical part validates or disproves given hypotheses. The whole dissertation, its contribution to research and use for pedagogical workers are summarized in the conclusion. Key words: Preschool-age, early school-age, children's development, development of a drawing, drawing of a human figure, draw-a-person test, evaluation, case study
Analysis of the written products of the pupils taughts by the analytic-syntetic method and the genetic method during the first grade
Veverková, Jana ; Kucharská, Anna (advisor) ; Sotáková, Hana (referee)
This diploma thesis is focused to the writing skills in an initiatory education of a literacy during the first grade at a primary school. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and the practical part. The theoretical part presents the genesis of the handwriting during the history, the physical and psychical expectations for the assumption of the writing skills, the methodics of two learning methods which are used in the czech education system most frequently and last but not least a list of the evaluated scales of handwriting. In the practical part we present the evaluation scale which were constructed for the purpose of this thesis. This scale monitors a plot of the written children's products, an error rate, an ability of corections and a graphical part. We kept at disposal about 500 written children's products which were collected from 22 classes from 9 schools from three parts of Czech Republic (Prague, Central and South Bohemian Region and Moravia). Children which were involved to the project, they were educated by the analytic-synthetic method or the genetic metod for the education of the literacy. The gained data was a part of the another project which were realized under the auspices of IPPP CR. The data was collected twice a one school year. Therefore we can observe a development of...
Perception of Violence against Different Age Groups of Children at Primary Schools and Eight-year Grammar School
Havelková, Šárka ; Procházková, Jana (advisor) ; Sotáková, Hana (referee)
1. ABSTRACT § Key words: violence, conflict, aggression, cruelty, abuse, neglect, bullying, the perpetrator, the victim, children, adults, seniors, self-harm, suicide In this thesis I would like to focus on how children define violence, what violence includes, how to represent both the offender and victim, what is the difference in the perception of violence against various age groups and how to prevent possible violence. The theoretical part is firstly devoted to the notion of violence or similar terms synonymous to this and to explain them according to Czech and foreign authors. I have then proceeded to topics such as violence against children, adults and seniors, self-harm, suicide and the consequences of violence. In the practical section, I examined the perception of violence among students in primary school compared with students of the same age at a grammar school. I focused on the students of class sixth / ninth grade and first and fourth year of an eight-year grammar school). The survey was not only carried out in schools in the capital city but also in a smaller town.
Psychological aspects of the late diagnosis of AS
Adámková, Jana ; Sotáková, Hana (advisor) ; Rendl, Miroslav (referee)
The principal purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to survey the psychological aspects of a late diagnosis (in adolescence and later) of the Asperger syndrome (also known as the Asperger's syndrome or Asperger's disorder). For this purpose the author has identified the theoretical assumptions on the basis of which she addresses the impacts of the identification of a diagnosis on the persons' mental state, emphasising the specifics of this process for the diagnosis of the Asperger syndrome. The author then uses these assumptions for performing a qualitative analysis of the testimonies of some people in whom the Asperger syndrome was diagnosed after the age of 30. The respondents talk about their lives prior to learning of their Asperger syndrome, about the influence that this new information has had on them, about the way in which they made the decision to undergo diagnostics, and of what they were afraid and in what they hoped. The conclusion of the thesis summarises the areas with which the identification of an Asperger syndrome diagnosis interferes. KEY WORDS Asperger syndrome diagnostics adulthood psychological aspects
Preparation of a preschool child for the entrance to elementary school
Svobodová, Petra ; Kucharská, Anna (advisor) ; Sotáková, Hana (referee)
This dissertation adresses the issue of preparation and readiness of a preschool child before his/her entrance to elementary school. The theoretical part is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is concerned with the definitions of basic terms, such as school maturity and school readiness. The second chapter is dedicated to developmental psychology of a preschool child. The third chapter is concerned with diagnosis of a preschool child from the position preschool education, and the last chapter is centered on a child at risk in elementary school. The practical part is dedicated to qualitative experimental investigation which obser- ves the advancement of teak parts in selected sample of children from normal and spe- cial class of kindergarten school and it is supported by an intervention program.
Self-harm in children
Tvrdoňová, Anna ; Procházková, Jana (advisor) ; Sotáková, Hana (referee)
Title: Self-harm in children Abstract This thesis deals with the topic of self-injury of adolescents. Its goal is to analyze the adolescents' view of self-injury, how the youth themselves define self-injury and what they perceive to be self-injurious behavior. The work is divided into two core parts. The first section focuses on the definition of the self-injury and reviews both current Czech and international literature. Particular attention is devoted to the inconsistent terminology, definitions and presentation of the recent classification system of self- injury. The second part is devoted to the research of explorative character. The data have been collected through a survey using anonymous self report questionnaire from 73 pupils between the ages of 13-15 and they were analysed using categorization and the method of factor and cluster analysis. Factor analysis extracted ten factors which served as the meaningful units and can be interpreted as adolescents' viewpoints of self- injury. Findings suggest the adolescents consider not only direct destruction of one's own body as example self-injury but also behavior that indirectly leads to negative health outcomes (eating disorders, smoking, abuse of alcohol). Interestingly, the youth reported ambivalent viewpoint of self-injury. They reported not only the...

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