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Architecture of Educational Premises
Černý, Jindřich ; Janošová, Pavlína (advisor) ; Váňová, Miroslava (referee)
The focal issue of this thesis is the area of educational space - the spatial disposition of schools. The paper deals with the topic in a broadest way possible and uses the term "classroom architecture" as a general description of all related issues and phenomenons. The paper is divided into two parts: a theoretical one and a practical one. The first chapter of the theoretical part describes the basic terminology, specifies the boundaries of related fields of study and introduces the history of education technology as a discipline of research. The second chapter is concerned with ergonomics in terms of education, educational instruments, organization of educational space and, based on these topics, analyses the relation between alternative education and the concepts of organizing the educational space. The third chapter observes the relation between the classroom climate and the classroom enviroment as related to progressive psychology of pupil's personality. Finally, the last chapter examines the essence and purpose of the action plan "School for 21st century" for equipping educational space with didactic technology. The practical part presents research concerned with the impacts of educational space environment on the classroom climate. Its progress and results are evaluated in the final chapters of the...
Robust regression - outlier detection
Hradilová, Lenka ; Blatná, Dagmar (advisor) ; Černý, Jindřich (referee)
This master thesis is focused on methods of outlier detection. The aim of this work is to assess the suitability of using robust methods on real data of EKO-KOM, a.s. The first part of the thesis provides an overview and a theoretical treatise on classic and robust methods of outlier detection. These methods are subsequently applied to the obtained data file of EKO-KOM, a.s. in the practical part of the thesis. At the conclusion of the thesis, there are recommendations about suitability of methods, which are based on comparison of classical and robust methods.
Effect of sewage sludge application on content of soil microbial biomass
Tichá, Alena ; Černý, Jindřich (advisor) ; Růžek, Lubomír (referee)
Microbial biomass plays a main role in transformations of elements. It participates in transformation biogenic elements and it is a sensitive indicator changes in soil. The conten of soil microbial biomas is not the same, during the year Application of fertilizers can improve soil properties. Sewage sludges aplication on soil can provide not only organic matter, but they can increase soil productivity an provide nutrients, which is important for plants. In this thesis was watched effect of long-term application of sewage sludge on soil microbial bimass of carbon and nitrogen. Changes microbial biomass of carbon and nitrogen was watched on two sites Suchdol and Červený Újezd. Changes was watched under different system of fertilization. The long-term fertilization was manure, sewage sludge, NPK and unfertilized control. The samples was collected during the April, May, June and July 2014 and 2015 in March , April and June. The content of microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen was estimated by fumigation-extraction method. On station Suchdol was in the year 2014 highest in April with sewage sludge treatment 237,52 mg C/kg. In the year 2015 was content soil microbial biomass carbon highest on manure treatment 338,90 mg C/kg. On station Červený Újezd was in the year 2014 highest content microbial biomass carbon on sewage sludge treatment 280,13 mg C/kg. The highest content microbial biomass nitrogen on Suchdol in the year 2014 was in the April with NPK treatment 23,19 mg N/kg. The maximum content of soil microbial biomass nitrogen in the year 2015 was with sewage sludge treatment 24,07 mg N/kg. On the stand Červený Újezd was highest content of soil microbial biomass nitrogen in the year 2014. It was on June with manure treatment 21,52 mg N/kg. One year later there was the highest with manure treatment 23,24 mg N/kg.
Architecture of Educational Premises
Černý, Jindřich ; Janošová, Pavlína (advisor) ; Váňová, Miroslava (referee)
The focal issue of this thesis is the area of educational space - the spatial disposition of schools. The paper deals with the topic in a broadest way possible and uses the term "classroom architecture" as a general description of all related issues and phenomenons. The paper is divided into two parts: a theoretical one and a practical one. The first chapter of the theoretical part describes the basic terminology, specifies the boundaries of related fields of study and introduces the history of education technology as a discipline of research. The second chapter is concerned with ergonomics in terms of education, educational instruments, organization of educational space and, based on these topics, analyses the relation between alternative education and the concepts of organizing the educational space. The third chapter observes the relation between the classroom climate and the classroom enviroment as related to progressive psychology of pupil's personality. Finally, the last chapter examines the essence and purpose of the action plan "School for 21st century" for equipping educational space with didactic technology. The practical part presents research concerned with the impacts of educational space environment on the classroom climate. Its progress and results are evaluated in the final chapters of the...
The effect of fertilization on yield and quality of malting spring barley
Mužík, Jiří ; Černý, Jindřich (advisor) ; Jiří, Jiří (referee)
Spring barley is the cereal with the shortest growing season and high demands on soil structure and quality of fertilization. The experimental part of the study was carried out on the long-term stationary experiments at two sites with different soil and climatic conditions - Červený Újezd and Prague Suchdol. Experiments were established in 1996 with a crop rotation in order - potato (corn), winter wheat and spring barley. Organic fertilizers are: sewage sludge, manure and straw. Mineral fertilizers were applied directly to the barley such as phosphates, potassium fertilizers were used in autumn in the course of plowing and nitrogen fertilizer during seedbed preparation of the soil. Used mineral fertilizers are: calcium amonium nitrate, triple superphosphate and potassium salt. Spring barley is the third crop after the application of organic fertilizers and therefore uses fertilizers in the third year. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of organic and mineral fertilization on yield parameters of spring barley and selected qualitative indicators. We evaluated the number of offsets, number of grains per ear, yield of grain, straw and N-substances in grain. The number of offsets and grains per ear had the greatest influence by fertilization mineral fertilizers. The highest number of offsets was found in variant NPK Červený Újezd in year 2013 (2,357 offsets/m2) and the largest number of grains in ear at the same station in year 2014 on variant Manure 1/2 + N (24.6 grains). Yield of grains was significantly influenced by both sites and variants of fertilization. It was different in year 2013, when the higher yields were found in the station Suchdol, however yields in years 2014 and 2015 were higher at the station Červený Újezd, especially in variants fertilized with mineral fertilizers. The highest grain yield was at the station Červený Újezd variants NPK and N + straw (9 t / ha) and at the station Suchdol was the highest grain yeild on NK variant (6.1 t / ha), both cases in year 2015. Straw yield was influenced by both fertilizes mineral and organic according to influence of individual years. The highest yield of straw was found at the station Červený Újezd variant N + straw (5.6 t / ha) in year 2015 and at the station Suchdol was the highest yield on the variant N (4.3 t / ha) in year 2014. The content of N-substances in grains of the spring barley was found to be low in all variants of fertilization in the analyzed years. Optimal values throughout the three-year experiment was achieved at the station Červený Újezd only in year 2015 on variant N (10.5%) and N + straw (10.6%) and at station Suchdol in year 2014 on variant N (10.3%) and NP (10.4%). It was found that a propitious effect on the yield and quality of spring malting barley has fertilization by mineral fertilizers such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Fertilization by organic fertilizer has a positive effect while used in lower quality soil and climatic conditions.
Influence of bioeffector RhizoVital on the soil phosphorus availability and P uptake by maize
Beneš, Zdeněk ; Kulhánek, Martin (advisor) ; Černý, Jindřich (referee)
Phosphorus is likely to become, in the near future, a critical element in plant nutrition. The main reasons are primarily limited resources of P for fertilizer production. Therefore, it is necessary to look for a long term solution. One option is to use P -containing waste, such as sewage sludge, digestate or ashes. Another option arises from the fact that approximately 90 % of P in soil is found in non-bioavailable forms. Therefore, mobilization of these forms could secure enough P for plat growth in the long term horizon. So-called bioeffectors are developed for this purpose; to promote the accessibility of nutrients for plants. It is evident, however, that the application of bioeffectors alone could lead to a gradual outflow of the most P from the soil. Therefore the most favourable appears application of bioeffectors in combination with various phosphatic fertilizers or wastes. Especially rock phosphates, ash and digestate contain significant amounts of non-bioavailable P-forms. That implies that the joint application of these fertilizers and bioeffectors should lead to more efficient utilization of P, and thus reduce the input of fertilizers into the soil. The aim was to verify influence of a combination of 3 bioeffectors (effective microorganisms: Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, strains FZB42 and FZB45, and the combination of FZB42 strain with Paenibacillus mucilaginosus strain JX - 1) in combination with rock phosphate, sewage sludge, torrefied sewage sludge, separated digestate, straw and wood ash on increase of aboveground biomass of maize and on the content and uptake of phosphorus and other selected nutrients. The evaluated alternatives of fertilization regardless of applied bioeffectors suggest that the greatest effect on the yield of above-ground biomass showed sewage sludge, wood ashes, and especially straw ashes. These fertilizers significantly increased the content and uptake of S as well. In other monitored parameters it was not possible to clearly identify the tendencies. The application of bioeffectors alone or in combination with the above mentioned materials did not bring the positive effect on the monitored parameters. On the contrary, the combination of Paenibacillus strains FZB42 mucilaginosus showed in many cases significantly negative impact.
The effect of soil agrochemical properties and fertilization on yield of winter rape in farming company
Klasová, Michaela ; Černý, Jindřich (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
Rational use of fertilizers in an agricultural farm can increase its economical stability. The analysis of data of the agrochemical soil properities in the vegetation of winter rape in a five year period showed if the fertilization system of Zemědělská společnost Chrášťany s.r.o. is set appropriately and where are the eventual reserves. The analysis rates between the yield of winter rape and the individual nutrients content in the soil (P, K, Mg, Ca) and pH were calculated with the use of the analysis of correlation and regression. The same method was used in the evaluation of pure nutrient dosage in the applied fertilizers. The order of importance of the nutrients for the yield was determined according to the value of the coefficient of the correlation between the yield of rape and the examined elements. The examined period was consisted of the years 2011, 2012, 2013 and the analysed area of winter rape reached averagely 190 ha in each year, which was divided into 10 soil blocks. The assumption that N fertilizing is going to have a greater influence on the growth of winter rape yield in soils with worse agrochemical soil properties, then on soils with greater nutrient reserve and a satisfactory soil reaction was confirmed. It is influenced by the fact of which nutrient is in minimal quantities in the soil. With the same N dosage the yield was better on soils with better agrochemical properties. The importance of usage of K fertilizers within years 2013-2015 is rising. The analysis pointed towards a strong influence of K on the yield especially in those three years. Greater influence of nutrients (P, K, Mg) from the soil reserve on the yield of winter rape was in years 2013 and 2014 with favourable weather than in other years. The recommendation of adjustment of the reserves of nutrients K, Mg and Ca in the soil according to the results of AZZP seems effective.
The effect of fertilization and locality on yield of spring barley
Koželuh, Josef ; Černý, Jindřich (advisor) ; Kovářík, Jakub (referee)
This Bachelor thesis is focused on evaluating the impact of fertilization of spring barley by organic and mineral fertilizers, and comparing their effects on yield and quality. The literature search sought to determine spring barley requirements for environmental factors, nutrition and fertilization, and to determine cultivation problems, such as lodging, pests and disease. As an experiment included in my thesis, I conducted the long-term field study on plant nutrition, being performed since autumn 1996 at the Department of Agro-environmental Chemistry. In this study, three crops rotate in the following order: potatoes, winter wheat, spring barely. In the area of Červený Újezd the corn is used instead of potatoes, due to the agrotechnical reasons. The study took place at five areas (Suchdol, Červený Újezd, Humpolec, Lukavec, Hněvčeves). These are areas with different soil and climatic conditions, which are used to assess the influence of habitat. The experiment was conducted under several controlled conditions. The Control area was left fertilizer-free. The variant Manure involved organic fertilization with the potato-intended manure, with estimated dosage of 330 kg N/ha. Variant Kal was also fertilized with potato-intended manure, with the same amount of nitrogen as variant Manure. Variant Manure 1/2 + N was organically fertilized by the manure at a dose of 165 kg N / ha and subsequently fertilized for spring barley at a dose 55 kg N / ha in the form of ammonium nitrate with limestone (ANL). Variant N received only mineral fertilization 70 kg N/ha with ANL. In the Variant NPK, only mineral fertilizers were used (ANL, triple superphosphate, potassium salt) with the total dosage 70 kg N/ha, 30 kg P/ha, 100 kg K/ha. Variant N+straw was fertilized with 70 kg/ha of mineral nitrogen and a straw was always plowed after harvesting spring barley. The results clearly show that Červený Újezd is the most suitable area for the cultivation of spring barely. This experiment also confirmed substantial influence of fertilizer on the quality and yield of grain, as well as the influence of the habitat. NPK variant had the highest yield and quality in most locations, hence a variant with mineral fertilizers containing three basic nutrients. From the economical view, Control variant only was evaluated. Profitable production was reached only at sites Suchdol and Červený Újezd.
The effect of fertilization on potato tuber yield
Mikula, Václav ; Černý, Jindřich (advisor) ; Šárka, Šárka (referee)
Potatoes are the fourth worldwide most important crop for human nutrition after rice, wheat and maize. In the Czech republic growing of potatoes has a tradition and a huge food significance. In last years importatnt decline of growing areas have taken place and the area has stabilized on a little less than 30 000 ha, and average yield on 20 t.ha-1. Experimentally was achieved yield of 120 t.ha-1 thus the potatoes can perform importatnt part in solving shortage of food. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the impact of different fertilizers on potato tuber yield under different soil-climatic conditions. This thesis is a part of long-term stationary experiments which was established in 1996 on five sites with different soil-climatic conditions, but deals only with Suchdol, Humpolec and Hněvčeves. Three crops (potatoes, winter wheat, spring barley) are rotated on each site within the experiment under different fertilizers, using organic fertilizers, mineral fertilizers and the combination of them. In Suchdol site the biggest yields were obtained in the Manure (22,8 t.ha-1) and NPK (22,3 t.ha-1) plots and resulted in higher yield by 8,1 % and by 5,7 % over control, respectively. Small differences were probably caused by high natural soil fertility. In Humpolec application of sewage sludge and nitrogen resulted in yield higher by 34,5 % (yielding 19,5 t.ha-1) and by 22,8 % (yieling 17,8 t.ha-1) over control. The lowest yield was obtained after application of manure, yield declined by 9,7 % under control. In Hněvčeves application of NPK and N+straw resulted in higher yield by 129,5 % (yielding 28,0t.ha-1) and by 112,3 % (yielding) over control, respectively. Plots fertilized by the half dosage of manure and nitrogen to preceding crops always belonged to top 3 plots. Due to different soil-climatic conditions diverse fertilizers can be recomended. Manure for Suchdol site, sewage sludge for Humpolec and NPK for Hněvčeves.

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