Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 17 záznamů.  1 - 10další  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Risk Assessment on Geodiversity Sites
Kubalíková, Lucie ; Nováková, Eva ; Kuda, František ; Kirchner, Karel ; Bajer, A. ; Balková, M.
Geoconservation is an action of conserving and enhancing geological, geomorphological, hydrological and soil features and processes. Particular geoconservation measures are very often applied on the site-level to protect important geodiversity sites. Nevertheless, despite established legal protection and related geoconservation activities, threats to geodiversity sites related to the multiple use and human society demands can arise and reaching a compromise can be difficult. In this contribution, a two-level threat assessment is applied and discussed. The first level of threat assessment is based on the already used criteria within geosite/geomorphosite concept. The second level of threat assessment is represented by Risk Assessment Matrix, which may be considered a useful tool providing a complex view on the threats to geodiversity sites. The methods are applied on two different sites and their advantages and limits are discussed. Based on the assessment, specific management proposals may be implemented in order to balance conservation needs and demands resulting from human activities related to the sites.
Influence of recreational activities on the distribution of forest wild boar rooting
Drimaj, J. ; Balková, M. ; Špoula, J. ; Kamler, J. ; Mikulka, O. ; Plhal, R. ; Homolka, Miloslav
The wild boar is a widely distributed and locally very numerous animal. The same is true in the conditions of Central Europe. Outside the growing season, it concentrates in forests, where it also actively searches for food sources. During this activity, it disturbs the soil surface, thereby significantly affecting the dynamics of the ecosystem. From an economic point of view, it limits the natural renewal of tree species, but from an ecological point of view, it changes habitat conditions and thus helps to increase biodiversity. Factors influencing the distribution of rooting across forest stands may be different. In this paper, we focused on the human factor and its influence on the rooting activity of wild boar in the Hodonínská Dúbrava, National natural monuments.
Tvorba databáze krasových jevů na území ŠLP Křtiny z dat leteckého laserového skenování
Balková, Marie
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá popisem krasu a jeho typických jevů s důrazem na povrchové útvary závrty. Dále popisem a technologií leteckého laserového skenování, postupem sběru a zpracování dat a využitím pro účely identifikace terénních depresí na základě výzkumu a postupů zahraničních odborníků. Z těchto dostupných studií je vybrána nejvhodnější metodika, která je aplikována na data digitálního modelu reliéfu 5. generace. Výsledky této aplikace jsou porovnány s dostupnou databází závrtů vedenou na CHKO Moravský kras a vlastním terénním šetřením.
Role pastoračního pracovníka v domově pro seniory
BALKOVÁ, Magdaléna
Práce se zabývá rolí pastoračního pracovníka v domovech seniorů. V teoretické části představuje seniora a jeho specifika, jakožto cílovou skupinu pastoračního pracovníka. Zároveň představuje komunikaci jako činnost, skrze kterou pastorace probíhá. Dále poukazuje na absenci koncepčního ošetření služby pastoračního pracovníka a představuje dokumenty, ze kterých by při jejím koncepčním ukotvování bylo možné vycházet. Pomocí kvantitativního průzkumu se také snaží zjistit, v kolika českých domovech seniorů působí pastorační pracovníci. V praktické části formou kvalitativního výzkumu usiluje o nalezení toho, jaké role plní pastorační pracovníci v domovech seniorů.
Geological paths – their use for the regional geography teaching
Kubalíková, Lucie ; Drápela, E. ; Bajer, A. ; Zapletalová, D. ; Balková, M. ; Zágoršek, K. ; Kirchner, Karel ; Kuda, František ; Roštínský, Pavel
Geological paths (geopaths, geotrails) represent a type of educational paths that connect sites, which are interesting from the Earth-sciences point of view. These sites (e.g. outcrops, old quarries, historical buildings built of local stone or viewpoints) often represent the links between geodiversity and other phenomena within a region (which is in accordance with a holistic approach to geotourism). Thus, they can give complex information not only about the abiotic nature but also about biodiversity, history or culture of the region, usually through narrative. Suitable interpretation of geodiversity and its relationships to the biodiversity and cultural heritage allows to identify regional specifics, it helps to find the mutual connections between particular phenomena within the region and it supports the holistic perception of a given region. The contribution presents an example from the Brno city where the urban geopath can be used for teaching regional geography of Brno and its surroundings.
Forest Soil Physico-Chemical Sorption Spatial Links in Central-European Systems of Site Geographical Divisions
Samec, Pavel ; Balková, M. ; Kučera, A.
Spatial links among soil property values influence variability of soil sorption. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of geotectonic, soil-and biogeographical divisions on forest soil physicochemical sorption spatial links. The effect was investigated through optimal model selection and its comparison among the soil cover division systems of Central-European Highlands in the Czech Republic. Optimal model was selected through the closest-fitting estimations of linear global and local regressions between sorption and chemical or geomorphological forest soil properties. The optimal model comparison was carried out through linear regression with bedrock type proportion (geodiversity) at units of particular division systems. Chemical properties influenced forest soil sorption more than relief. Soil base saturation (BS) was locally more divided than cation exchange capacity (CEC). Local regression of BS with Al2O3 was divided by geotectonic systems the most, but it was not influenced by geodiversity. Geodiversity influenced local regression of CEC with Al2O3 in soil regions as well as regression with C/N in biogeographical regions. Differences between spatial links of BS and CEC suggest that forest soil sorption is divided into multi-level clusters. Spatial link modelling of soil sorption can optimalize forest growth condition division for effective management use.
Developing urban geotourism in Brno (Czech Republic)
Kubalíková, Lucie ; Kirchner, Karel ; Bajer, A. ; Balková, M. ; Kuda, František
The term “urban geotourism” is defined as tourism based on the places within the city boundary (both in the form of built heritage - monuments, buildings, statues - and rock outcrops) that is related to geological concepts and features. As a first step for the development of urban geotourism it is necessary to identify and inventory the geotourist resources, which should take into account both natural (geological, geomorphological, hydrological or palaeontological, and ecological aspects related to geodiversity), and cultural aspects related to geodiversity (e.g. monuments, building stone, geo-toponyms, anthropogenic landforms). Based on the classification of geotourist sites, selected examples from Brno (Czech Republic) are given, supplemented by geotourist and geo-educational activities. In the conclusion, the advantages of urban geotourism are summarized and its importance for the protection of abiotic nature and sustainable management of valuable sites is suggested.\n\n
The Influence of traditional ways of management on the State of Coppice - Results in 2018
Balková, M. ; Dařenová, Eva ; Friedl, M. ; Hloucalová, P. ; Kadavý, J. ; Kneifl, M. ; Knott, M. ; Kučera, A. ; Slach, T. ; Skládanka, J. ; Uchytilová, Tereza ; Uherková, B. ; Vichta, T. ; Volařík, D.
The most pronounced increase in number of herb species was remarked in the clear cut+litter gathering treatment. Harvest led to an increase in soil temperature and moisture. TheCO2efflux was the highest in September, namely in control treatment. The lowest intensity of root growth was remarked in the control treatment. Variants with litter gathering had smaller (28.9%) relative growth ratio.
Optimalizace lesnického hospodaření na svazích ohrožených sesuvy a řícením hornin – metodika lesopěstebních postupů
Bajer, A. ; Balková, M. ; Buček, A. ; Divíšek, Jan ; Friedl, M. ; Halas, Petr ; Kirchner, Karel ; Kuda, František ; Lacina, Jan ; Martiník, A. ; Roštínský, Pavel ; Simon, J. ; Vavříček, D.
Sesuvy, stejně jako řícení skal patří mezi přírodní disturbance, na jejichž vznik má lesní hospodářství pouze druhořadý vliv. Na stranu druhou může odpovídající hospodaření vést ke snížení rizika vzniku sesuvů (řícení). V některých konkrétních případech lze očekávat, že uvedené hospodaření může vést i k zabránění vzniku sesuvu. Základním doporučením na úseku pěstování lesů v oblastech postižených (ohrožených) sesuvy je tvorba lesních porostů druhově, věkově a tloušťkově (výškově) diferencovaných, s maloplošnou texturou. V některých případech je možné doporučit také tvar lesa středního. Nedílnou součástí opatření na rizikových územích musí být důsledná péče o lesní dopravní síť.
Cultural functions and services of geodiversity within urban areas (with a special regard on tourism and recreation)
Kubalíková, Lucie ; Bajer, A. ; Drápela, E. ; Zapletalová, D. ; Kirchner, Karel ; Balková, M. ; Zágoršek, K. ; Kuda, František ; Roštínský, Pavel
Geodiversity (or abiotic nature) within urban areas has numerous functions and offers various benefits and services. In addition, it has strong links to cultural heritage and historical aspects and it influences and is influenced by urban development and planning. The geodiversity functions and services can be sorted according to the ecosystem services approach: regulating, supporting, provisioning and cultural services. The last mentioned includes a wide spectrum of aspects (spiritual, religious, historical, archaeological, social, artistic, sense of place etc.) and besides this, it encompasses also the tourist and recreational functions which are (in some cases) unexplored and underestimated in urban areas. The paper presents examples from two different Czech cities – Brno and Liberec. Selected geocultural sites are described and assessed and specific proposals for tourist, recreational and educational use are outlined. The results of evaluation show that they can represent an interesting alternative to the traditional tourist destinations within urban areas.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 17 záznamů.   1 - 10další  přejít na záznam:
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