National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Assessment of the effect of CDP training in patient after lower extremity amputation
Čermáková, Kamila ; Vomáčková, Helena (advisor) ; Nováková, Tereza (referee)
Title: Assessment of the effect of CDP training in patient after lower extremity amputation Objectives: The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the influence of the individually set training programme on the computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) NeuroCom Smart EquiTest System (further referred to as EquiTest) independent of traditional therapeutic exercises in the patient after unilateral transfemoral amputation of the lower limb and to monitor the effect of this training on postural behaviour, ability of functional mobility and balance, frequency of falls and balance confidence in an individual after amputation. Methods: This is an experimental pilot case study that monitors the effect of an individually designed five-week training programme (with a frequency of exercises 2 times a week) on the EquiTest in one patient after unilateral transfemoral amputation of the lower limb. Examination of postural functions was performed by the EquiTest using SOT, MCT, and LOS tests. The ability of functional mobility and balance was tested using the functional Timed up and go test (TUG). The frequency of falls was detected from the proband's medical history. The balance confidence was determined using the Activities specific balance confidence scale (ABC). All measurements were made in two terms, i.e....
Assessment of the effect of CDP training in patient after lower extremity amputation
Čermáková, Kamila ; Vomáčková, Helena (advisor) ; Nováková, Tereza (referee)
Title: Assessment of the effect of CDP training in patient after lower extremity amputation Objectives: The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the influence of the individually set training programme on the computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) NeuroCom Smart EquiTest System (further referred to as EquiTest) independent of traditional therapeutic exercises in the patient after unilateral transfemoral amputation of the lower limb and to monitor the effect of this training on postural behaviour, ability of functional mobility and balance, frequency of falls and balance confidence in an individual after amputation. Methods: This is an experimental pilot case study that monitors the effect of an individually designed five-week training programme (with a frequency of exercises 2 times a week) on the EquiTest in one patient after unilateral transfemoral amputation of the lower limb. Examination of postural functions was performed by the EquiTest using SOT, MCT, and LOS tests. The ability of functional mobility and balance was tested using the functional Timed up and go test (TUG). The frequency of falls was detected from the proband's medical history. The balance confidence was determined using the Activities specific balance confidence scale (ABC). All measurements were made in two terms, i.e....
Why do States build Nuclear Weapons? Application of Sagan's Theoretical Models on the Case of Israel
Čermáková, Kamila ; Hynek, Nikola (advisor) ; Ludvík, Jan (referee)
This rigorous thesis deals with the historical development of the Israeli nuclear program and examines motives which led either to the decision to acquire nuclear weapons or to further develop Israeli nuclear arsenal. Indentified motives are compared with the theory by Scott Sagan who proposed three 'models in search of the bomb'. Security Model sees the effect of nuclear weapons on state security as the motivation, the Domestic Politics Model considers nuclear weapons to be a tool for gaining political profit and the Norms Model emphasizes their symbolic value. My proposition is that other than abovementioned motives, or more motives from different models might be found. Such a result would pose a challenge to Sagan's theory, and could be used a basis for further research. To define independent variables, which are the motives in my case, the method of process tracing is used. I identify critical moments which led to changes in the direction of the program, and define motives on their basis. In the thesis, I further deal with the policy of strategic ambiguity, which consists in complete non-acknowledgement of Israel's nuclear status and enabled Israel to reduce negative effects of the region's nuclearization.
Why do States build Nuclear Weapons? Application of Sagan's Theoretical Models on the Case of Israel
Čermáková, Kamila ; Hynek, Nikola (advisor) ; Ludvík, Jan (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the historical development of the Israeli nuclear program and examines motives which led either to the decision to acquire nuclear weapons or to further develop Israeli nuclear arsenal. Indentified motives are compared with the theory by Scott Sagan who proposed three 'models in search of the bomb'. Security Model sees the effect of nuclear weapons on state security as the motivation, the Domestic Politics Model considers nuclear weapons to be a tool for gaining political profit and the Norms Model emphasizes their symbolic value. My proposition is that other than abovementioned motives, or more motives from different models might be found. Such a result would pose a challenge to Sagan's theory, and could be used a basis for further research. To define independent variables, which are the motives in my case, the method of process tracing is used. I identify critical moments which led to changes in the direction of the program, and define motives on their basis. In the thesis, I further deal with the policy of strategic ambiguity, which consists in complete non-acknowledgement of Israel's nuclear status and enabled Israel to reduce negative effects of the region's nuclearization.
Change trajectories of wood-pastures focusing on changes in management
Čermáková, Kamila ; Skaloš, Jan (advisor) ; Pavel, Pavel (referee)
This thesis is focused on monitoring changes in the trajectory of wood-pasture mainly in changes in management. The main goal of research was land-cover according to the Imperial prints and current orthophoto maps. Area of interest is located in the Stredocesky and the Ustecky region, specifically my intereset was six historic regions in the Midwestern Bohemia, which had the largest landscape heterogeneity. The first part describes the historical development of wood-pastures, their definition and the current status. Information was obtained from the Czech and foreign literature. Another part deals with specific trajectories in the area of interest. Changes in wood-pasture from mid-19th century to the present day were compared by program ArcGIS. In conclusion you can find the evaluation of the results by graphs, tables and verbal evaluation of the likely causes of changes in trajectory.
Vyzbrojování Armády České republiky
Čermáková, Kamila ; Faltejsek, Filip ; Hlouchová, Iveta ; Hornát, Jan ; Kulda, Tomáš ; Soural, Aleš
Jak nejefektivněji vyzbrojit armádu České republiky (AČR)? Text zkoumá, zdali je zájmem České republiky více investovat do rozvoje obranného průmyslu a vývoje nových technologií či pořizovat více armádní techniky a výstroje v zahraničí. Finanční situace Ministerstva obrany jej značně omezuje při provádění reforem AČR, které jsou vytyčeny ve strategických dokumentech, například Bezpečnostní strategii ČR z roku 2003.1 V roce 2013 obranný rozpočet klesl až na 42 miliardy Kč.2 Rozpočtová kapitola určená na akvizici nové výstroje a techniky tvořila v roce 2011 pouze 13% z celého rozpočtu ministerstva. 3 AČR je přitom nutné přezbrojit, aby byla schopna se zapojit do zahraničních misí Evropské unie (EU) či Severoatlantické aliance (NATO). Ministerstvo obrany musí zvážit oba tyto aspekty před uskutečněním dalších reformních kroků. Nabízejí se dvě možná řešení. První z nich počítá s investicemi do rozvoje českého obranného průmyslu. Druhé preferuje akvizice armádní techniky a výstroje od zahraničních výrobců. Česká republika má za sebou dlouhou a úspěšnou tradici českého zbrojního průmyslu, která sahá až do dob Rakouska – Uherska. Výroba se rozvíjela i v období obou světových válek a největšího významu dosáhla v období socialismu. Česká republika byla v té době významným exportérem v rámci východního bloku. V roce 1987 dosáhla produkce zbrojního průmyslu 29 miliard Kčs, kdy přibližně 70 % našeho exportu putovalo do Sovětského svazu.4 Po rozpadu Sovětského svazu produkce prudce klesla na 4,6 miliard Kč a v současné době jsou pro rozšíření výroby nutné značné investice. Rozvoj českého průmysl by mohl významně pomoci české ekonomice a především snížit nezaměstnanost. Získat novou techniku a výstroj může AČR i od zahraničních firem, mezi něž patří například Lockhead Martin, Boeing či BAE, jejichž technika byla prověřena i ve válkách v Iráku a Afghánistánu. Nákupy v zahraničí může AČR uskutečňovat skrze veřejné tendry nebo za pomoci agentur pro společné nákupy spadajících pod NATO či EU. Výhodou takových nákupů může být nižší cena a pořízení velmi kvalitních produktů. V minulosti však byly tyto nákupy často provázeny korupčními skandály.
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Syrian-Israeli Relations
Čermáková, Kamila ; Havlová, Radka (advisor) ; Šabacká, Yvona (referee)
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is an analysis of Syrian-Israeli Relations. The first chapter describes the history of their mutual relations from the period preceding the establishment of the State of Israel till the civil war in Lebanon. The second chapter is devoted to the Golan Heights issue, its importance, to the history of Israeli annexation, its international and legal aspects and to Israeli actions in the Golan. The third chapter deals with both stages of peace talks in the 90's and about the Syrian-Israeli Relations after 2000.

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