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Nejčastější onemocnění jehňat
Zuzanová, Anna
Bachelor thesis called „Most common lamb diseases“ is mainly focused on diseases and causes of lambs deaths. It describes history of breeding sheep in Czech Republic, current state of sheep in the world and describe breed diversity and characterizes important breeds. There is also described breeding and feeding technology, reproduction and diseases causing abortion or premature birth. The main part of this thesis provides an overview of the most common causes of death in first days of lambs life and illnesses of lambs until weaning and prevention of these diseases. In the final part a selected farm was observed with focus on diseases and prevention. Observation on farm and study of literature shows that the most important things in the prevention of lamb diseases are a balanced feed ration containing all the necessary minerals and vitamins, adherence to quarantine procedures when buying new animals for breeding, vaccination against clostridial infections and the correct setting of antiparasitic programs.
Zhodnocení růstu a základních ukazatelů jatečné hodnoty jehňat kříženců plemen romney marsh a clun forest
Minářová, Tereza
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the growth and basic indicators of carcass value of romney marsh lambs (RM) and crossbreeds of romney marsh and clun forest (CF x RM). The study was carried out in 2019 on the family organic farm in Budeč. The first part of this work is a literature summary that represents problematics of growth and carcass value of lambs. It also deals with the possible effects of various factors on the parameters of growth ability and carcass value of lambs. The next section presents characteristics of the farm and monitored breeds of sheep. The growth was evaluated on the 25 male lambs sample. Live weight was measured at birth, at 70 days, at 100 days and at 130 days. Based on these live weights average daily gain at each interval was calculated. Further, the effect of genotype and interaction of genotype and litter size on live weight and daily gain were evaluated. The genotype had no significant effect on any of the live weights. In terms of average daily gain, the genotype had a significant effect only at some intervals of lamb´s life. Higher live weight at 100 days of age (28.2 kg) and higher daily gain from birth to 100 days (234.9 g) were found out in RM lambs. The effect of the interaction of genotype and litter size was found for most of the monitored live weights and average daily gains. In RM lambs, higher live weight at 100 days (32.0 kg) and higher daily gain in the interval from birth to 100 days (268.4 g) were found in singles. But in CF x RM lambs, these results were higher for twins. For control slaughter 10 male lambs were slaughtered of which 5 of them were RM and 5 of them were CF x RM. As part of the assessment basic indicators of carcass value and the influence of genotype on these indicators, the live weight before slaughter, carcass weight, weight of skin, weight of selected internal organs and right leg weight were determined. Meatiness and fatness were also subjectively evaluated. Slightly better results were found in CF x RM male lambs. In terms of the influence of genotype on carcass value and weight and proportion of viscera, none of the results of the control slaughter were statistically significant.
Chemické složení jehněčího masa
Urbánková, Kateřina
This bachelor thesis describes development and current situation in numbers of sheep in the world, in the European Union and in the Czech Republic. Sheep meat production in the EU and import and export of this commodity are also mentioned in the thesis. In addition to current numbers of sheep in the Czech Republic, the thesis shortly describes history of sheep breeding and lamb (sheep) meat production focusing on marketing. The main part of this thesis is focused on chemical composition of lamb meat and the factors which affect above mentioned. The most important factors influencing the chemical composition are breed, age, gender and nutrition. Finally, the thesis deals with the value of lamb meat in human nutrition in terms of consumption and possible effect on human health also. Risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes mellitus type 2 are the most discussed topics regarding to consumption of red meat (including lamb meat).
Vliv pohlaví na jatečnou hodnotu a chemické složení jehněčího masa
Urbánková, Kateřina
The evaluation of the effect of sex on carcass value and chemical composition of lamb meat was the main aim of this disertation. The monitoring was carried out at an orgnic farm in Proseč where 8 ewes and 8 rams of genotype Š 75 T 25 (Š - Šumavská sheep, T - Texel) were involved in the study. The first part of the disertation shortly summarizes history and current situation in sheep breeding in the Czech Republic. Afterwards, there are described sheep and lamb marketing, the slaughter processing and chemical composition of lamb meat. In the next part there are described the other details of our monitoring. Within the frame of our study we determined daily gains of lambs, carcass yield, conformation and fattiness as well as the proportion of leg, shoulder, kidney and kidney fat. The effect of sex on selected offals was evaluated simultaneously. In terms of chemical composition, we determined the contents of dry matter, protein, crude nitrogen, intramuscular fat (IMF) and ash. The rams had a higher daily weight gain and carcass yield, while ewes had higher fattiness, a proportion of kidney fat and a proportion of the leg. In terms of offals evaluation, rams had higher proportion of liver while ewes had higher proportion of spleen. Despite expectations, there was no significant difference in content of IMF, however rams had higher contents of dry matter and protein. Although there have been observed differences between sexes in some indicators, these differences were not statistically significant.
Využití plemene suffolk v malochovu
Blažek, Matěj
In this bachelor thesis I dealt with the influences that affect the growth and the car-cass value of suffolk lambs in small farms. From domestic and foreign citations, the most important influence is nutrition, but also age, gender, litter or breed. Rams have a better nutrient conversion than ewes, single-rats have better growth and carcass values compared to twins or moths, ewes have better and fatter meat than rams or castrates, meat breeds have the best daily gains and have the best carcass value. Part of this work is the proposal of material and methodology for monitoring growth and carcass values, which I designed for use in a small farm at Mr. Sysala's farm, where we weighed the suffolk lambs in February 2019. I will continue this weighing I will pre-sent in my thesis.
Zhodnocení růstu a základních ukazatelů jatečné hodnoty jehňat plemene romney marsh.
Šeligová, Simona
This dissertation deals with evaluation of lamb growth ability and lamb carcass value of Romney Marsh sheep breed. Monitoring and evaluation of lambs were conducted with 18 lambs on the family organic farm of Ing. Paul Šeliga in Vrbětice in the years 2014 to 2017. In the first charter, there are listed information about the importance and general characteristics of sheep breeding in the Czech republic. Then there are also included a development, trends and perspectives of sheep breeding in the Czech Republic. In the next section, it is described the issue of growth and carcass quality of lambs. The following is a characteristic of a farm in Vrbětice in district Zlin and characteristic of Romney Marsh sheep breed. In scope of this evaluation of lamb growth live weight at birth, in 100 days of age and before slaughter was observed. In term of monitoring there was traced influence of lamb sex on growth ability indicators, more precisely on live lamb weight and lambs´ daily weight gain. Effect of gender had inconclusive impact on most of monitored live weight. With regards to the daily weight gain, there was inconclusive effect of the above mentioned indicators on all daily weight gains. There was evaluated influence of lamb sex on carcass value during the monitoring all slaughter lambs. There has also been evaluated the slaughter yield, fattiness and flesh ratio of individual body parts. Results of check slaughter show that sex factor had inconclusive impact on most carcass value´s monitored indicators. Highly provable sex effect was recorded only on live weight before slaughter. Conclusive impact was recorded on slaughter ready body weight, kidney weight, weight of lamb kindey fat, weight of shoulders, kidney ratio, kidney fat ratio and shoulder ratio. On the other hand sex factor did not have evidential influence on slaughter age, slaughter yield, subjective grading, getting meatiness, fattiness, weight and proportion of skin, back and legs. From the point of view of the quality of the right leg, there was a very evident effect of sex on the proportion of fat from the leg, the apparent influence on the weight of the bones from the leg and the inconclusive influence on the weight of the leg, the weight of fat from the leg, the proportion of the meat from the leg and the proportion of the bones from the leg.
Analýza reprodukčních vlastností plemene valaška
The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the level of reproductive performance of Wallachian sheep. There were used data from the original kennel evidence and from the performance cracking. It is focused on fertilization, reproduction intensity, fertility and rearing lambs. Fertilization of Wallachian sheep was in between 89,5 99,4 percent. Reproduction was in between 141,4 158,1 percent. Level of rearing was in between 108,1 139,6 percent. There were born 972 lambs in years 2012 2016. The most lambs were born in the year 2016, it was 265 lambs. It is because there were the most ewes in the herd in the reporting period. There were born one lambs, twins and triplets. The most frequent were twins at a ratio of 49,9 percent. The less frequent were triplets at a ratio of 4,7 percent. Number of lambs does not depend on the age of ewes. The number of lambs in a the litter did not differ by lines.
Vyhodnocení průběhu bahnění ovcí a úrovně péče o jehňata ve vybraném chovu
This diploma thesis deals with the evaluation of lambing process, maternal ability of ewes and care of lambs in a selected breed for three years.
Analysis of sheep utility attributes in ecological and conventional flocks in the Czech Republic
Linhartová, Iveta ; Ptáček, Martin (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
The goal of this diploma thesis was to perform an analysis of sheep breeding of Suffolk breed in basic reproductive performance and meat production traits aspects. The information for rating these aspects was used from two farms. The first of them used conventional way of breeding (ZVOZD Horácko, družstvo) and the second one used ecological way (EkofarmaKosařůvmlýn, s.r.o.). Fertilization, fertility, intensity and rearing belong among monitored reproductive indicators. These reproductive indicators are expressed in percentages. Regarding meat production traits rating in this thesis we compared influences of year of lambing, farming method, birth month, sex, litter size and age of dam. All these influences were judge according to birth weight (kg), weight at the age of 100 days (kg), average growth (g), depth of the longest dorsal muscle (mm) and according to depth of subcutaneous fat (mm). Reproductive performance and meat production were monitored in years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. In terms of reproductive performance with a few exceptions it was true that ZVOZD Horácko, družstvo reached the best values, and in most cases better than the national average. For example in terms of intensity values in 2012 ZVOZD Horácko, družstvo had 35,9% better results compared to national average. In the same year this farm reached 48,1% higher values of percentage rearing compared to national average. Ekofarma Kosařův mlýn, s.r.o. showed worse performances, however it was in most cases better than national average. In terms of intensity in 2011 Ekofarma Kosařův mlýn, s.r.o. had the same results as the ZVOZD Horácko, družstvo. Meat production properties were supported by statistical calculations and all of them were conclusive at least at the level of significance P < 0,05 in all cases except month of birth effect on birth weight. The best results of meat production in terms of effect of lambing had the year 2012, when the birth weight was one of the highest and the other properties (weight at the age of 100 days, average growth, depth of the longest dorsal muscle, depth of subcutaneous fat) were by far the highest in the period of 2011-2015. Next we found out that the ecological way of breeding (in this case Ekofarma Kosařůvmlýn, s.r.o.) has better results than the conventional way (ZVOZD Horácko, družstvo). The effect of birthmonth has the significant influence on the indicators of meat production and the lambs born in April had the best results. In the case of sex rams are better. Litter size has very important influence on meat production the more lambs per one mother, the lower birth weights, the lower weights until the period of weaning, the lower weights at the age of 100 days. It is affected by milkiness of the mother. Moreover, the age of mothers also play a significant role. In our research the highest birth weights had lambs of one year old mothers and all other indicators were the highest in the case of three year old dams.
Analysis of sheep utility attributes in Valachian sheep in selected flock.
Habětínová, Kateřina ; Ptáček, Martin (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
The aim of my Diploma thesis was to evaluate a basic reproductive, milky and growth characters of sheep tribe Wallachian sheep in the chosen facility. The monitoring of the reproductive fiures has been made in years 2012, 2013 and 2014. There have not been shown any results for the year 2015, that is why these particular figures are not explicit. The measures of reproductive figures of Wallachian sheep were compared to the average of Czech republic. The evaluation of the figures given at the chosen farm has had a good results in all four evaluated figures (fertilization, fertility, intensity and nursling). The evaluation of an utility value processed in 2015. The milk production in order of the milk utility value (% fat, % proteins, % kasein, % lactose, % TPS, % solilds) has been dependent from the authority of mother sheep as well as the influence of the countability of farrow. The influence of mother sheep´s age on the milk production has had a demonstrable influence mainly on the milk sicking and the percentage of fatty solids (TPS). The best results have been achieved on three aged sheep and the worst results on five aged sheep. At the percentage of proteins and kasein there has also been fount the explicit impact of mother´s age. Differences have been measured also on the fat percentage, milk and solid with a statistically provable measures. The impact of a farrow´s countability on the milk utility has been proved in milk sicking. Mothers with geminus sicked in average 93 g milk more. This difference was apparent on the level of detectability P < 0,05. The evaluation of meat utility processed in the year 2015 where the birth weight of lambs and their growth abilities (40, 70, 100 and 140 days of age) were measured. Sex influence on meat utility has been statistically demonstrable on the weight at the age of 70 and 140 days. In both cases the fleeces showed biger weight. Also another measurements have showed the gaps between the weight of fleeces and lambs on the fleeces´s behalf. The mother´s age influence on meat utility has not been statistically proved in any of figures although the measured figures have been slightly rising. The results can serve as a preparation or adaptation of these sheep cultivation as well as an improvement of their utility.

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