National Repository of Grey Literature 15 records found  previous11 - 15  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
What will be his/her name? Motivation for naming offspring
Nedbalová, Monika ; Chejnová, Pavla (advisor) ; Hájková, Eva (referee)
WHAT WILL BE HIS/HER NAME? MOTIVATION FOR NAMING OFFSPRING Abstract The thesis deals with given names in general and in particular with motivation of parents to choice of name. The first part summarizes theoretical resources and deals with the history of researching of antroponyms. The first part further concentrates on given names, their origin, their function, variation of repertory and trends in motivation of parents to choice of name. The thesis also includes the chapter about legal regulation of given names. There is mentioned also the previous research on given names written by Miloslava Knappová in 1970's. The practical part of the thesis is based on questionnaire research on motivation of parents to choice of name. The research was carried out in Central - Bohemia Region, Liberec Region and Prague Region from December 2010 to February 2011 and respondents were the parents of children born between years 2005 - 2010. The aim of the research was to ascertain current trends and motivation to choice of name, which reasons are the most frequent and which reasons decrease in historical comparison. The practical part then deals with the relation between motivation to choice of name on one hand and age, educational attainment and place of residence of parents on the other hand. The acquired information are...
Conversion of Bata Production Buildings
Nedbalová, Monika ; Svoboda, Jiří (referee) ; Nový, Alois (advisor) ; Skála, Jiří (advisor)
The subject of bachelor thesis is a conversion of Bata production buildings no. 24 and 25 to leasable units for small and medium business. The building site is located in the Svit area (Bata´s production areal) in city Zlín. This thesis is based on an architectural study prepared in the summer semester of the second year of study. The aim of the project is to demonstrate the usability of buildings intended for demolition. Objects are world-unique structures with very flexible frame structural system, which is usable for many purposes. This conversion to leasable units for business allows financial autonomy of the objects and predisposes them to permanent use. A system of removable partitions in the interior gives flexibility and universality to a units. The project involves the conversion of existing buildings no. 24 and 25 and new building no. 24/2. The building is designed as the main entrance, from which it is possible to access the two neighboring buildings by connecting bridges in the 3rd and 4th floors. Also provides restaurant and a seasonal rooftop terrace. The basic idea was to preserve valuable architectural expression of buildings in line with the modern concept. Valuable semi-public place is created between no. 24 and 25, whose function is to make more attractive central part of the city Zlín. New building is a landmark for employees and visitors, which integrates other services.
Access of patients to prevention and treatment of osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a progressive systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass. Fractures of the vertebrae are the most common clinical manifestation of osteoporosis. Fractures of the vertebral bodies leads to loss of height patients , weight loss and damage to physical function. It is estimated that in the Czech Republic osteoporosis around 600,000 people. More and more, the number of hip fractures. The aim of this work was the first to identify the knowledge of patients about prevention of osteoporosis. 2nd To determine whether patients during treatment changed lifestyle. These targets were four research questions. What are the first patient knowledge of disease osteoporosis? As the second patient's adherence to preventive measures? As the third patient is adhering to proper diet and physical activity? As the fourth patient evaluate information related to the disease osteoporosis?To obtain the necessary information has been used qualitative research. Methods and data collection techniques that were used in the work were semi-structured interviews on a pre-prepared set of questions. The interviews were recorded on a tape recorder and then transcribed. Reached a total of eight respondents. Four respondents were "healthy" population and four respondents were with the disease osteoporosis. Respondents with disease osteoporosis were selected from the inpatient department of orthopedic purposive sampling. The respondent No. 4 with the disease of osteoporosis should be elderly woman, 58 years old. The respondent was contacted by telephone, agreed to be interviewed. On the day arranged meetings but refused to talk without mentioning the reason. The survey took place from 12. 2. 2014 to 10. 3. 2014.The results of the research showed that patients 'healthy' population do not have enough theoretical knowledge about this disease , because of the ignorance of the concept of osteoporosis . Furthermore, research shows that respondents " healthy" population adheres to proper diet and physical activity . Based on the testimony of respondents 'healthy' population was also found that the respondents have no information on possible treatment and examination of available while they are not interested to learn more about this disease , due to the fact that they are still healthy . The results also show that respondents with disease osteoporosis have enough theoretical knowledge. Respondents shall comply with proper diet and exercise. Only one respondent s disease osteoporosis , diet and physical activity does not comply . Furthermore, we found that respondents with disease osteoporosis are adequately informed about the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis , both by doctors and by nurses.The results of the survey show that respondents "healthy" population, despite the lack of information and experiences with this disease generally demonstrate their knowledge regarding this disease. It is different for respondents with disease osteoporosis who have demonstrated their knowledge in prevention and treatment are sufficiently informed about the disease osteoporosis. The practical outcome thesis is the proposal for an information booklet on the prevention of osteoporosis.
The use of punishments and rewards in raising children
The main subject of this work are forms of rewards and punishments, and their most common use in the upbringing of children by their parents. The theoretical part of this bachelor work is focused on quoting important expertise and definitions that relate to the issue. It deals with the links between upbringing and pedagogical concepts as well as educational styles in the family. Also are described different concepts of rewards and punishments. Practical part is based on a survey. Through the research questions was investigated, which rewards and punishments occure in the society, with what frequency, and how the children perceive these rewards and punishments. The results are presented in tables and graphs, confronted with literature and commented.
Porovnání účinků sinusového magnetického pole 0.1 mT a 0.05 mT na inhibici adherence leukocytů a účinků střídavého a stejnosměrného magnetického pole
Jandová, Anna ; Mhamdi, L. ; Nedbalová, M. ; Čoček, A. ; Trojan, S. ; Dohnalová, A. ; Pokorný, Jiří
Effects of exposure to magnetic fields are investigated by means of the Leukocyte Adherence Inhibition assay using T lymphocytes taken from healthy humans and from patients with malignant tumors before and after medical treatment. Exposures to magnetic field 0.1 mT and 0.05 mT have similar effects. Effects of exposure to AC and DC magnetic fields are similar too. Increase of adherence after exposure support the hypothesis that magnetic field changes immune function in humans.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 15 records found   previous11 - 15  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
7 NEDBALOVÁ, Martina
7 Nedbalová, Martina
8 Nedbalová, Monika
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