Archeologický ústav, Praha

Archeologický ústav, Praha Nalezeno 255 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí21 - 30dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Geofyzikální průzkum v areálu zaniklé středověké sklářské huti na k. ú. Rozhled, okr. Děčín
Křivánek, Roman
Článek (jako apendix k archeologickému článku o lokalitě) shrnuje výsledky geofyzikálního průzkumu v areálu zaniklé středověké sklářské huti na k. ú. Rozhled, okr. Děčín.
Geofyzikální průzkum v areálu zaniklé středověké sklářské huti na k. ú. Nové Město, okr. Teplice
Křivánek, Roman
Článek (jako apendix k archeologickému článku o lokalitě) shrnuje výsledky geofyzikálního průzkumu v areálu zaniklé středověké sklářské huti na k. ú. Nové Město, okr. Teplice.
Geografické horizonty Kosmovy Kroniky Čechů
Hasil, Jan
Článek prezentuje pokus o strukturální (historicko-geografickou) analýzu nejstarší české kroniky, Kosmovy Kroniky Čechů. Na základě prostorové analýzy byly rozpoznány čtyři geografické horizonty textu: mytický, legendární, historický a autooptický.
Workforce allocation in self-sufficient economy in Late Iron Age
Olševičová, K. ; Danielisová, Alžběta
We present an abstract model of workforce allocation of the Late Iron Age self-sufficient settlement. The model enables experimenting with parameters (the ratio of strong and weak workforce, the impact of bad weather, the ratio of targeted overproduction) during the harvest season with the aim to explore the agricultural bottlenecks (short periods per year when increased labour input is needed). Results of three experiments are presented. The model is extendable and is designed to be applied in archaeological research of socio-economic collapses.
Europa Postmediaevalis 2018. Post-medieval pottery between (its) borders. 16-19 April 2018
Matějková, K. ; Blažková, Gabriela
There are many ways how to deal with ceramic finds from archaeological research. The ceramic is introduced to cross borders and work on a multinational platform. There were 13 countries presented.
Počítačová podpora v archeologii 17/2018. Kouty, 28.-30. 5. 2018. Sborník abstraktů
Novák, David
The bilingual proceedings summarise the contributions presented at the international conference Computer Applications in Archaeology 2018, in the form of extended abstracts. The main topic of the conference was “big data” in archaeology, among others the collection of archaeological data using modern methods, archaeological remote sensing and 3D modeling and visualization in archaeology. The key-note lecture was given by a foreign expert (Christopher Green, University of Oxford). The conference included a workshop by L. Šmejda focused on working with Google Earth Engine.
An interpretation of the 'bombastic' Cham culture spindle whorls by an archaeological experiment
Chylíková, Judita
One group of artefacts characteristic of Cham culture are the so-called bombastic whorls. These spindle whorls each weigh about 100 g in biconical, bell-shaped or cylindrical forms. Their specific function has been discussed by Czech archaeologists and their connection to textile production questioned. The assumption that Cham culture was based on a pastoral economy led the 'bombastic' whorls to be traditionally associated with wool processing. This myth survived in Czech archaeological literature, even though agricultural production has long since been shown to be relevant to Cham culture and any connection between the 'bombastic' whorls and wool has no justification in terms of textile manufacturing. The aim of the experiments reported here was to disprove the relationship between 'bombastic' whorls and sheep's wool, and on the contrary, to demonstrate their suitability for the processing of vegetal fibres. For the purposes of the experiment, two sets of spindle whorls were documented: Cham culture whorls from the hill-top settlement of Velká skála and those of the Řivnáč culture from the hillfort Denemark. Řivnáč culture existed at the same time as Cham culture in the adjacent regions. Small spindle whorls, usually conical in shape, are typical for this culture. However, the Cham and Řivnáč whorls do not constitute two completely separate categories in terms of size, weight and shape. A representative sample of ten specimens was selected from the documented whorls and their duplicates were made. Five spinners spun wool, flax and linden bast. Besides the interpretation of the 'bombastic' spindle whorls, the aim of the experiment was to provide a better understanding of the relationship between the processed raw material, the spindle whorl used, and the quality of spun threads.
Non-invasive material and traceological research of the stone head from Celtic settlement Závist near Prague
Cihla, M. ; Trefný, M. ; Drda, Petr ; Hradil, David ; Hradilová, J.
The sandstone head sculpture from the hillfort of Závist in the southern periphery of Prague has been subjected to a non-invasive survey by mechanoscopic and analytical approaches. A 3D model of a sculpture has been created using laser scanning and photogrammetry. A reconstruction of stonemason's working tools was derived from longitudinal and transversal sections of the traces on the head's surface. Further screening of the surface by handheld X-ray fluorescence identified increased contents of lead and tin suggesting a former intentional coloring of the sculpture's surface. Traces of gold could indicate that the surface was gilded. It was confirmed that the sculpture was originally not a part of a human figure, but was intended to represent only a self-standing head. The way of making as well as the nature of the original surface treatment has excluded the possibility that the stone head from Závist was a modern replica.
Archaeological textiles - links between past and present. NESAT XIII
Bravermanová, M. ; Březinová, Helena ; Malcolm-Davies, J.
Proceedings from the international conference NESAT XIII (North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles).
Archaeological textile research in the Czech Republic
Bravermanová, M. ; Březinová, Helena
The paper is a synoptical summary of scientific research focused on research of archaeological textiles in the Czech Republic. It maps the development of this discipline from the 19th century to present, lists the most important experts involved in the research of the historical development of textile production and its archaeological evidence.

Archeologický ústav, Praha : Nalezeno 255 záznamů.   začátekpředchozí21 - 30dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam:
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