Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 64 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí54 - 63další  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Constitutive modeling, heterogeneity, thermodynamics andmesomechanics of solids
Kafka, Vratislav
The proposed mesomechanical approach is shown to lead to resultsthat closely describe the observed behavior of inelastic deformationof many complex heterogeneous materials.It is simple and general,and the material parameters can relatively easily be determined.
Thermodynamical Framewok of Non-linear Fracture Mechanics - Studies and Perspectives I
Fiala, Zdeněk
A possible use of thermodynamics, the 2nd law of thermodynamics in particular, in non-linear fracture mechanics is discussed.
Contribution to modelling the diffusion phenomena in the welded joints of steels
Řeháčková, L. ; Million, Bořivoj ; Dobrovská, J. ; Stránský, K.
This contribution contains the original results of measurement of redistribution of carbon in the welded joints of steels (low-alloy Si steel/low-alloy CrNiMoV steel and low-alloy Si steel/austenitic Cr18Ni9 steel). The measurement was carried out in the range of temperatures 500 - 750 C.
Redistribuce hliníku a uhlíku ve svarech ocelí v intervalu teplot 500-1100°C
Stránský, K. ; Million, Bořivoj ; Foret, R. ; Michalička, Petr ; Rek, A.
V příspěvku jsou uvedeny původní výsledky měření redistribuce hliníku, chromu, železa, niklu a uhlíku ve svarových spojích nelegované oceli typu 12050 se zvýšenou koncentrací hliníku a vysokolegované austenitické CrNi oceli 17242.
Study of phase equilibria in Al-Cr-Ni-W and Al-Cr-Ni-Co alloys
Picha, R. ; Buršík, Jiří ; Brož, P.
The quaternary systems Ni-Al-Cr-W and Ni-Al-Cr-Co were studied after long term annealing at 1173 K by means of analytical electron microscopy. The experimentally obtained quantitative parameters were used for thermodynamic modelling of phase equilibria using software Thermocalc.
Study and modelling of the gamma and gamma prime phase equilibrium in Ni-Al-Cr-Co system
Brož, P. ; Buršík, Jiří ; Picha, R.
Several alloys of Ni-Al-Cr-Co system with constant Ni content of 70 at. % were studied after long term annealing at 1173 and 1273 K by means of analytical electron microscopy. The quantitative structural parameters showed good agreement with calculated data obtained by means of the software Thermocalc. Optimization of some thermodynamic parameters was performed.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 64 záznamů.   začátekpředchozí54 - 63další  přejít na záznam:
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