Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 5 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Study of the properties of the advanced cathode materials for lithium-ion cells
Tichý, Jiří ; Vondrák, Jiří (oponent) ; Baumgartnerová, Alena (oponent) ; Kazda, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis deals with accumulators, studies their function and focuses on cathode materials for lithium-ion accumulators in particular. These materials should enable the development of accumulators with significantly higher nominal voltage. The aim of this thesis is to address problems connected with these accumulators and to summarize the development of high-voltage lithium-ion accumulators.
Advanced systems of Li-Ion accumulators
Lexová, Kristýna ; Langerová, Petra (oponent) ; Mihai, Hana (vedoucí práce)
With the growing need for energy for portable electronics and electric vehicles, the issue of energy storage becomes increasingly important. This bachelor’s thesis provides an overview of electrochemical sources of energy, focusing on lithium-ion accumulators and the most commonly used cathode materials. It discusses the development of high-voltage cathode materials, including the system lithium-sulphur. The experimental part of this thesis describes the preparation of several cathode samples and compares their electrochemical properties.
Li-Ion Accumulators – Comparison Of Cathode Materials
Lexová, Kristýna
The issue of energy storage becomes increasingly important with the growing need for safe and clean energy that could be used in portable electronics and electric vehicles. This paper shortly introduces the topic of lithium-ion accumulators, compares currently used cathode materials and discusses promising future materials.
Advanced systems of Li-Ion accumulators
Lexová, Kristýna ; Langerová, Petra (oponent) ; Mihai, Hana (vedoucí práce)
With the growing need for energy for portable electronics and electric vehicles, the issue of energy storage becomes increasingly important. This bachelor’s thesis provides an overview of electrochemical sources of energy, focusing on lithium-ion accumulators and the most commonly used cathode materials. It discusses the development of high-voltage cathode materials, including the system lithium-sulphur. The experimental part of this thesis describes the preparation of several cathode samples and compares their electrochemical properties.
Study of the properties of the advanced cathode materials for lithium-ion cells
Tichý, Jiří ; Vondrák, Jiří (oponent) ; Baumgartnerová, Alena (oponent) ; Kazda, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis deals with accumulators, studies their function and focuses on cathode materials for lithium-ion accumulators in particular. These materials should enable the development of accumulators with significantly higher nominal voltage. The aim of this thesis is to address problems connected with these accumulators and to summarize the development of high-voltage lithium-ion accumulators.

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