National Repository of Grey Literature 21 records found  previous11 - 20next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Morphological changes of sensory taste buds in pacient with cleft lip and palate
Straková, Kristina ; Dušková, Markéta (advisor)
The theme of my thesis morphological changessensory taste receptors in patients with cleftlip and palate, we chose based on its long-term interestthe field of plastic surgery. Cleft lip and palate defects areintegral part of this industry and one of the most interestingtopics that address this subject.The total rehabilitation of patients with cleft requiresmultidisciplinary treatment that begins immediately after birth andlasts into adulthood. The comprehensive treatment gradually, inDepending on the postnatal development, health and growthvictim, involved in a specialized team, whose base isplastic surgeon, dentist (orthodontist, maxillofacialsurgeon, dental surgeon and prosthetist), speech therapist, phoniatrist, audiologist andFinally, a clinical psychologist.Due to congenital defect area and centrofaciálníthe complexity of treatment failure also can assume the function of language,particular taste. This assumption is supported by the fact that the averagenumber of operations of the defect number reaches 4.8. Orthodontic treatmentapparatuses lasts from early childhood to prosthetic reconstructionin early adulthood. In addition, patients suffer from frequent otitis media,upper and lower respiratory tract infections and allergies. All of thesefactors can affect the function of language, particularly the...
Comparison of Current Political Systems of France and the Czech Republic with a Focus on Presidential Election and Presidential Powers
Dušková, Markéta ; Holubec, Stanislav (referee) ; Stracený, Josef (advisor)
Cílem této diplomové práce, vyplývajícím již z jejího zadání, je přiblížit fungování ústavních orgánů Francouzské a České republiky, a především pak postavení prezidentů v obou státech. V první části diplomové práce pojednám obecně o politickém systému, dělbě moci a typologii politických systémů. Následovat budou kapitoly věnované Francii. Nejprve se zaměřím na počátky V. republiky, pokračovat budu přehledem ústavních orgánů. Pokusím se přiblížit fungování moci zákonodárné, výkonné a soudní. Samostatná kapitola bude věnována prezidentovi republiky. Ve stejném duchu budou členěny i kapitoly o České republice. V poslední kapitole se pokusím o vlastní srovnání obou prezidentů. Cílem bude upozornit na rozdílné znaky v jejich postavení a pravomocích. Powered by TCPDF (
Architecture in the dorsal venous system of fingers in relation to replantation
Sukop, Andrej ; Dušková, Markéta (advisor) ; Válka, Jan (referee) ; Veselý, Jiří (referee) ; Stingl, Josef (referee)
Aim 1. In the experimental section to supplement and clarify the topographic anatomy of the venous finger, especially tran and lumen of blood vessels in different anatomic levels, including microscopic and histological verification finger vein system. 2. In clinical practice, develop a methodology to giving adequate venous drainage during revascularization and replantation of the finger parts in different levels depending on anatomy blood supply so that the result was easier to determine strategy operating procedures and increase the success of the performance. 3. Check a functional state of venous anastomoses after finger at different time intervals in correction of other performances on the fingers.
Primary preventive care in orofacial clefts
Kaněrová, Hana ; Dušková, Markéta (advisor)
Facial clefts are among the most common congenital defects. Their incidence ranges 1 to 500 to 550 births. The etiological factors are diverse. Most often the formation of clefts cause genetic factors together with environmental factors. Among the genetic factors include the child's sex and genetic predisposition. It discovered several candidate genes that influence the development of orofacial complex. These genes are e.g. TGFα, RARA, BCl3, DLX2, MSX1, TGFB3. Environmental factors are maternal obesity, maternal smoking, alcohol consumption, alcohol, nutritional status of the mother, hypervitaminosis A, folic acid deficiency, effects of pollutants in the workplace and environment, medication teratogenic active drugs, maternal infection, hyperthermia, exposure to ionizing radiation and the effects of stress. The mechanism of the increased risk of defects in maternal obesity may be unknown diabetes with hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinismem, hyperestronismus a lack of folic acid, which is needed in obese women increased. Studies on the influence of maternal smoking on the formation of clefts are not consistent in their results. Alcohol consumption has been repeatedly shown to be a risk while no correlation was found to dose. Increased incidence is evident under fetal alcohol syndrome. The quality of maternal...
Disordes of speech formation in patients with clefts
Haas, Michal ; Dušková, Markéta (advisor)
The reason for choosing the topic for my thesis is the application of the individual opportunities for communication and exchange of information. Therefore, care about communication disorders one of the priorities of medicine of the 21st century. Also in patients with cleft lip and palate in currently evaluating treatment success based on the quality and extent of speech removing marks from defects in appearance. Cleft lip and palate is one of the most common birth defects (in the Czech Republic on 1 500 births). Their treatment in the Czech Republic has a long tradition associated with the name of academician Frantisek Burian, who many original procedures enriched operational methodology injuries and malformations of the face, especially clefts. In addition to affecting speech has morphological character defect negative functional effects on swallowing, breathing and chewing. Aesthetically it is a facial disability Triangle, which most affects the overall appearance of the face. Full rehabilitation of these patients require multidisciplinary treatment, which starts immediately after birth and continues into adulthood. The complex treatment gradually, depending on the postnatal development, health and growth of the victim, participate in specialized team, which is based plastic surgeon, dentist...

National Repository of Grey Literature : 21 records found   previous11 - 20next  jump to record:
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