National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The effect of a child's hospitalisation on the whole family
Lejnarová, Andrea ; Průšová, Kateřina (advisor) ; Nikodemová, Hana (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with the hospitalization of a child and all the factors that affect other family members in connection with the child's admission to a medical facility. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the child, the perception of illness, the impact of hospitalization on the child, as well as on the family, siblings and cooperation with medical staff. The empirical part is based on a quantitative research investigation and analysis of the data collected. The aim of the empirical part was to find out whether the child's hospitalization affects the family, family life and siblings. A quantitative research method was used using a non-standardized questionnaire of own design, which was intended for parents of children hospitalized in pre- selected wards of Motol University Hospital. 123 completed questionnaires were included in the actual survey. The reserch results of the survey show that parents of hospitalized children do not have sufficient support from the medical staff. The greatest support is provided by the family, which also provides help in the home and with other children. In conclusion, after evaluating the data collected, I believe it is important and could be beneficial to explore this issue in more detail. The results of the investigation will be forwarded to the...
The role of the nurse in receiving a patient in the ward
The usual everyday practice in medical devices is consist in reception of the patient for subsequent hospitalisation. The patient admission is a subject to a number of essential steps which has to be secured by the nurse. The nurse should have a full range of skills like to have the ability to organize the work, be patient and select a calm approach. The theoretical part of this bachelor's thesis describes the professional, administrative and the other steps in the admission of a sick patient for its hospitalization. The research part of the work was compiled in the form of a qualitative researching survey using a semi-structured interview. The first goal was to map the role of the nurse in admitting the patient to the A&E. The second goal was to map the communication skills of the nurse with the patient at the reception of A&E. To achieve the goal were set two research questions. What are the nurse's roles in admitting of a patient to the clinic? How can a nurse's communication skills affect a following collaboration with the patient? The research investigation has shown that although it has been conducted in two different departments of the one selected hospital; the results did not differ significantly. The respondents have been identified in individual tasks except of a few specific differences between the two work places. The respondents have been identified in individual tasks except for a few specific differences between the two workplaces. The results have shown that the role of the nurse lies in a wide range of tasks like ensuring blood collection, necessary examinations, etc. The administrative aspect is also provided same as data verification together with information to the anamnesis. Furthermore, the investigation has shown that the correct communication skills of the nurse are based on a correct and patient attitude together with the ability to be able to estimate the individual's behaviour. Nurses have pointed out the fact that this ability is closely connected with the length of a practice. The results of the work can be beneficial for nurses working on the reception of the A&E as well as for nurses newly coming and for students of medical schools. It could be very interesting to represent these results in professional journals because there are just a small amount of publications that comprehensively describe the individual steps.
Needs of persons with disabilities and their close persons during hospitalisation
Andersová, Věra ; Květoňová, Lea (advisor) ; Mrkosová, Eva (referee)
Experience of patients with disabilities and their close persons during hospitalisation demonstrates insufficient understanding to the needs of such people. This issue is also discussed in foreign literature, wherein the need to establish the position of a specialized worker who knows very well the conditions of the health care facility and the needs of people with disabilities is emphasized. The objective of this thesis is to point out the complex issue of the needs of people with learning disability and their close persons during hospitalisation. Hospitalisation itself is a difficult and demanding situation in any person's life. For persons with learning disability, this situation is even more serious. The thesis aims at describing the experience of persons with learning disability so that it may serve as the basis for improving their health care.
Support of education of a preschool child hospitalized with the Morbus Perthes diagnosis
Sibřinová, Irena ; Hájková, Vanda (advisor) ; Zemková, Jaroslava (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with hospitalisation of a preschool child and the importance of education during this challenging period. The goal of the thesis is to find out if parents are aware of the importance of preschool attendance while their children are hospitalised. The thesis also aims to supply teachers and parents with activities they may use to develop and support the child suffering from Perthes Disease. The thesis has been divided into two main parts. Part I is based on expert sources. It contains characteristics of a preschool child and specifies his/her needs and interests during hospitalisation, including the description of family, its function and co-operation with the hospital school. The final section of Part I provides information on Perthes Disease. Part II focuses on the family of the child suffering from the disease. This part is based on qualitative research results. The research investigated the families' attitudes to preschool education of hospitalised children and the importance of family when coping with the difficult life situation. The analysis of the collected answers resulted in a proposal of specific activities designed as a programme supporting education of the child suffering from Perthes disease. The programme is included in the final section of the thesis.
Nursing Care for Fractures in Pre-school Children.
The thesis titled "Nursing care for preschool aged children with bone fractures" deals with the issue of nursing care for preschool aged children with long bones fractures. Furthermore it deals with the hospitalisation management in a children's ward. The issue of child bone fractures is still an up-to-date topic. The nursing care of these children has its own specifics as compared to other hospitalised children. This thesis is mostly focused on the specifics of the nursing care, potential complications, and hospitalisation management in a children's ward. The first objective was focused on the specifics of nursing care for preschool aged children with long bone fractures. The second objective was to find out, how a child, who has suffered a long bone fracture, handles hospitalisation in a children's ward. Three research questions were set in connection with the above-mentioned objectives. The first research question deals with the specifics of care for these children. The second research question is focused on potential complications, which may arise from the nursing point of view. The third research question is set to find out, what are the benefits of hospitalising a preschool child, who has suffered fractures, together with the parents. In order to elaborate this thesis a qualitative research was taken advantage of with the use of semi-structured interviews with general nurses, and with the parents of hospitalized children in a children's ward. The research sample consisted of nine nurses and eight parents. This thesis should be utilized for familiarization with the issue of child bone fractures, and the subsequent elimination of complications that may arise while taking care of these children. We have found out that the most common complications, these children face, are skin defects, and bones healing in the wrong position. Furthermore, we have found that the difference in nursing care for these children, compared to other hospitalised children, is predominantly in the area of immobilization, pain, and duration of hospitalisation.
The importance of health as a life value for hospitalized patients
VACKOVÁ, Veronika
From the nursing care point of view, health represents one of the most basic terms. Many authors claim as priority, that nurse is endowed with knowledge concerning health, illness, patients' as well as her own values on the understanding effective managing of the skills from the fields of systematic observation, effective communication, the ability to show willingness to help and permanent recording of patients´ state of health. As well as many theoreticians, every individual recalls something else under the term "health". Therefore, it is needed to be patterned on the definition of health, helping to understand human actions and human own health. Aim of the research method was to find out, what specific interventions can be used by nurses in the field of the hospitalised patients' health on the basis of this value disruption. To reach this aim, it was necessary to divide the research into several fields, namely how the value of health is perceived by the hospitalised patients, what is their scale of values when they are hospitalised, what values were significant for the patient before his hospitalisation and how does the hospitalisation affect the patients´ scale of values during the hospitalisation in view on the future life after the discharge. From the patients´ point of view, it was crucial to recognize, what aspects within nurses´ nursing activity are the most essential in connection with hospitalisation and his state of health and also what options nurse has got to saturate the value of health. The other group of respondents was concentrated on nursing staff. Crucial intention was to discover, how do the nurses perceive possible affection of patients´ scale of values in connection with hospitalisation and how do they perceive their own possibilities in saturation of this value. Methodology: For the research method, the method of qualitative research and data analysis has been chosen by using half-structured interviews. The first part of the interviews was aimed at patients, who have been admitted on surgical, rehabilitation and traumatological ward without any even more specific determination. The second parts of the interviews were held with nurses in same wards. The data collecting took place in January and February 2018 directly in medical facility. After data satiety, categorisation has been proceeded by using opened coding namely by method "paper-and-pencil". Results: On the basis of qualitative method of research, several interesting findings came out. Only one respondent perceives his health from a holistic point of view, as being stated in the worldwide respected WHO definition of health. It was also confirmed, that the value of health is not for every patient the priority value in comparison with other values. Also the value of health perception from time point of view relates to it. It has been proved, that the hospitalisation on its own or development of problems leading to hospitalisation, has caused a change in a positive way in perceiving the value of health within almost one half of the respondents. But there were individuals among the respondents, who do not feel any difference and do not assume one. Asked patients have also proved that the hospitalisation is a crucial event, leading them to being aware of the circumstances causing the hospitalisation. Consequences of the experienced emotions are different expectations from themselves and nurses. It was also discovered, that the patients demand different approach and interest of the nurse, so that the most effective saturation of value of health can be achieved. Nurses did acknowledge the value of health as priority, even though they could not find any feasible solution, how to attend properly to this value also in practice. Although they perceive the value of health a
Needs of persons with disabilities and their close persons during hospitalisation
Andersová, Věra ; Květoňová, Lea (advisor) ; Mrkosová, Eva (referee)
Experience of patients with disabilities and their close persons during hospitalisation demonstrates insufficient understanding to the needs of such people. This issue is also discussed in foreign literature, wherein the need to establish the position of a specialized worker who knows very well the conditions of the health care facility and the needs of people with disabilities is emphasized. The objective of this thesis is to point out the complex issue of the needs of people with learning disability and their close persons during hospitalisation. Hospitalisation itself is a difficult and demanding situation in any person's life. For persons with learning disability, this situation is even more serious. The thesis aims at describing the experience of persons with learning disability so that it may serve as the basis for improving their health care.

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