National Repository of Grey Literature 64 records found  beginprevious52 - 61next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Thermal Calculations of Permanent Magnet Motors in High Current Technology
Deeb, Ramia ; Singule, Vladislav (referee) ; Duroň,, Jiří (referee) ; Aubrecht, Vladimír (advisor)
Práce se zabývá výpočty magnetických a tepelných vlastností servomotoru s permanentními magnety (motor M718 I vyráběný firmou VUES s.r.o. v Brně). Všechny uvedené výpočty jsou založené na numerických metodách konečných prvků a konečných objemů. 2D magnetická analýza motoru byla řešena s pomocí programu FEMM, zatímco pro 3D analýzu byl využit software ANSOFT. Magnetické analýzy umožnily stanovit rozložení magnetického pole v motoru a ve vzduchové mezeře. Ztráty způsobené vířivými proudy byly počítány v závislosti na rozměrech permanentních magnetů a velikosti toku magnetické indukce ve vzduchové mezeře. U 3D modelu v programu ANSOFT byly vypočítány i Joulovy ztráty. Pro daný servomotor byly navrženy dva způsoby chlazení. V prvním případě se jedná o vnitřní chladicí systém. K původnímu modelu motoru byly přidány některé modifikace (otvory v rámu motoru a radiální ventilátor na hřídeli uvnitř rámu motoru). U druhého způsobu chlazení bylo navrženo vnější chlazení. K původnímu rámu byly přidána chladicí žebra a radiální ventilátor na hřídeli vně rámu motoru. Výpočty proudění a tepelná analýza byly provedeny jak pro původní model motoru, tak i pro modifikovaný návrh (vnitřní a vnější chlazení) pomocí software ANSYS Workbench. Teplotní charakteristiky původního motoru byly měřeny různými senzory. Bylo provedeno porovnání experimentálně získaných výsledků s vypočteným teplotním modelem. Práce byla vytvořena v rámci doktorského studijního programu Elektrotechnika a komunikační technologie, obor Silnoproudá elektrotechnika a elektroenergetika. Podstatná část práce vznikla za podpory Centra výzkumu a využití obnovitelných zdrojů energie a výzkumných projektů CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0014 and FEKT S-11-9.
Modeling and simulation of EC motor vector control in Simulink environment
Hořava, Jan ; Szabó, István (referee) ; Toman, Jiří (advisor)
The main goal of my work is the electrically commutated motor with the vector control’s application in the environment of Matlab – Simulink. The theoretical preamble of this document is dedicated to the physical construction of the EC motors. The most common methods are described in the following text – namely it is scalar control, direct torque control and vector control. The conclusion of this work includes the description and analyse of the single parts of a created model of concrete EC motor with the vector control, and simulations results’ evaluation.
Design and analysis of PMSM with concentrated winding
Macek, Pavel ; Ondrůšek, Čestmír (referee) ; Vítek, Ondřej (advisor)
Permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) are widely used in many industrial applications. This thesis starts with familiarization with the properties and structure of each type of synchronous machines with permanent magnets. Subsequently there are described properties and possible division of AC winding types. Afterward analytical designs of four machines with two different types of winding were realized. These designs were compared by means of simulations using the RMxprt program and their properties were subsequently verified by method of finite element using the Maxwell 2D program. Evaluation and comparison in terms of utility properties for all designs of machines were performed at the conclusion of this thesis.
Ejection mechanism automotive starter pinion
Sláma, Miloslav ; Janda, Marcel (referee) ; Hájek, Vítězslav (advisor)
The thesis describes ways ejection pinions automotive starter and evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of each solution. The first chapter deals with the principle of operation of DC motors and starters parameters. In the second part, the individual systems are theoretically discussed in terms of design and their advantages and disadvantages. The third part is focused on the most common system, which is analyzed in terms of mechanical and electrical reliability. The last point of the work is to design an experimental analysis Reach starter pinion.
Calculation of DC electromagnet and its experimental verification
Steidl, Adam ; Vetiška, Vojtěch (referee) ; Valenta, Jiří (advisor)
Content of this thesis deals with electromagnets as operating elements in electric machines. Thesis is divided in two main parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part describes electromagnets as an electric machine, usage of electromagnets in electrical devices as operating element. Electromagnets are further divided in groups on the basis of different criteria. Next, the theory of electromagnetic fields and methods of assesment of static pull and dynamic characteristics are described. Construction and function analysis of researched type of electromagnet from OEZ company with permanent magnets, which serves as trigger in compact circuit breaker, is also included in this part. Practical part includes measurement of force quantities of an electromagnet in different operating states and its evaluation. For analysis of dynamic quantities with finite element method was created suitable three-dimensional model of electromgnet. Model is used for simulation ofdifferent operating states.The last part describes measurement of dynamic characteristics of the electromganetic system. This part is closed with comparation of results.
Design of outrunner PMSM
Dudáš, Juraj ; Huzlík, Rostislav (referee) ; Vítek, Ondřej (advisor)
The diplomatic thesis will describe the principle functions of synchronous motors with permanent magnets, for therein analysis of PMSM and BLDC motors. We will make calculation of the required parameters from the power unit for glider Discus 2. We will create a design of BLDC and PMSM motor from specified parameters. Features of the proposed engines will be verified with the help of the programs FEMM, RMxprt, Maxwell. At the end of the work will make conclusion about the diplamatic project and diffrences between PMSM and BLDC motor.
Calculation of DC electromagnet and its experimental verification
Steidl, Adam ; Vetiška, Vojtěch (referee) ; Valenta, Jiří (advisor)
Content of this thesis deals with electromagnets as operating elements in electric machines. Thesis is divided in two main parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part describes electromagnets as electric machine , usage of electromagnets in electrical devices as operating element. Electromagnets are further divided in groups on basis of different criteria. Next, the theory of electromagnetic fields and methods of assesment of static pull and dynamic characteristics is described. Construction and function analysis of researched electromagnet with permanent magnets, which serves as trigger in compact circuit breaker, is also included in this part. Practical part includes measurement of force quantities of researched electromagnet in different operating states an its evaluation. For analysis of dynamic quantities with finite element method were created two-dimensional and three-dimensional models. Evaluation of analysis follows. After that is described simplified design of electromagnet, based onoperating states of researched electromagnet. This part is closed with comparation between results of analysis and designed values of electromagnets.
Design, optimization and full load circuit simulation of the surface mounted permanent magnet machine
Bláha, Martin ; Ondrůšek, Čestmír (referee) ; Kurfűrst, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis deals with the possibility of using the finite elements method for the analysing of synchronous permanent magnets machines. The aim of this work is to discuss the possibility of the machine design more effectively with using the finite elements method and Maxwell software for the simulations. On the created parametric model, simulations were performed according to master thesis assignment. The aim of this work is to determine induced voltage, iron losses, machine inductances and make a permanent magnets demagnetization analysis. From simulations results the machine efficiency is calculated. The parametric model was used for the optimization of selected parameters. From results of optimization new dimensions of permanent magnets was obtained. Machine efficiency was increased by new permanent magnet material and optimized design.
DC Motors Analysis and Innovation
Šimko, František ; Kuchyňková, Hana (referee) ; Hájek, Vítězslav (advisor)
The thesis aims to explain the design a prototype of an innovated small engine. It is divided into three main parts. The first part is focused on the analysis of low power DC small engines available on the market. The second part consists of measuring, construction and loss analysis of a DC small engine with permanent magnets. The last part deals with the possible innovations of a small engine with permanent magnets and subsequent implementation of some of them. The innovations are supported by calculations and simulations.
PMSM Drive Sliding Mode Control
Koňarik, Roman ; Blaha, Petr (referee) ; Václavek, Pavel (advisor)
The goal of this diploma work is to design a control for permanent magnet synchronous motor in sliding mode. The introduction describes a synchronous motor, sensors which are used in the control process as well as power devices. Further, there is description of mathematical model for the synchronous motor. Another part of the diploma work deals with classic vector control for this kind of motor followed by the sliding mode control for the motor. At the end, there is presented an algorithm which has been implemented in the processor designed for this equipment. All the controllers used in the equipment have been tested on motor simulations. In conclusion, there is a target analysis and facts finding.

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