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Hardware realization of hospital information system
Friedl, Jan ; Roleček, Jiří (referee) ; Fedra, Petr (advisor)
The presented work concerns problems of more effective using hardware and also free software. The first part of my work presents generally free GNU/Linux distributions and this part is concentrated on two distributions. The first is Red Hat Enterprise Linux which is installed in the server of the hospital information system Clinicom. The second is live distribution Slax that is used for testing of terminal connection to the hospital information system Clinicom. The second part of my work is generally concentrated on the hospital information systems and there is presented the firm SMS solution at the end. It is the hospital information system Clinicom. The next part is generally concentrated on the workload server monitoring. It monitors both userlogins and allocated memory size. Then there are discused problems of solution of unthought-of events, for example blackout, and the one solution is described there. The last part is concentrated on implementation of the security connection to the hospital information system Clinicom and it presents live distribution Slax as distribution for thin client.
Records of dose parameters in radiodiagnostic workplaces - contemporary state
The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the characteristics of ionizing radiation. It explains the interaction of ionizing radiation with substance and cells. Attention is also paid to the mechanism of damage caused to the cells of the human body. It explains the basic principles of radiation protection. The paper describes the function of the ionization chamber, as the most common device used in dosimetry of ionizing radiation. A large section is devoted to formulas, which are routinely used to determine the effective doses. It explains basic indicator of obesity, body mass index, which has a significant impact on the dose received by a patient during examination. At the end of the theoretical part, hospital information systems and programs, offered by companies for record keeping of batch parameters at radiodiagnostic workplaces, are mentioned. An integral part is also the legislation which governs the registration of batch parameters, not only in the Czech Republic, but also in the European Union. The practical part of the bachelor thesis provides a comparison of two radiodiagnostic sites. Furthermore, an analysis of data provided by the database of Radiodiagnostic Department of the University Hospital in Plzeň - Bory was conducted in the practical part of the thesis. Due to the increasing number of computer tomography, 20 most dose-intensive examinations were selected. What examination it was and what could cause such a high dose was examined.
Analysis of Supply of Outsourcing IS/ICT Services in Healthcare
Prudík, Kamil ; Potančok, Martin (advisor) ; Voříšek, Jiří (referee)
This thesis deals with the possibilities of IS/ICT services in healthcare. The theoretical part of the thesis introduces the reader to the concepts of outsourcing and systems used in healthcare facilities. At the end of this part, these information systems are evaluated from the perspective of IS/ICT outsourcing possibilities. Next section is pointed to legislative, technological and organizational assumptions related to implementation of IS/ICT in healthcare. In the practical part of the thesis is analyzed the market offer for the Czech Republic and abroad and analyzed the state of IS / ICT in a particular healthcare facility.
The information support of laboratory requisitions in hospitals in the Czech Republic
Fišerová, Marcela ; Stanovská, Iva (advisor) ; Hřib, Zdeněk (referee)
This thesis deals with the information support of laboratory requisitions in medical facilities in the Czech Republic. Its aim is to analyze the usage status of electronic request systems and their integration into hospital systems in practice of Czech medical equipment. Further, on the basis of the survey, the thesis draws conclusions about the overall state and an assumed development of such systems. The analysis was conducted by means of questionnaire survey in a randomly chosen sample of health facilities in the CR. The study results can serve both to the actual respondents who participated in the study for comparison with the competition and to IS / ICT companies for the eventual development of application software systems to support the analyzed area. The work is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part is based on the available research, literature and electronic sources concerning information technology in health care. The practical part deals with the research study - a questionnaire survey, analysis, and interpretation of results.
Healthcare information systems
Potančok, Martin ; Kunstová, Renáta (advisor) ; Kolář, Jiří (referee)
This diploma thesis is focused on information systems in the field of hospital and nursing-care bed management and contactless vital signals monitoring. The aim of this thesis is to provide the basic overview of information systems used in health care facilities, to introduce both the LINis and Vitalmonitor systems, to analyse the effectiveness of their implementation as well as to prepare their financing models. The introductory section defines the area of health information systems. It covers the whole system spectrum from the strategic to the less important ones. This definition determines the environment for the new systems. The analysis of the largest suppliers within the Czech Republic is also included in this section. The second part deals with the LINis system and Vitalmonitor system, their basic functionality, structure and integration. The most important is the third section which contains the analysis of the effects resulting from the standard information system extension. The Effects of the LINis system and Vitalmonitor system are assessed according to the level of patient care, staff performance, value added for different types of medical facilities and financing models.
Electronic documentation in nursing practise
KRÝDLOVÁ, Michaela
As a consequence of the quick development of information technologies there has been a natural and gradual transition to the electronic data storage in nursing. The firstversions of the software application for such documentation have been developed in cooperation with professionals dealing with information technologies in the States of the European Union and it is the nurses who decide what the content of the nursing documentation will be. Therefore it is very important that the nurses {--} as the main users of this software {--} are actively involved in the creation process of the electronic nursing documentation. The advantage of introducing the electronic nursing documentation is filing of the important data about a client in the NIS where it is possible to retrieve the history anytime. In contrast to the traditional records, it is easier to read these records and it is not possible to cross any information out or lose it. Further, it saves nurses{\crq} time, it automatically records time and name of the medical worker who logged in the NIS and it meets the recommendations of the accreaditation standards. A qualitative research was used in the research part of this thesis. A semi-standardized interview with the head nurses and a structured interview with the senior staff nurses and ward sisters of the departments of internal medicine and of surginal wards of the selected hospitals were used to collect the data. Further, the method of content analysis was used to compare the electronic nursing documentation in the individua surveyed hospitals. The structured interview with the senior staff nurses and ward nurses was not done in the Hospital České Budějovice, a.s. because the programme of the electronic nursing documentation has not been started there. Case reports are created based on the gained interview results. The case reports comprise the research base on which categorized charts in which the research results are recorded are based. The research was conducted from January till June 2009. The surveyed group consists of head nurses, two senior staff nurses and two ward sisters of the departments of internal medicine and of surginal wards of the selected hospitals of the chosen regions of the Czech Republic. The research was conducted in the South Bohemian Region {--} the Hospital České Budějovice, a.s., the Pilsen Region {--} the Teaching Hospital Plzeň, the South Moravian Region {--} the Teaching Hospital Brno and the Vysočina Region {--} the Hospital Jihlava, p.o. Four research questions were defined at the beginning of our research in order to achieve our goal. The research questions 1: Does the electronic nursing documentation contain all phases of the nursing process (anamnesis, diagnosis, care plan and assessment)? The research questions 2: Is the nursing taxonomy a part of the electronic nursing documentation of each patient? How is the record of the nursing diagnosis created (crossing x filling in)? The research questions 3: Which nursing model has become the basis for the nursing anamnesis of the electronic nursing documentation? The research questions 4: Can the nurses take an active part in the preparation process of the electronic nursing documentation? All our research questions have been answered. We defined the following hypotheses based on the results of our research: H1: The electronic nursing documentation contains nursing anamnesis based on the Marjory Gordon{\crq}s conceptual model. H2: The nurses are offered to cooperate in the creation process of the electronic nursing documentation. H3: There is a taxonomy part in the nursing documentation. H4: The electronic nursing documentation covers all phases of the nursing process. We belive that the results of he
Clinical information systems. Quality in clinical information systems
KÝČEK, Michal
In its theoretical part, this work deals with hospital information systems, their properties and development trends in the world, in Czech Republic and in the faculty Hospital in Plzeň in particular. A special reason for taking up this subject was the on-going transition to digital operation at the RTG departament of said hospital. Pictorial documentacion in digital form is presently becoming standard part of the medical do-cumentacion. The X-ray photographs can now be viewed at any client station of the hospital information system. As the existing stations were not originally intended for visualisation of pictorial medical documentacion, image quality tests have been carried out to determine the suitability of the station monitors for such operation. The main target of this work was to identify, using the technical tools available ath the RTG departament, a suitable image quality test, to verify its informative value and compare the existing hospital information system stations with dedicated diagnostic work station primarily intended for visualisation of medical X-ray documentation. The practical part of this work consisted of two tests using special graphic images and real patient`s X-ray picture including a specific diagnostic feature. A method of controlled interview was then used to establish the image quality and the degree of certainty with which that the doctors could identify the subject diagnostic feature. The test results were subject to statistical analysis using the linear regression analytic method whereby the informative value of the tests was determined. Finally, the operational properties of diagnostic work stations were compared to those of the hospital information system. In consideration of the small number of stations subjects to tests, the statistic analysis of this comparison was not carried out.
An analysis of the use of digitalization in the department of radiology
Potančok, Martin ; Kunstová, Renáta (advisor) ; Plšková, Lenka (referee)
This bachelor thesis is focused on the digitalization of medical records in the departments of radiology in hospitals. The aim of this thesis is to introduce the process of the digitalization of medical records in the departments of radiology, analyze the effectiveness of changes and make recommendations for non digitalized departments. The introductory section deals with the legislative and technological background of the digitizing. The second part is focused on a real case study of the implementation process. It is a modernisation of the whole department of radiology in a medium-size district hospital. The third, and most important, section contains the analysis of the implementation. There is also a comparison with the analogue option. The last section consists of recommendations for the selection process and the implementation of new technologies for non-digitalized departments of radiology for both the smallest and medium sizes.
Analysis of Informatic system management at the Facultyhospital "Bulovka"
Větvička, Jiří ; Toman, Prokop (advisor) ; Beneš, Jiří (referee)
Práce se zabývá možnostmi, které poskytují současné prostředky IS/IT ke zlepšení práce a činnosti v nemocničním prostředí. Sumarizuje nejenom požadavky kladené na tuto práci současnou legislativou, ale zabývá se i nedostatky, které se zde v praxi vyskytují. Snahou práce bylo poukázat na tyto problémy z pohledu uživatele a současně se snaží navrhnout taková zlepšení, která by napomohla tento pohled zohlednit. V úvodu text popisuje společnost samu, její velikost a způsob jejího řízení. Poté se věnuje současným postupům, které jsou využívány při řízení informatiky, dopady ze strany současné legislativy a upozorňuje na nedostatky, které jsou uživateli zřejmé. V poslední části definuje příčiny problémů a navrhuje opatření, které pomohou k jejich odstranění. Tato opatření se dotýkají nejenom změn v rámci nasazení IS/IT, ale zároveň i celé organizační struktury, neboť současné vnímání této problematiky je v organizaci nedostatečné. Samotná opatření jsou navržena tak, aby respektovala princip ?průchodnosti? a možnosti nasazení v samotné organizaci.

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