National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Mediation and its use in labour relations
Silovská, Gabriela ; Tomšej, Jakub (advisor) ; Štefko, Martin (referee)
67 Mediation and its use in labour relations Abstract In this thesis I deal with the issue of mediation and its use in the labour relations. Mediation is one of the alternative ways of dispute resolution, as the labour law is a sphere in which disputes often occur, and it is therefore desirable to look for other effective ways of resolving them than court proceedings. For this reason, in my thesis I focus on the institution of mediation and the possibilities of its use in the field of labour law. I focus primarily on the use of mediation in employment relations of an individual nature and reflect on its legal regulation in Act No. 202/2012 Coll. In the first chapter, I provide a detailed description of mediation, its objectives, and principles. This is followed by the description of historical development in the world, in Europe and in the Czech Republic. Then I discuss the legal regulation, describe mediation trends, and list the areas in which mediation is applied. The second chapter is devoted to labour disputes. As a criterion for their division, I use the labour relationships because of them employment disputes arise. The chapter is thus divided into labour disputes of a collective nature and labour disputes of an individual nature, supplemented by possible ways of resolving them. The last chapter...
Possibilities of applying arbitration in the CR (legal and comparative analysis)
Anzenbacher, Vilém ; Pohl, Tomáš (advisor) ; Macková, Alena (referee)
The aim of my thesis is to analyse the limits of arbitrability of labour disputes in Czech Republic and to describe Austrian labour-arbitration law. Subsequently I would like to focus on possible solutions of problems linked with arbitrability of labour disputes in Czech Republic. The reason for this study is my interest in both Czech and international arbitration. There is only a few papers which deals with arbitrability of labour disputes in Czech Republic although it is in my opinion very interesting and controversial topic. In connection with changes, introduced by the new Civil Code on 1st of January 2014, the Czech civil law is much more similar to the German and Austrian civil law than it was before. Due to this fact I focus on Austrian arbitration act, which could be important source of knowledge for amendments to Czech arbitration act. The thesis is composed of eight main chapters. The first chapter discusses arbitration in general. The second and third chapter describes alternative dispute resolutions and some other types of out-of-court settlements of both collective and individual labour disputes in Czech Republic. Chapter four explains arbitration and alternative resolution of labour disputes under German and Austrian acts. Chapter five provides an outline of relevant Czech case law. This...
Resolving disputes in labour law relations - czech-german comparison
Kozlovská, Anita ; Tröster, Petr (advisor) ; Štefko, Martin (referee)
Diese Arbeit ist als Übersicht der Wege der Lösungen der arbeitsrechtlichen Beziehungen mit dem Fokus überwiegend auf die kollektiven arbeitsrechtlichen Streitigkeiten konzipiert. Die Arbeit teilt sich auf drei Hauptabschnitte: die tschechische Gesetzgebung, die deutsche Gesetzgebung und dann ihren Vergleich. Ein unbeträchtlicher Teil der Arbeit verfolgt den Vergleich der Gerichtsbarkeit in Arbeitssachen, wo die tschechische Agenda im Rahmen der allgemeinen Gerichte gelöst wird und die deutsche das Institut der Arbeitsgerichte benützt. Das Kapitel des Vergleichs beginnt mit einer tabellarischen Übersicht des Verfahrens. Erwähnt ist auch die Effektivität beider rechtlichen Ausgestaltungen. Unwesentlich sind die alternativen Wege der Lösung arbeitsrechtlicher Streitigkeiten erwähnt, und zwar mit dem Vergleich der Schlichtung und der Mediation. Das Hauptthema sind die aus den kollektiven arbeitsrechtlichen Beziehungen entstandenen Streitigkeiten, insbesondere aus den kollektiven Verhandlungen in der Tschechischen Republik und aus den Tarifverhandlungen in Deutschland im Rahmen der Abschließungen der kollektiven (und in Deutschland der Tarif-) Verträge. Der wichtige Ausdruck dieser Beziehungen ist unter anderem die spezifische Weise der Durchsetzung der kollektiven Interessen, und zwar mithilfe der...
Possibilities of applying arbitration in the CR (legal and comparative analysis)
Anzenbacher, Vilém ; Pohl, Tomáš (advisor) ; Macková, Alena (referee)
The aim of my thesis is to analyse the limits of arbitrability of labour disputes in Czech Republic and to describe Austrian labour-arbitration law. Subsequently I would like to focus on possible solutions of problems linked with arbitrability of labour disputes in Czech Republic. The reason for this study is my interest in both Czech and international arbitration. There is only a few papers which deals with arbitrability of labour disputes in Czech Republic although it is in my opinion very interesting and controversial topic. In connection with changes, introduced by the new Civil Code on 1st of January 2014, the Czech civil law is much more similar to the German and Austrian civil law than it was before. Due to this fact I focus on Austrian arbitration act, which could be important source of knowledge for amendments to Czech arbitration act. The thesis is composed of eight main chapters. The first chapter discusses arbitration in general. The second and third chapter describes alternative dispute resolutions and some other types of out-of-court settlements of both collective and individual labour disputes in Czech Republic. Chapter four explains arbitration and alternative resolution of labour disputes under German and Austrian acts. Chapter five provides an outline of relevant Czech case law. This...

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