National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Elderly people on the labour market: Why work in post-productive age? Why not
Jandová, Pavlína ; Kotrusová, Miriam (advisor) ; Čabanová, Bohumila (referee)
In connection with adverse demographic characteristics of western societies and with growing expenses of states, linked with sufficient economic security of the oldest individuals in the post-productive age, the age limit of leaving into the old age pension in Czech Republic is being permanently prolonged in as well. Is the labour market able to adapt on the new situation and to accept the increasing proportion of elderly people amongst employees? And are the Czech senior citizens willing to take part in economical activities? This bachelor's work is focused on finding the elderly people's motivation to remain on the labour market and on studying the obstacles which they encounter. The resultant findings are mainly based on the performed research survey on the targeted population, which was carried out with the method of qualitative interviews. These findings are supplemented and supported with previously realised researches. The identified motivational factors of elderly people to work can be divided into three groups: influence of the state and its policies, influence of lifestyle socio-demographic characteristics, which affect the lifestyle and the influence of individual dispositions. All the factors are described further and their positive or negative impact on the economic activity of elderly...
Employment of the elderly
Junová, Lia ; Morávek, Jakub (advisor) ; Štefko, Martin (referee)
1 Employment of the elderly This paper focuses on employment of older people. The issue is tackled in the light of the international documents of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. In the following sections the paper analyses French and Czech policies and compares their approach. There are major differences between these two countries in terms of social systems as well as lifestyle of the population. However, France deals with ageing of its population longer than the Czech Republic, therefore its approach may offer an inspiration. The employee representatives traditionally play an important role in France. They also influence the state policy on employment of older people on the basis of the tripartite agreements from 2005 and 2013 respectively. Several action plans on ageing were issued in the Czech Republic. However, there seems to be a lack of political will to introduce proper legislation. The programmes reflect the international documents and recommendations but they are just declarations. On the other hand, the ideas of French agreements are really put in practise. Nevertheless, the French approach cannot be considered a coherent policy of employment of older people. It is rather a set of measures which originated from concessions of the subjects on the labour market The...
Elderly people on the labour market: Why work in post-productive age? Why not
Jandová, Pavlína ; Kotrusová, Miriam (advisor) ; Čabanová, Bohumila (referee)
In connection with adverse demographic characteristics of western societies and with growing expenses of states, linked with sufficient economic security of the oldest individuals in the post-productive age, the age limit of leaving into the old age pension in Czech Republic is being permanently prolonged in as well. Is the labour market able to adapt on the new situation and to accept the increasing proportion of elderly people amongst employees? And are the Czech senior citizens willing to take part in economical activities? This bachelor's work is focused on finding the elderly people's motivation to remain on the labour market and on studying the obstacles which they encounter. The resultant findings are mainly based on the performed research survey on the targeted population, which was carried out with the method of qualitative interviews. These findings are supplemented and supported with previously realised researches. The identified motivational factors of elderly people to work can be divided into three groups: influence of the state and its policies, influence of lifestyle socio-demographic characteristics, which affect the lifestyle and the influence of individual dispositions. All the factors are described further and their positive or negative impact on the economic activity of elderly...
Ageing and employment policy in the Czech Republic in the years 2000 - 2012
Šubrtová, Tereza ; Krebs, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Kotýnková, Magdalena (referee)
This thesis deals with the employment of older persons in the labor market in the Czech Republic. The aging of the population is currently becoming a major demographic feature in most developed countries, including the Czech Republic, which is causing social and economic problems. Employment of older persons is becoming more important. The aim of the study is to evaluate the development of the employment of older people in the Czech Republic in the years 2000 - 2012 and to propose measures that would contribute to its increase. In the theoretical part of the thesis are discussed factors that affect the employment of older persons. These include demographic changes, age discrimination, setting of the retirement system or measures of the European Union. Practical part of thesis is primarily engaged in employment of older persons in the Czech Republic and there are presented advantages and disadvantages of older workers and the proposals of individual actions that could contribute to increase the employment rate of older people.
Employability of the elderly between 2007- 2014 in the Czech Republic with an emphasis on the analysis of the efectivenes of ESF projects in the Zlín region
Lišoková, Nikol ; Klepek, Cyril (advisor) ; Prudká, Šárka (referee)
The paper focuses on the labour market of older people in the Czech Republic between 2007 and 2014. Population aging is becoming a trend in almost all European countries, while there is a gradual increase in the age for retirement, therefore it is important to improve the employment of older people. The theoretical part of the thesis presents information about the labour market of older people followed by the tools suitable for reducing unemployment. In the empirical part, the emphasis was to determine the effectiveness of ESF projects aiming to reduce unemployment of older people. Based on the analysis of primary data and on the questionnaire survey, 77% of people employed in subsidized jobs lost their job after the subsidy period. For this reason, projects are evaluated as inefficient.
The issue of pedagogical and psychological aspects of education for people aged 50 +
This bachelor thesis deals with the problems of pedagogical and psychological aspects in education of people aged over 50. The objective of the thesis is (on the basis of my personal experience and practice) to evaluate adequacy of didactic processes in chosen educational program for people over 50. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on pedagogical and psychological characteristics of the people aged over 50 in the relationship with the chosen eductaional program. The practical part deals with analysis of the opinions of the subjects that participated in the chosen educational program. In the frame of evaluation there are mentioned the ratio between expectations and needs of the target group and also the own evaluation of the education by the subjects. The result is appraising the chosen educational program from the point of view of pedagogy and also formulation of proposals for adaptation of objectives, content and methods as well as forms and resources needed and important in education of these persons.
The analysis of unemployment of inhabitants in older working age in the Czech Republic
Petrusová, Alena ; Vostrovská, Zdenka (advisor) ; Kotýnková, Magdalena (referee)
The thesis deals with unemployment of elderly people in the Czech Republic and tries to find out reasons of their increasing unemployment in comparison with younger inhabitants. Therefore it describes the effectiveness of labour market and the unemployment questions in the theoretical part. The thesis then analyzes the development of employment and unemployment of elderly in the last years and based on this it detects that the employment of elderly is increasing due to restrictions of escape to inactivity though, but their unemployment is increasing too. This work finds out that older people are disadvantaged on the labour market and describes arguments leading to incuriousness for elderly on the part of firms. The prediction of future development of their unemployment says that chances to success on the labour market may rise up for elderly. In conclusion there are presented government measures to support status of elderly on the labour market in the Czech Republic and there are shown eventual solutions of their unemployment.

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