National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Structuralism for the 21st Century
Nohejl, Jakub ; Jakšík, Petr (referee) ; Rozwalka, Szymon (advisor)
Diplomová práce analyzuje myšlenky holandského strukturalismu 60. a 70. let minulého století, a důvody jeho rychlého konce. Prostřednictvím analýzy historického vývoje, odkrývá okolnosti jeho vzniku v humanitních vědách a následné aplikace v architektonickém prostředí. Zhodnocením současné společenské situace a ukázkou projektů navazující na původní myšlenky strukturalismu diplomová práce nalézá argumenty podporující možnosti jeho dalšího využití. Finální návrh v sobě odráží snahu o vytvoření otevřeného architektonického systému, který dokáže reagovat na neustále se vyvíjející potřeby uživatelů a současně podporovat dialog jednotlivců tvořící jeden předem nedefinovaný celek. Obraz výsledného architektonického díla umožňuje větší svobodu uživatelů a jejich vlivu na finální podobu prostředí. Narozdíl od běžné architektury zde nejsou žádné snahy o sjednocení nebo dominanci, ale o podporu diverzity, včetně protikladů a konfliktů, vytvářející množství unikátních a předem nedefinovaných situací.
Development and dynamics of the palatal and pharyngeal dentition in sterlet
Novotná, Štěpánka ; Soukup, Vladimír (advisor) ; Oralová, Veronika (referee)
Dentition is a key vertebrate innovation showing not only great morphological diversity, but also different maintenance or replacement of functional teeth. Most extant vertebrates replace their dentition through addition of new teeth from deeply invaginated epithelium, i.e. the successional dental lamina, due to presence of dental stem cells. However, in some early branching lineages of ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii), new tooth germs arise from the adjacent superficial epithelium without the presence of the successional dental lamina. Whether the two types of dental development in vertebrates are equivalent and whether comparable dental stem cells play role in tooth replacement is currently not satisfactorily evaluated. This Master thesis aims at describing the development of palatal and pharyngeal dentition of a member of an early branching lineage of ray-finned fishes, the sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus). The sterlet dentition is fairly dynamic. The teeth are replaced without the successional dental lamina, however, this replacement shows characteristics similar to those described in vertebrates with the successional dental lamina. A marker of dental stem/progenitor cells, Sox2, is localized in the outer dental epithelium of the predecessor tooth in the vicinity of the adjacent taste...
The Typology of Mistakes in Czech to Czech Sign Language Interpreting
Hynková Dingová, Naďa ; Macurová, Alena (advisor) ; Čeňková, Ivana (referee) ; Kučera, Pavel (referee)
This dissertation focuses on the analysis of simultaneous interpreting from Czech into the Czech Sign Language and on mistakes which occur during this process. The terminology the author uses to describe the mistakes is derived from the taxonomy of D. Cokely (1985). Cokely's five types of mistakes in interpreting to a sign language (omissions, additions, substitutions, intrusions and anomalies), including their subtypes were also identified in the analysed texts. The work is based on the analysis of mistakes in the interpreted text, which has confirmed the hypothesis of the thesis stating that the use of free interpreting by Czech Sign Language interpreters is only marginal. The interpreters did not reflect pragmatic aspects of dialogue in an appropriate way and they did not use unique language features of the sign language either. They also heavily relied on the Deaf recipients' knowledge of the majority language. In other parts of the work the author pays attention to other specificities of mistakes made during interpreting into the sign language. These are for example sign deformation, mouth movement during the production of a sign, use of a sign in a context etc. She also focuses on an undesirable "accent", the important elements of which are sign placement, the choice of the sign, rhythm,...

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