National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Services over digital archives in science and research
Lochman, Martin ; Bratková, Eva (advisor) ; Papík, Richard (referee)
The thesis focuses on various information services over digital archives and institutional repositories in the area of science and research. It aims to ascertain these online services and introduce, analyse and assess selected examples in detail. Their quantitative as well as qualitative features are emphasized - The work is logically divided into four chapters. The first one defines the basic terminology and outlines the contemporary status of scholarly communication on the Internet. The second chapter introduces a comprehensive list of services as well as their suggested typology. The third chapter constitutes the core of the thesis and presents the descriptions and analysys of the selected services. The fourth final part includes the comparison of their relevant parameters, final assessment and the perspectives of their future development. Keywords digital archive, institutional repository, scholarly communication, information services, OAI- PMH, metadata harvesting, open access
Services over digital archives in science and research
Lochman, Martin ; Bratková, Eva (advisor) ; Papík, Richard (referee)
The thesis focuses on various information services over digital archives and institutional repositories in the area of science and research. It aims to ascertain these online services and introduce, analyse and assess selected examples in detail. Their quantitative as well as qualitative features are emphasized - The work is logically divided into four chapters. The first one defines the basic terminology and outlines the contemporary status of scholarly communication on the Internet. The second chapter introduces a comprehensive list of services as well as their suggested typology. The third chapter constitutes the core of the thesis and presents the descriptions and analysys of the selected services. The fourth final part includes the comparison of their relevant parameters, final assessment and the perspectives of their future development. Keywords digital archive, institutional repository, scholarly communication, information services, OAI- PMH, metadata harvesting, open access
Institutional repositories in science and research in Great Britain
Šejcová, Šárka ; Bratková, Eva (advisor) ; Pokorný, Jan (referee)
anglicky This thesis is focused on analyzing and assessing the current status and recent trends in open access institutional repositories in science and research in the UK, available via the WWW. Includes information on their overal condition, current trends, and provides basic statistical information based on their existing registers. The core work presents the results of the analysis and evaluation of selected characteristics. Attention is also given to new projects, integration of institutional repositories in higher local, national and international structures. The final section provides an overall assessment of lessons learned and specifies trends and perspectives of further development of institutional repositories in the UK.
Grey Literature in VUGTK
Drozda, Jiří
Výzkumný ústav geodetický, kartografický a topografický (VÚGTK) se věnuje výzkumu a vývoji v oboru zeměměřičství, geodynamiky země a katastru nemovitostí, vývoji a testování nových technik, postupů a software a odborným konzultacím v těchto oblastech. Při těchto činnostech vzniká velké množství šedé literatury, kterou VÚGTK částečně zveřejňuje prostřednictvím svých webových stránek. V roce 2011 VÚGTK začal koncepčně řešit uchování šedé literatury s cílem vybudovat digitální repozitář. Strategickým záměrem VÚGTK je bezpečné uchování a zveřejnění šedé literatury s dodržením standardů pro výměnu dat tak, aby své výstupy mohl dále šířit prostřednictvím národních a mezinárodních bází. V příspěvku bude představeno též využití metodik a standardů Národního úložiště šedé literatury a navázání spolupráce.
Slides: nusl-126841_1 - Download fulltextPDF; nusl-126841_3 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: nusl-126841_2 - Download fulltextMP4
Academy of Sciences Library and open access to information
Burešová, Iva
First part is dedicated to introduction to open access policy at Academy of Science of the Czech Republic. After it are briefly introduced the basic principles of open access publishing and availability of information resources at the Academy of Science. Another part is focused on describing the advantages and disadvantages of open access publishing, trends in this movement and aspects of open access. The last part is devoted to the activities of CAS in the open access issue including institutional repository and „gold“ open access publishing fund.
Slides: nusl-71449_1 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: nusl-71449_2 - Download fulltextMP4
Grey Literature at the Charles University in Prague
Fojtů, Andrea
The paper examines the current state of affairs in the field of Grey Literature at the Charles University in Prague, particularly electronic versions of thesis and dissertations (ETDs) preserved in the institutional repository - The Digital University Repository. For seminar papers and study materials supporting (e-)learning process, the Faculty of Arts, in cooperation with the Computer Centre, have developed a system for submission, preservation and access of these types of grey documents. The web-based system (called Elektra) will keep track students’ performance throughout their studies and help teachers during the examination time and finals.
Fulltext: nusl-42869_2 - Download fulltextPDF
Slides: nusl-42869_1 - Download fulltextPDF

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