Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 3 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Special Effects in Cinematography
Frkáň, Lukáš ; Rujbrová, Šárka (oponent) ; Ellederová, Eva (vedoucí práce)
The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to frame the concept of special effects in cinematography, provide basic information about special effects at the theoretical and practical level, divide special effects into categories and subcategories including the detailed description of special effects mentioned in the thesis and the historical background. The thesis also deals with the design of special effects and their limitations, applications in the film industry and other industries where applicable. At the beginning, the study examines the history of cinematography. Furthermore, this study first draws attention to the description of visual effects used at the early stages of cinematography, while it concludes with the modern effects that are being used currently. Subsequently, the description of practical effects is discussed to conclude the theoretical part. In the last part, the knowledge of the concept of special effects acquired in the theoretical part is reflected and applied in an analysis of movies awarded by the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects.
Special Effects in Cinematography
Frkáň, Lukáš ; Rujbrová, Šárka (oponent) ; Ellederová, Eva (vedoucí práce)
The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to frame the concept of special effects in cinematography, provide basic information about special effects at the theoretical and practical level, divide special effects into categories and subcategories including the detailed description of special effects mentioned in the thesis and the historical background. The thesis also deals with the design of special effects and their limitations, applications in the film industry and other industries where applicable. At the beginning, the study examines the history of cinematography. Furthermore, this study first draws attention to the description of visual effects used at the early stages of cinematography, while it concludes with the modern effects that are being used currently. Subsequently, the description of practical effects is discussed to conclude the theoretical part. In the last part, the knowledge of the concept of special effects acquired in the theoretical part is reflected and applied in an analysis of movies awarded by the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects.
Speciální efekty a jejich využití ve filmovém průmyslu
Skibinskyi, Nazar ; Bubeníček, Jan (vedoucí práce) ; Truhlář, Filip (oponent)
Práce je věnovaná speciálním efektům a jejich použití v kinoprůmyslu. Dále sleduje jejich dopady na diváka a vliv na rozvoj kina. Bakalářská práce obsahuje části věnované historii, základní informace o technikách speciálních efektů, srovnání a analýzu CGI a praktických efektů.

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