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Využití technologií smart farming pro zefektivnění hospodaření malých a středních zemědělských podniků
Kročil, Marek
The diploma thesis deals with smart farming technologies used in small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises. The theoretical part is focused on the description of currently commonly used methods to assess the heterogeneity of land and the condition of stands in the form of remote sensing. It also deals with partial technologies, tools and methods. The practical part deals with a field trial in the locality of Rašovice (Slavkov u Brna), which includes mapping of land imbalance and variable fertilization of the area. The experiment took place in 2020-2021 on two fields per year. The beginning of this part deals with the characteristics of the family business and its soil and climatic conditions. It then displays the results of processed GIS software, which are based on a comparison of variable and uniform application of nitrogen fertilizers and harvest data. In this thesis, an increased consumption of applied nitrogen was found in the variant of variable application. At the end of this part, the individual elements of smart farming are compared.
SmartHome pomocí platformy RedNode
Loos, Filip
The basis of the Bachelor thesis is the design of the SmartHome implementation for a onegeneration house. The aim is to achieve the most optimal solution, including sustainability and price calculation. The NodeRed platform is used to solve the work and to simulate it. Real hardware was used to obtain information and data. The thesis briefly describes the principle of the Internet of Things, SmartHome, NodeRed and Raspberry Pi with GrovePi.
Vývoj pro platformu Windows Phone 8
Ukropec, Jakub
The thesis deals with an issue of the general development of applications intended for Windows Phone 8 platform. Problems of the development of a mobile GIS application are discussed in details in this bachelor thesis as well. The description of the platform's history and available development tools is given in the first part of this thesis. The second part is focused on the design and implementation of several sample applications. Achieved results are shown using the emulator and the real device as well.
Využití Windows IoT Core pro automatizaci procesů
Janečka, Martin
This bachelor thesis is about Internet of Things and its usage. Specifically, it focuses on Win-dows 10 IoT Core and Raspberry Pi 3B. A demonstration of usage and development on Windows 10 IoT Core with Raspberry Pi 3B and available sensors is included as a part of this thesis.
Vyhodnocení variabilní aplikace dusíkatých hnojiv v precizním zemědělství
Špunar, Michael
The master thesis concerns with comparison of fertilization technologies of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) by nitrogen chemical fertilizers and their influence on winter wheat yields. The whole thesis is based on four-year field trial in ZD Kojčice conditions. The trial was realised in years 2017-2020. Within 4 years, there were 6 fields tested. For every single field, there was a fertilization design established, which combined variable and uniform rates of nitrogen fertilizer. The field and canopy heterogeneity were identified via satellite remote sensing methods and there were generated the yield potential zones for every single field. The research part of the thesis represents the issue of precision/smart farming and introduces the different approaches of canopy heterogeneity identification. The second part of the thesis is regarded to statistical evaluation of the field trial yield results. There are statistically evaluated results of the trial, which proved significant influence of the uniform (UNI) fertilization rates on the final yields by three out of six tested fields.
Návrh a konštrukcia priemyslného dopravného pásu
Tonhajzer, Tomáš
Tonhajzer, T. Design and construction of industrial conveyor. Bachelor thesis. Brno, 2015. This bachelor thesis deals with design, construction of the industrial conveyor and creation of software libraries for controlling. The theoretical part is focused on the analysis of the possible design concepts and its engine types. This section further describes the controller Arduino, methods for controlling of motion and principles for sensors functioning. The practical part describes the construction of the conveyor as well as the electronic and the software part. The proposed software libraries are used for controlling the conveyor by using the PC application. The conveyor is integrated into the protective cage of the robotic arm KATANA, where is used to transport detecting objects.
Design of an electrochemical sensor for ethanol measurement
Božek, Jakub ; Skácel, Josef (referee) ; Otáhal, Alexandr (advisor)
Sensors, Electrochemical sensors, Thick film technology, Voltammetry, Thick-film sensors
Robotic Manipulator Exploiting RC Components and Servos
Liška, Jakub ; Nosko, Svetozár (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
Cieľom tejto diplomovej práce bolo vytvorenie vlatného robotického manipulátoru, s pou-\\žitím RC(diaľkovo ovládaných) komponentov a servomotorov. V rámci riešenia bolo potre-\\bné robotický manipulátor vybaviť senzorikou, ktorá umožnuje detekciu kolízii s okolím a zabezpečuje tak bezpečnosť obsluhy v pracovnom priestore manipulátoru. Robotický manipilátor je taktiež vybavený absolútnimi enkódermi pre snímanie polohy jednotlivých kĺbov, akcelerometrom a senzormi pre meranie záťaží pôsobiacich na jednotlivé kĺby. O pohyb ramena sa starajú štandardné krokové motory. Samotné telo robotického manipulátoru bolo navrhnuté s ohľadom na jednotlivé komponenty a je možné ho vyrobiť pomocou 3D tlače. Súčastou riešenia je aj užívateľské rozhranie, pomocou ktorého je možné robotické rameno ovládať.
Extensible Rust Library for the Development of Embedded Sensor Applications on ESP32 Platform
Mikhailov, Kirill ; Tinka, Jan (referee) ; Šimek, Václav (advisor)
Tato práce představuje rozšiřitelnou knihovnu jazyka Rust určenou pro vestavěné senzorové aplikace na platformě ESP32, která řeší potřebu zjednodušeného vývoje reálných vestavěných systémů v prostředí jazyka Rust na této platformě. Významným přínosem této práce je vývoj uživatelsky přívětivého rozhraní pro správu senzorů. Toto rozhraní umožňuje jednoduchou instalaci, aktivaci a monitorování senzorů, což vyhovuje aplikacím, jako jsou inteligentní domy a automatizace, aniž by vyžadovalo hluboké technické znalosti periferií. Architektura knihovny je pečlivě navržena s ohledem na modularitu a rozšiřitelnost a dodržuje zásady bezpečnosti a efektivity Rustu. Projekt je doprovázen rozsáhlou dokumentací a je zveřejněn na platformě GitHub pod open-source licencí Apache, doplněn unit-testy a příklady použití. V závěru práce je zhodnocena funkčnost knihovny a její případná budoucí vylepšení, která ukazují její praktičnost pro vývojáře vestavných systémů.
Detection of pilot body conditions by biometric sensors
Jakubec, Jakub ; Cigánek, Jan (referee) ; Chlebek, Jiří (advisor)
This master 's thesis deals with the detection of the state of the pilot using biometric sensors. The theoretical part describes various physiological states and types of sensors used for monitoring. Studies dealing with sleep detectioin and ways to detect drowsiness and sleep are presented here. The practical section focuses on gathering data from the actual aircraft environment and analyzing it. The results of the practical part show that the technology used has great potential and pilots are open to this technology. This technology would significantly improve flight safety.

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