National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
KT/HAK/KUP High-affinity Transporters in Plants
Šustr, Marek ; Tylová, Edita (advisor) ; Vaňková, Radomíra (referee) ; Gloser, Vít (referee)
Due to its essential role in plant metabolism and often low availability in the soil, sufficient potassium uptake and management are among the challenges plants face to survive in different environments. Since all potassium functions are related to the transport of the monovalent cation K+ , research focuses on the transporters responsible for K+ uptake and allocation. In addition to playing an essential role in potassium nutrition, K+ transporters also mediate the uptake of pollutants such as Cs. Radioisotopes 134 Cs and 137 Cs released from nuclear bomb tests and nuclear power plant accidents remain in the environment and their accumulation in plants is being studied to reveal the risks of crop production in contaminated soils as well as the possibility of remediating contaminated soil through plants. Ion transport also seems to be a major driver of plant adaptation to unfavourable environments. Several ion transporters appear to be involved in the adaptation of Arabidopsis arenosa populations to serpentine soils, including the potassium transporter AaKUP9. This thesis summarises my effort to characterise two transporters from KT/HAK/KUP family, AtKUP7 and AtKUP9, in Arabidopsis thaliana, and related projects. For AtKUP9, I have significantly expanded the knowledge of its involvement in...
Morfologické změny a změny v produkci biomasy u krytokořenných semenáčků buku lesního (Fagus sylvatica L.) po výsevu naklíčených bukvic
Skuhrová, Eliška
The diploma thesis deals with the influence of different conditions and sprouts damage during sowing of germinated beechnuts on emergence, biomass production and morphological parameters of containerized planting stock of European beech. According to the condition of the sprouts, the beech seedlings were sorted into six variants (small white sprout, large brown sprout, broken sprout, two sprouts, abnormal germination) and then sown to container. To determine the impact of germinated beechnuts, they were gradually sown into the container after different length of storage in the cooler at an average temperature of +0.7 °C. According to the results, it follows that the seedlings grown from beechnuts with an undamaged small white sprout had a significantly higher emergence rate than the seedlings that were grown from beechnuts that were sown ungerminating or whose sprouts were damaged during sowing. The type and length of the beech sprout has also an effect on the morphological parameters, especially on the shape of root collar of the seedlings. No disturbance of the architecture of the root system (root collar) was recorded in the seedlings that emerged from unsprouted beechnuts or the beechnuts with broken sprouts. On the contrary, significant deformations of the root system were recorded in the case of seedlings grown from sprouted beechnuts with small white sprout, large brown sprout or two sprouts. It can therefore be stated as a rule that the smaller sprout the beechnuts will have at sowing, the smaller the risk of deformation of the root system (root collar). Furthermore, it was found that the storage of beechnuts in a cooler does not have a negative effect on the subsequent germinations of the plants. A significant effect of the storage time of beechnuts on the morphological parameters of the seedlings was not recorded. However, it follows from the research that the sowing of beechnut should be carried out in time, so that the plants create the most optimal parameters in the growing season. Thanks to these procedures, it will fulfil the conditions of standardized planting material given by the standard ČSN 48 2115 (2012).
Function of the Tetratrico-peptide Thioredoxin-Like (TTL) gene family in root system development
Xin, Pengfei ; Soukup, Aleš (advisor) ; Vaňková, Radomíra (referee) ; Ovečka, Miroslav (referee)
The root system performs fundamental plant functions such as uptake of nutrients and water, anchoring in the substrate, and interacting with the rhizosphere abiotic and biotic interactions, playing an important role in meeting the food security needs of today's world. Lateral roots (LR) are essential components of the plant root system. We have identified the TETRATRICOPEPTIDE-REPEAT THIOREDOXIN- LIKE 3 (TTL3) gene as being related to LR emergence and later development. Loss-of-function of TTL3 results in a reduced number of emerging LRs due to delayed development of lateral root primordia (LRP). In the Arabidopsis TTL gene family, except for TTL2 which was specifically involved in male gametophyte development, the expressions of the other three TTLs (TTL1, TTL3 and TTL4) were all related to root growth and development. The temporal and spatial distribution of TTL3 expression was consistent with its role in LR growth preceding and following LRP emergence. In the subcellular localization of TTL1, TTL2 and TTL3, all were shown to be associated with microtubules during the transient transformation of tobacco leaves, and TTL3 was confirmed to interact with microtubules. TTL3 was also associated with the endomembrane system and was known to be interacting with the brassinosteroid (BR) signaling pathway....
The role of gene AHL20 in initiation and development of lateral roots.
Svobodová, Barbora ; Soukup, Aleš (advisor) ; Růžička, Kamil (referee)
Members of the AHL (AT-hook motif nuclear-localized) gene family have been found in all sequenced plant land species, hence a link between divergence of AHL genes and colonization of terrestrial environments by plants is assumed. One of the adaptations of plants to the terrestrial environment was the development of a root system. Currently there is only a few information about the possible function of AHL genes in root system establishment and development. A typical characteristic of AHL genes is the presence of an AT-hook motif and a highly conserved PPC domain. Many studies have confirmed the involvement of AHL genes in a wide range of plant processes. They are potentially strong regulators of transcription at different levels. They function as transcription factors, interact with other transcription factors through the PPC domain, and are capable of chromatin remodeling through histone modifications. We selected candidate genes based on publicly available transcriptomic data: AHL18, AHL19, AHL20, AHL21, AHL22, AHL23, AHL27, and AHL28 with predicted function in root formation and development. The first aim of this thesis was to investigate possible involvement of AHL genes in lateral root development. For AHL19, AHL20, AHL21, AHL23, AHL27, and AHL28, we examined transcription rates at the root...
Hodnocení produkční schopnosti jitrocele kopinatého pro pícní využití
Valigurová, Jana
Dycotyledonous herbs for forage use are more often being used in agriculture. This diploma thesis focuses on one of the variants, namely ribwort plantain, which is considered a high-quality fodder and whose main feature is the ability to withstand abiotic stresses and provide high forage production even in the dry season. With the increasing frequency of drier periods, ribwort plantain has got great potential to become a more grown crop. Therefore were cultivated varieties of ribwort plantain, which provide higher yields and are more resistant to adverse climatic conditions than common flatweed type. The practical part of this work is divided into two parts. The first part of the experiment was grown in sand rolls, where the production of rootstock biomass of ribwort plantain (cv. Tonic) was compared with four other species: chicory (cv. Puna II), red clover (cv. Callisto), festuca arundinacea (cv. Kora) and alfalfa (cv. Zuzana). This experiment was set up in September 2019 and the total lenght of vegetation was 69 days, the experiment was fertilized twice during the vegetation. Leaves heights of all species were written down during the vegetation. After the end of the vegetation there was evaluated total lenght of the roots, the maximum depth of the roots and the length of the roots based on their thickness. These parameters were evaluated via WinRHIZO program. The maximum of root depth (18,2 cm) and root length in total (2 032 cm) were demonstrated for Tonic plantain. The second part of the experiment focused on the evaluation of the production capacity and the production of the root biomass of ribwort plantain took place on experimental plots at the Forage station in Vatín. This experiment was set up in June 2019 in three variants, where three following species where sown: ribwort plantain (cv. Libor), chicory and a mixture of plantain, chicory, cocksfoot, perennial ryegrass, meadow fescue, Kentucky blue grass, timothy, white clover, birdsfoot trefoil. A statistically significant difference was found only in the dry matter yield and the dry matter content, where lower values were written down for plantain Libor than for the grass mixture (dry matter yield lower by 0,45 t.ha-1, dry matter content in the first mowing lower by 5,06 %, in the second mowing lower by 2,22 %). There was also evaluated the content of crude protein (15,87 %) and fibre (ADF 22,58 % and NDF 26,77 %). In the spring 2020 was evaluated the production of root biomass like in the first part of the experiment using the WinRHIZO program. In plantain Libor there was found higher density of rooting in the upper layer of the soil (10,2 than in chicory (3,1
The role of adhesion of the plasma membrane to the cell wall in the development and function of the root system
Králíková, Dagmar ; Tylová, Edita (advisor) ; Schwarzerová, Kateřina (referee)
Adhesion between the plasma membrane and the cell wall and the existence of the continuum of these two compartments is needed for signal transmission, e.g. under pathogen attack, during cell expansion and cell wall growth, or in response to environmental conditions. This adhesion is, in addition to the turgor, provided by physical connection of both compartments. One of the best-known examples of physical connection is found in the root system, in the Caspary strip region, where it is required to maintain apoplastic barriers of the root system, even under adverse conditions and consequent plasmolysis. There is little information about the physical interconnection and the participating macromolecules but there are candidates, which could participate in this interaction. The diploma thesis deals with arabinogalactan (AGP) proteins with fasciclin-like domain (namely FLA9 and FLA2). These proteins may play a role in the adhesion of plasma membrane and cell wall and may be involved in the growth regulation and development of the root system. Both genes are are relatively strongly expressed in the roots, especially in the elongation zone and in the cortex, including the endodermis (according to chip data). Also, to a smaller extent, the thesis deals with integrin-like At14A protein. The most interesting...
Reaction of plants to the presence of ammonium ion in the environment
Čabelková, Barbora ; Tylová, Edita (advisor) ; Ponert, Jan (referee)
NH4 + is one of the major inorganic forms of nitrogen taken up by plant roots from the soil. The response of plants to NH4 + depends on a number of factors - especially its concentration in the rhizosphere or the availability of other ions such as K+ or NO3 - . In the case of a low nitrogen availability in the rhizosphere, NH4 + positively affects the growth of the root system. In the NH4 + -rich area of rhizosphere, local stimulation of lateral root branching may occur to enhance effective acquisition of the present nitrogen source. A sensor that perceives NH4 + and induces this response of root system response is the high affinity ammonium transporter AMT1;3. With excess NH4 + , the growth of the whole plant is inhibited and this phenomenon is called ammonium toxicity syndrome. This syndrome is the result of the interaction of NH4 + with various processes in the plant and induced K+ deficiency is one of the most important signs of this syndrome. NH4 + and K+ directly interfere with each other during uptake. NH4 + enters the plant through K+ channels and also inhibits the expression of the high affinity K+ transporters, thereby significantly reduces its uptake. NH4 + and K+ interference is one of the main topics that this bachelor thesis focuses on. It also summarizes mechanisms of uptake and...
Genotype and locality effect on growth and development of the root system of winter oilseed rape
Bláha, L. ; Vyvadilová, M. ; Janáček, Jiří
The basic aim of presented work was analysis of root development of different oilseed rape cultivars at two localities. Obtained results show large influence of localities on the root development. The genotypes with good germination under unfavourable conditions (lack of water, drought, high temperature) develop stronger root system i.e. volume and length of the roots after sowing and during following vegetation period at studying localities
Norway spruce ectomycorrhizal system from natural regeneration in different microhabitats
Lepšová, Anna
Ectomycorrhizal root system of 5 year old Norway spruce seedlings from natural regeneration is described. The effect of microsites within the mountain Norway spruce forest stand on the root lenght, biomas and ectomycorrhizal morphotypes is evaluated.

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