National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Oligomerization state and pigment contents of algal light-harvesting proteins
MALINOVÁ, Kateřina
Light-harvesting antennas (LHCs) from four microalgae species (diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, haptophyte Emiliania huxleyi, and two eustigmatophytes Nannochloropsis oceanica and Trachydiscus minutus) were studied. LHCs were extracted and purified using sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation and ion-exchange chromatography. Oligomerization states of LHCs were assessed using two independent methods - CN-PAGE and size-exclusion chromatography. Effects of the purification on LHC pigment composition was assessed using HPLC.
Phycobilin pigments as building blocks of artificial light-harvesting structures
MALINOVÁ, Kateřina
Phycobilin mixture was extracted from Thermosynechococcus elongatus cyanobacteria and purified with TLC method. Pure phycocyanobilin was esterified by Fischer esterification by several alcohol types. The results were analysed by TLC and HPLC methods.
Criminal Liability of Legal Entities
Malinová, Kateřina ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Vanduchová, Marie (referee)
The presented diploma thesis is focused on criminal liability of legal entities, an issue which was embedded in the Czech legal law six years ago by Act No. 418/2011 Coll., On Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings against them. The thesis is divided into four parts. The first part is concerned with the basics of legal entities criminal liability. The author tries to describe the concept of a legal entity in the light of current regulation according to the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code, since the Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings against them had been created under the previous Civil Code (Act No. 40/1964 Coll., Civil Code). Furthermore, the author deals with the conditions of legal entities criminal liability as well as the aspects that lead legal entities to commit crimes. The conditions for a criminal offense attribution to a legal entity are mentioned, as well. A subchapter on sanctions which may be imposed on legal entities is included. The regulation of legal entities criminal liability has particularly in recent years undergone several substantial changes. Certain amendments are examined in the second part of the thesis. The author discusses especially the extension of criminal offenses list which may be committed by a legal entity as well as the issue...
Regulace počtu parkovacích stání u rodinných domů a její dopady
Malinová, Kateřina ; Vejchodská, Eliška (advisor) ; Ropický, Jan (referee)
The development of the car transport has contributed to better mobility and also to more traffic on roads and more on-street parking. Governments reacted to this by creating a state regulation specifically the requirement of a minimum number of parking spaces to each new building. This policy may have some positive effects such as improving traffic flow of public roads and better security, but also brings additional costs for owners of new buildings. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the differences in an approach of Czech municipalities to this regulation and an impact discussion. I have chosen as a method of my research a combination of a controlled interview with representatives of five randomly selected Building Authorities in the Czech Republic and an electronic questionnaire with closed and open questions for the broader sample of municipalities in the Czech Republic. The analysis came to the conclusion that an application form of the minimum parking requirements policy for new buildings may vary significantly for each municipality and some differences exist in costs for owners of family houses because some of them are constrained to build paved and garage parking and the others have only their site next to the house.
Return on investment in passive houses and their subsidies
Malinová, Kateřina ; Písař, Pavel (advisor) ; Šmíd, Jan (referee)
Recently one of the most discussed themes is climate change and green parties come into a political scene. They further policy of ecological taxes which increase prices of energy. The consumers react to this increase of price and the demand of energy-saving style of life is increasing. That's why the passive houses are so popular in Europe especially in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Czech Republic reacts against it with a grant programme "Green savings" which was debatable at the beginning. It is because of a condition that grants can be utilized only by people who will have a passive house built by suppliers from the List of Qualified Suppliers which is state on websites of Department of the Environment. That passive house is usually more expensive even if you get the grant. I would like to find advantages and disadvantages of The Green Savings programme. The main goal of Bachelor Thesis is finding out if is profitable to invest into passive houses development in Czech Republic in term of investment return. As good efficient example I use the seminar building of Centre Veronica Hostětín which is the first public building in Czech Republic.
The estimate of the rate of return on investment in education in the Czech Republic
Malinová, Kateřina ; Fischer, Jakub (advisor) ; Münich, Daniel (referee)
The aim of this work is to estimate the individual rate of return on investment in tertiary education in the Czech Republic. Firstly, I focus on the theoretical explanation of the issue of human capital and investment in education as the most important investment in human capital. On the basis of the theoretical knowledge I present a list of revenues and expenses associated with investments in human capital. From this list I then select quantifiable revenues and expenses for the calculation of the internal rate of return on investments in tertiary education and present the data used in calculations. I describe my own methodology and also the methodology used by OECD, which is a base for my methodology. After estimating the individual rate of return on investment in tertiary education in the Czech Republic, I describe some limits of the calculation and interpretation obstacles of the estimate. At the end of my work, I mention some possible directions for further research in this area.

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