Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 220 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí94 - 103dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Rusko-íránské vazby a Kaspický region v letech 1991-2001
Hamzová, Karolína ; Aslan, Emil (vedoucí práce) ; Bureš, Jan (oponent)
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd / Smetanovo nábřeží 6, 110 01 Praha 1 info@fsv.cuni.cz, tel: 222 112 111 www.fsv.cuni.cz Dle čl. 4 Opatření rektora č. 6/2010 o Zpřístupnění elektronické databáze závěrečných prací http://www.cuni.cz/UK-3470.html a čl. 1 Opatření děkana 29/2010 se z časového hlediska závěrečné práce dělí do tří skupin: a. "nové práce", tj. práce odevzdávané k obhajobě počínaje 29. 9. 2010, b. "starší práce", tj. práce odevzdané k obhajobě od 1. 1. 2006 do 28. 9. 2010, c. "práce před rokem 2006", tj. práce odevzdané k obhajobě před 1. 1. 2006. V tomto případě jde o "starší práci" odevzdanou k obhajobě od 1. 1. 2006 do 28. 9. 2010. Omlouváme se, ale dokument není v elektronické verzi k dispozici.
Afghanistan and Tajikistan in the post-Cold War Era: A Sub-regional Insecurity Complex?
Mužík, Tomáš ; Aslan, Emil (vedoucí práce) ; Střítecký, Vít (oponent)
Cílem této práce je analyzovat a přinést nový náhled na dynamiku válečných konfliktů, které v devadesátých letech minulého století propojily území Afghánistánu a Tádžikistánu v ucelenou zónu nestability. Vznik vzájemně propojených regionálních konfliktů byl v literatuře zabývající se Mezinárodními vztahy (jako oborem) a bezpečnostními studii převážně analyzován pomocí Wallensteenova konceptu "komplexů regionálních konfliktů", ke kterým mnoho autorů přiřazuje koncept přelití (angl. spill over) bezpečnostních dynamik z jednoho politického prostoru do okolních regionů. Běžné interpretace přiřazují Afghánistánu roli regionálního epicentra násilí, odkud se politické násilí "přelilo" do sousedního Tádžikistánu, kterému se ze strany Moskvy dostalo nečekané a snad i nechtěné nezávislosti. Koncept spill over dostatečně nevysvětluje hloubku a intenzitu vztahů mezi Afghánistánem a Tádžikistánem. Snahou autora je nabídnout strukturální a ucelenější pohled na afghánsko-tádžický politický prostor z pohledu bezpečnostní závislosti. Obecnějším zájmem autora je také nastínit problematiku přelévání konfliktu a nestability v regionálních komplexech, které zahrnují tzv. slabé státy (Weak states). V podmínkách nestabilních státních institucí v post-koloniálních zemích je třeba brát v potaz také neformální společenské...
Jihadisation of Insurgencies: A Corollary of Civil Wars
Anand, Nayan ; Aslan, Emil (vedoucí práce) ; Ditrych, Ondřej (oponent)
Large scale destruction and surfeit chaos that accompany civil wars have provided a platform to several insurgencies operating in the setting to compete in a struggle for increased power and territorial occupation against their depraved regimes and each other. It is during this power struggle that several insurgencies make a jump from a purely nationalistic agenda of the civil war to a larger religious goal by complying with jihadist organisations thriving in the region. Although the topic of civil war and religious radicalisation has been on the international agenda as well as the academic community for many years now, proselytizing and hijacking of national agenda of insurgencies by religious extremists is also of growing concern. Thus, this research will seek to find if jihadisation of insurgencies is a direct consequence of civil wars by using the Afghanistan and the Syrian Civil wars as case studies. The approach adopted here is to dwell into the factors behind the adoption of jihadist ideologies by insurgencies in war zones. These factors would then be applied to both the case studies. The paper will incorporate insights from previous qualitative studies conducted on geo-referenced terror, the role of religion, and ideologies in civil wars in the aforementioned countries to arrive at the...
Political Violence in Turkey
Özturan, Betül ; Střítecký, Vít (vedoucí práce) ; Aslan, Emil (oponent)
This thesis aims to create a novel dataset on political violence to estimate the accurate number of political violence incidents and fatalities in Turkey: Political Violence in Turkey Event Dataset (POLVITED). I argue that the reporting bias and differences in the scopes and definition of event datasets impact the quantitative study of conflict and violence. To eliminate the reporting bias and create a comprehensive dataset on political violence, I apply Matching Event Data by Location, Time and Type (MELTT) method to the Global Terrorism Database(GTD) and Uppsala Conflict Data Programme (UCDP-GED). The finding suggests that UCDP-GED were able to record 65% of the total number of political violence incidents in Turkey, and GTD was able to record 45% of them while 10% is coded in both datasets. POLVITED enables the researchers to capture the accurate picture of political violence incidents in Turkey by eliminating the double recording and alleviating the reporting bias. Lastly, the comparison of POLVITED and official reports demonstrates that, although the reporting bias is inevitable, integration alleviates the problems associated with it by increasing the coverage of the dataset.
Breaking free from the dominance and establishing independent policy: The analysis of Saudi-Qatari relations and its implications on the region of the Persian Gulf
Denk, Matěj ; Daniel, Jan (vedoucí práce) ; Aslan, Emil (oponent)
Ústředním tématem diplomové práce Vymanění se z nadvlády a ustanovení nezávislé politiky: Analýza saúdsko-katarských vztahů a jejich dopad na oblast Perského zálivu je popis historického vývoje bilaterálních vztahů mezi Královstvím Saúdské Arábie a Státem Katar. Tyto vztahy jsou následně analyzovány na základě teorií formování aliancí, zkoumání zahraniční politiky států Blízkého východu a severní Afriky a mezinárodních hierarchií. Cílem práce je objasnit, jak byl Katar schopen vymanit se z podřízené pozice v rámci hierarchického vztahu se Saúdskou Arábií. Oproti předchozímu výzkumu, který dává konec hierarchie do souvislosti s krizí v dominantním státě, se tato práce zabývá možností vymanění se z podřízeného postavení na základě posílení vlastní pozice, k čemuž využívá danou případovou studii. Práce rozlišuje a přichází s návrhem klasifikace několika etap saúdsko - katarských vztahů, a každou z nich analyzuje na základě výše uvedených teorií. Nález studie podporuje prvotní hypotézu, že podřízený stát je schopen vymanit se ze své podřízenosti bez nutnosti krize v dominantním státě, ale pouze při splnění několika specifických předpokladů, zejména příznivé situace v regionu i ve světě, možnosti využít rozsáhlé zdroje, odhodlání a schopnosti politického vedení země a proaktivní zahraniční politiky,...
Two Sides of the Same Coin? A Comparative Analysis of Right-Wing Extremists and Jihadists
Herrmann, Tobias Erik Stefan ; Kocmanová, Markéta (vedoucí práce) ; Aslan, Emil (oponent)
This study investigates the radicalization pathways of German jihadist Denis Cuspert and Norwegian right-wing extremist Anders Breivik. The aim is to identify causal factors that could have initiated, promoted, or accelerated the respective radicalization process and to compare the radicalization pathways with each other in this regard. The purpose of this study is to better understand the complexity of a radicalization process in terms of causes, reasons, effects, and correlations in order to be able to respond to it adequately. Right-wing extremism and jihadism are current security threats to Western democracies and their societies. A comparison of jihadist and right-wing extremist radicalization processes helps design and further develop preventive and deradicalization measures. Essential causal factors that contributed to the radicalization process of Cuspert and Breivik are personal crises, rejection, the search for meaning and belonging, the desire for attention and recognition, interaction with like-minded people, psychological group processes, perceptions and narratives of deprivation and threat to one's social group, and foreign policy events. The cases differ concerning personal experiences and perceptions due to background of origin and, in particular, regarding the importance of the...
Analysis of ISIS's Insurgency through the theory of Revolutionary Warfare
Piunti, Amerigo ; Aslan, Emil (vedoucí práce) ; Bureš, Oldřich (oponent)
Analysis of ISIS's Insurgency through the theory of Revolutionary Warfare, by Amerigo Piunti. Ever since the collapse of the brutal Ba'athist regime of Saddam Hussein, the Sunnis of Iraq were struggling as a minority in a nation governed by Shia. The government of Baghdad was constantly ignoring Sunni's grievances, and for many experts, this aspect was a driving point that led to the establishment of the IS Caliphate. Contrary to popular belief, the so-called Islamic State appeared only for the first time in October 2006. Abū Musʿab al-Zarqāwī was the founder and first tenacious leader of the special detachment called "Al-Qaeda in Iraq." This group later on mutated itself into the notorious Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and it obtained support from international sympathizers and local citizens. The terror group successfully recruited local tribes, experienced fighters and leaders, previous members of the Baathist regime, and it even cooperated with other Jihadists groups. The terror group itself also heavily relied on the spread of Jihadist-Salafist propaganda and eventually created an urgent need for a drastic change in society. The group then expanded its insurgency activities towards Syria, and after only eight years of fighting, it successfully covered each of the necessary stages to...
Comparative Study between the 2016 Failed Military Coup and Previous Successful Coups in Turkey
Safarli, Adil ; Kučera, Tomáš (vedoucí práce) ; Aslan, Emil (oponent)
The 2016 Turkish failed coup attempt was a striking political event of the year. Although Turkey is a country with a long history of successful military intervention and deep-rooted coup culture, the coup organizers could not achieve the desired outcome in 2016. The coups of 1960, 1971, 1980 and 1997 have resulted in the government's change where the military played an important role by influencing the political sphere. However, the result was different in the coup attempt carried out on 15 July 2016. As the President, a large segment of military, political parties and a significant part of the society had an anti-coup attitude and stood up against the military coup. For this reason, the thesis attempts to compare the 2016 Turkish failed coup with the previous successful coups of 1960, 1971, 1980, and 1997's in Turkey. The comparison is based on the hypotheses built on four civil-military relation theories and concepts: Military Professionalism, Civilian Supremacy, Social Cohesion and Public Institutionalism. According to the analyses, the findings indicate that the theories of Civilian Supremacy and Public Institutionalism better explain the failure of 2016 and the success of the previous coups than other theories.
Canadian press coverage of terrorism: The virgin terrorist vs. the Canadian jihadist?
Saxena, Kajal ; Conway, Maura (vedoucí práce) ; Aslan, Emil (oponent)
The violent and deadly rise of Incel attacks has disrupted Canada's domestic terrorism landscape by putting a spotlight on non-Jihadist extremism. In 2019, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service released a report which revealed an evolved overview of Canada's domestic terrorism landscape that redefined extremism to include: Ideologically-motivated violent extremism (IMVE). With the occurrence of four deadly Incel terrorist attacks between 2018 and 2020, Canada has experienced more Incel terrorism related deaths than those committed by their Jihadist counterparts. By examining the nexus between news media framings and terrorism, this research study seeks to contribute to the gap in terrorism studies on Incels and analyses the way in which the Canadian news media frames their attacks within the label of terrorism. Referencing Azeezah Kanji's 2018 study of news media framings of Muslim violence as a theoretical and thematic framework, this study employs a qualitative research design to answer the research question: In what ways does news media coverage of Incel attacks compare to the coverage of domestic Jihadist attacks? This study employs a combination of content and thematic analysis to a corpus of news media articles on four recent Incel attacks and compares its findings to Kanji's 2018 study....
Effectiveness and consequences of counterterrorism strategies in Pakistan: A critical appraisal of National Action Plan
Wahab, Fazal ; Aliyev, Huseyn (vedoucí práce) ; Aslan, Emil (oponent)
This study explores and evaluates the effectiveness of the Counterterrorism (CT) policies of Pakistan, particularly, the National Action Plan (NAP) and military operations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Tribal districts in the Pakistan-Afghanistan borderland. In this study, I argue that there is dearth of literature on the evaluation of effectiveness of CT policies particularly in the case of Pakistan. Using Eric Van Um & Daniela Pisoiu's Model of Effectiveness (2015), with concepts like Output effectiveness, Outcome effectiveness and Impact effectiveness, in this dissertation I argue that NAP and military operations in Tribal districts have been partially effective as it restored the government writ in different parts of the country and resulted in a steep decline in terrorist incidents. However, the plan is not highly effective as the threat of terrorism and extremism still exist. I also argue that the hard or military aspects of the NAP was executed soon after the plan was announced, however, to implement the soft aspects of the plan a lot still needs to be done. Nevertheless, CT polices of Pakistan failed to take into consideration the social and cultural aspects of Tribal districts. Therefore, I also contend that NAP and military operations in the Tribal districts resulted into socio-cultural...

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 220 záznamů.   začátekpředchozí94 - 103dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam:
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