National Repository of Grey Literature 11 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Possibilities of SQL database design in MATLAB and realization of database structure for storing measurement results
Michálek, Petr ; Dobossy, Barnabás (referee) ; Appel, Martin (advisor)
This thesis is describing the usage of SQL database systems with MATLAB. The objective is to do market research considering the use of SQL databases, compare those systems and their implementation. The aim is to create tools that would allow the SQL database to be operated using MATLAB without the usage of a paid Database Toolbox. The last goal is to showcase these tools.
Dispersed production and its influence on distribution network
Kácl, František ; Vybíralík, František (referee) ; Mastný, Petr (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with dispersed generation (production). The small electric power sources are connected into distribution networks. Types and principles of the small electric power sources are studied. The legislation framework concerning renewable energy sources utilization is described. These power plants have impact into distribution networks and therefore techniques for the source connection to distribution network are included in the thesis. The impact of the specific small source of electricity must be studied.
Possibilities of SQL database design in MATLAB and realization of database structure for storing measurement results
Michálek, Petr ; Dobossy, Barnabás (referee) ; Appel, Martin (advisor)
This thesis is describing the usage of SQL database systems with MATLAB. The objective is to do market research considering the use of SQL databases, compare those systems and their implementation. The aim is to create tools that would allow the SQL database to be operated using MATLAB without the usage of a paid Database Toolbox. The last goal is to showcase these tools.
Dispersed production and its influence on distribution network
Kácl, František ; Vybíralík, František (referee) ; Mastný, Petr (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with dispersed generation (production). The small electric power sources are connected into distribution networks. Types and principles of the small electric power sources are studied. The legislation framework concerning renewable energy sources utilization is described. These power plants have impact into distribution networks and therefore techniques for the source connection to distribution network are included in the thesis. The impact of the specific small source of electricity must be studied.
Broadband Internet connection in the Czech Republic and in selected countries (EU and non EU)
Nemejovský, Michal ; Toman, Prokop (advisor) ; Kalina, Jaroslav (referee)
The purpose of this work is to provide a view of the situation in high speed Internet connection in the Czech Republic in comparison with the situation in other countries. At the beginning we present connection possibilities and actual supply of these services in the Czech Republic. This is followed by a comparison of the Internet connection supply in the Czech Republic with available supplies in two other selected countries. One country is a member state of the European Union -- Austria, and the other country is a state located outside the EU -- Canada. This study does not only compare technological aspects, but takes into consideration the economic situation of individual countries as well. Comparative criteria are described in detail in the corresponding chapter. Finally, there is an evaluation of the results and a reflection on possible future developments.
Analysis of the availability of broadband in a particular location
Burian, Petr ; Toman, Prokop (advisor) ; Pavlíček, Antonín (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the availability of broadband internet in the small village Vysoký Újezd in the Central Region. The first part describes theoretically different technologies that offer broadband Internet access and are available in the Czech Republic. The second part contains all offer nationwide and regional providers of broadband, offering services in the area of the selected municipalities. The most used technologies in the village are Wi-Fi and ADSL, conversely via cable TV or fiber optic networks in the municipality are not available. Work can help the inhabitants of Vysoký Újezd select appropriate high-speed Internet connection. The last part contains its own survey among the inhabitants of the village, focusing on their Internet connection. The answers are presented in graphs, commented and evaluated.
Možnosti vysokorychlostního připojení k internetu pro vybranou organizaci
Kinská, Marcela ; Toman, Prokop (advisor) ; Kubíček, Jovan (referee)
Tato práce si klade za cíl seznámit čtenáře s problematikou implementace vysokorychlostního připojení k internetu v podmínkách malé až střední organizace (SME). Poté, co čtenáři přiblížím technologie vysokorychlostního připojení vhodné pro nasazení v podmínkách SME, následuje hlavní část mé práce tvoří tématická oblast internetu v organizaci, obsahující možnosti využití vysokorychlostního připojení k internetu, tzv. služby internetu, stejně jako metodiku jeho výběru, kterou považuji za vlastní přínos své práce. Teoretickou část této práce jsem pak rozšířila o případovou studii. Na příkladu z praxe, reprezentovaného středně velkou organizací, uvádím nejen parametry současného i předchozích řešení vysokorychlostního připojení k internetu, ale analyzuji zde i současný stav využití internetu v organizaci. Praktickou část mé práce v závěru doplňuji o konkrétní doporučení, jak využití vysokorychlostní přípojky v podmínkách zkoumané organizace zefektivnit. Vycházím přitom ze znalostí nabitých v průběhu studia odborné literatury.
A comparison of Internet's influence on the human society in the 90's and today
Pavelec, Jan ; Rosický, Antonín (advisor) ; Šubrta, Václav (referee)
This work is about the Internet and its influence to the present society. The aim of this work was to illustrate the progress by which the Internet have gone thruth the last 10 - 15 years. How the possibilities of it's utilization have been changed and hightened, how the count of its users has increased and how its availibility has been boosted up. The work has got two parts. The first part defines the elementary notions related with the Internet, describes the absolute beginning of the Internet and its onset to the Czech Republic. It also includes specifications of basic services of the Internet and it's characteristics. The second part surveys the availibility of the Internet in 90's and in presents. It characterizes utilization of the Internet in selected spheres and maps its merits, negatives and negative influences. On the basics of this work there are following results: The Internet is the very important medium for the major part of the present society. The utilization of the Internet has greatly increased in last 15 years . For the major part of the society (including me) the Internet is mainly useful and its positives predominate. Unfortunatelly, there have appeared some negatives, which we should realize and be beware of.
Choice of internet connection
Šárková, Hana ; Kuncová, Martina (advisor) ; Kašpar, Ondřej (referee)
My thesis is about choice of internet connection. In my paper I focus on application methods of multicriterial evaluation of alternatives (VHV) on different types of internet connection. In my paper I want to compare different types of VHV and I want to say if they are convenient or not to use them in choice of internet connection. In this paper I compare different tariffs of internet connection and different types of internet connections between each other. For comparison I chose ADSL connection, connection trough cable TV and wireless connection. In comparison I used next methods: lexicographical method, ORESTE, WSA, TOPSIS and ELECTRE III. For internet connection is the best to use connection trough cable TV, second is ADSL connection and the worst is wireless connection. Lexicographical method is not very good for choice of internet connection. It is usable only in special cases. Other methods are acceptable for choice of internet connection.
State of mobile broadband in the Czech Republic
Cais, Marek ; Oganesjan, Narek (advisor) ; Gála, Libor (referee)
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá tématem mobilního připojení k internetu v České republice, zaměřuje se zejména na připojení vysokorychlostní. Cílém práce je umožnit čtenáři vytvořit si ucelenou představu o službách nabízených mobilními operátory, technologiích které využívají a usnadnit mu výběr vhodného mobilního připojení. První část tvoří popis technologií včetně jejich kladů a záporů, druhá část analyzuje situaci na trhu mobilního připojení a třetí se zabývá budoucím vývojem v této oblasti.

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