National Repository of Grey Literature 12 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Reliable visual systems
Honec, Peter ; Janáková, Ilona (advisor)
The Doctoral thesis demonstrates the design of reliable industrial visual systems. The special emphasis is dedicated to the detection of defects on webs in industrial applications based on line-scan cameras. This system makes possible detection and classification of defects originating during the real production conditions. This work covers a theoretical study of a visual system for the defect detection on endless bands as well as of appropriate lighting and the scene arrangement. Further to that have been selected, adjusted and designed key components of hardware. Following the design and optimization of algorithms a system prototype had been installed on non-woven textiles production line. Eight visual systems implemented into real-life industrial conditions based on this prototype
Implementation and Application of Statistical Methods in Research, Manufacturing Technology and Quality Control
Kupka, Karel ; Karpíšek, Zdeněk (advisor)
This thesis deals with modern statistical approaches and their application aimed at robust methods and neural network modelling. Selected methods are analyzed and applied on frequent practical problems in czech industry and technology. Topics and methods are to be benificial in real applications compared to currently used classical methods. Applicability and effectivity of the algorithms is verified and demonstrated on real studies and problems in czech industrial and research bodies. The great and unexploited potential of modern theoretical and computational capacity and the potential of new approaces to statistical modelling and methods. A significant result of this thesis is also an environment for software application development for data analysis with own programming language DARWin (Data Analysis Robot for Windows) for implemenation of effective numerical algorithms for extaction information from data. The thesis should be an incentive for boarder use of robust and computationally intensive methods as neural networks for modelling processes, quality control and generally better understanding of nature.
Robust feature curve detection in 3D surface models
Hmíra, Peter ; Dupej, Ján (advisor) ; Pelikán, Josef (referee)
Most current algorithms typically lack in robustness to noise or do not handle T-shaped curve joining properly. There is a challenge to not only detect features in the noisy 3D-data obtained from the digital scanners. Moreover, most of the algorithms even when they are robust to noise, they lose the feature information near the T-shaped junctions as the triplet of lines ``confuses'' the algorithm so it treats it as a plane. Powered by TCPDF (
Robust methods in portfolio theory
Petrušová, Lucia ; Branda, Martin (advisor) ; Večeř, Jan (referee)
01 Abstract: This thesis is concerned with the robust methods in portfolio theory. Different risk measures used in portfolio management are introduced and the corresponding robust portfolio optimization problems are formulated. The analytical solutions of the robust portfolio optimization problem with the lower partial moments (LPM), value-at-risk (VaR) or conditional value-at-risk (CVaR), as a risk measure, are presented. The application of the worst-case conditional value-at-risk (WCVaR) to robust portfolio management is proposed. This thesis considers WCVaR in the situation where only partial information on the underlying probability distribution is available. The minimization of WCVaR under mixture distribution uncertainty, box uncertainty, and ellipsoidal uncertainty are investigated. Several numerical examples based on real market data are presented to illustrate the proposed approaches and advantage of the robust formulation over the corresponding nominal approach.
Robust feature curve detection in 3D surface models
Hmíra, Peter
Most current algorithms typically lack in robustness to noise or do not handle T-shaped curve joining properly. There is a challenge to not only detect features in the noisy 3D-data obtained from the digital scanners. Moreover, most of the algorithms even when they are robust to noise, they lose the feature information near the T-shaped junctions as the triplet of lines ``confuses'' the algorithm so it treats it as a plane. Powered by TCPDF (
Robust regression - outlier detection
Hradilová, Lenka ; Blatná, Dagmar (advisor) ; Černý, Jindřich (referee)
This master thesis is focused on methods of outlier detection. The aim of this work is to assess the suitability of using robust methods on real data of EKO-KOM, a.s. The first part of the thesis provides an overview and a theoretical treatise on classic and robust methods of outlier detection. These methods are subsequently applied to the obtained data file of EKO-KOM, a.s. in the practical part of the thesis. At the conclusion of the thesis, there are recommendations about suitability of methods, which are based on comparison of classical and robust methods.
Robust methods in portfolio theory
Petrušová, Lucia ; Branda, Martin (advisor) ; Večeř, Jan (referee)
01 Abstract: This thesis is concerned with the robust methods in portfolio theory. Different risk measures used in portfolio management are introduced and the corresponding robust portfolio optimization problems are formulated. The analytical solutions of the robust portfolio optimization problem with the lower partial moments (LPM), value-at-risk (VaR) or conditional value-at-risk (CVaR), as a risk measure, are presented. The application of the worst-case conditional value-at-risk (WCVaR) to robust portfolio management is proposed. This thesis considers WCVaR in the situation where only partial information on the underlying probability distribution is available. The minimization of WCVaR under mixture distribution uncertainty, box uncertainty, and ellipsoidal uncertainty are investigated. Several numerical examples based on real market data are presented to illustrate the proposed approaches and advantage of the robust formulation over the corresponding nominal approach.
Robust feature curve detection in 3D surface models
Hmíra, Peter
Most current algorithms typically lack in robustness to noise or do not handle T-shaped curve joining properly. There is a challenge to not only detect features in the noisy 3D-data obtained from the digital scanners. Moreover, most of the algorithms even when they are robust to noise, they lose the feature information near the T-shaped junctions as the triplet of lines ``confuses'' the algorithm so it treats it as a plane. Powered by TCPDF (
Robust feature curve detection in 3D surface models
Hmíra, Peter ; Dupej, Ján (advisor) ; Pelikán, Josef (referee)
Most current algorithms typically lack in robustness to noise or do not handle T-shaped curve joining properly. There is a challenge to not only detect features in the noisy 3D-data obtained from the digital scanners. Moreover, most of the algorithms even when they are robust to noise, they lose the feature information near the T-shaped junctions as the triplet of lines ``confuses'' the algorithm so it treats it as a plane. Powered by TCPDF (
Implementation and Application of Statistical Methods in Research, Manufacturing Technology and Quality Control
Kupka, Karel ; Karpíšek, Zdeněk (advisor)
This thesis deals with modern statistical approaches and their application aimed at robust methods and neural network modelling. Selected methods are analyzed and applied on frequent practical problems in czech industry and technology. Topics and methods are to be benificial in real applications compared to currently used classical methods. Applicability and effectivity of the algorithms is verified and demonstrated on real studies and problems in czech industrial and research bodies. The great and unexploited potential of modern theoretical and computational capacity and the potential of new approaces to statistical modelling and methods. A significant result of this thesis is also an environment for software application development for data analysis with own programming language DARWin (Data Analysis Robot for Windows) for implemenation of effective numerical algorithms for extaction information from data. The thesis should be an incentive for boarder use of robust and computationally intensive methods as neural networks for modelling processes, quality control and generally better understanding of nature.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 12 records found   1 - 10next  jump to record:
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