National Repository of Grey Literature 62 records found  beginprevious41 - 50nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Affect and expression in the society of enlightenment
Smyčka, Václav ; Činátl, Kamil (advisor) ; Tinková, Daniela (referee)
This work deals with the changes of rhetorical education and emotional orders in the second half of the 18th century. The aim of the research is to assess the relations among language education, funtions of medias, anthropological models and expression of emotions on the Threshold of enlightenment. The background of the research shapes the transformation of rhetorical tradition. The research of the broad field of pedagogical, rhetorical and moral discurs is focused on the collegium of Karl Heinrich Seibt.
Value System at Teaching of the Normal school in Prague at the Turn of 18th and 19th Century
Raška, Jakub ; Tinková, Daniela (advisor) ; Pokorná, Magdaléna (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the Normal School in Prague, which was after the introduction of theresian General School Regulation (1774) a pattern for the lower education in Habsburgian Bohemia. For this reason, its teaching methods and distinctive value system could be understood as a norm for other lower schools in the Czech inherited land. The first chapter contains an overview of the development of the lower education from educational reforms of Maria Theresa to educational laws of Francis II. in the early years of the 19th century. In the second chapter, the author of this paper tries to show the ways in which the state-enlightenment school discourse puts emphasis on the connection of the state and the school on the basis of four texts by various authors, who had large participation in promoting the school reform in the Czech lands or were directly connected with the Prague Normal School. The last chapter, based on period theoretical texts on education, textbooks and sources compiled by the school, describes the school (= state) vision of the perfect man and his upbringing. Key words: Normal School in Prague, Bohemian Enlightenment, dawning of the modern state, etatization, value system, Alexius Pařízek, Ferdinand Kindermann, Maria Theresa, Joseph II
Rationalisation process of the people's enviroment. Public education in novels of education of the beginning of the 19th century.
Matiášová, Barbora ; Tinková, Daniela (advisor) ; Randák, Jan (referee)
The bachelor thesis' goal is to analyse the so-called Novels of Education which were created or translated on the beginning of the 19th century. Through these fetching stories the authors' aim was to enlighten the reader - rather uneducated villagers, peasants. The thesis briefly introduces several writings and their authors, then analysis what, in these books, is being presented as right and "wise". The contents focus on the distorted appreciation of time and freedom which, according to the Anthony Giddens' and Benedict Anderson's concepts, are described as an abstract category that is detached from the real world situations. Furthermore, due consideration is devoted to the "entrepreneurs" - those who, according to the Novels of Education and the prompts of the Enlightement thinkers, were supposed to educate those who lived in their surroundings. Finally, the formal aspect of the thesis is aimed on the means which were used by the authors to maintain the liability of their work.
Luigi Angiolini - Life in Service to Tuscany
Prokopová, Oldřiška ; Tinková, Daniela (advisor) ; Klusáková, Luďa (referee)
This bachelor's thesis presents in a chronological order, the life of a Tuscan aristocrat Luigi Angiolini (1750-1821). He was a writer, traveller and diplomat, active in the period of the Habsburg reforms, the French Revolution, the Napoleonic rule, and the restoration in Italy. Based on the available literature and sources, this thesis maps Angiolini's youth, his journey to England and Scotland, his diplomatic career in Paris in the service of Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany, as well as his final years spent in the countryside with his family. Angiolini's varied life and his openness to modern ideas allow for conceiving this protagonist as a typical man of his times, while on the basis of his interests and activities simultaneously elucidating the entire historical period in a wider context.
The image of rural france in the travel diary of Arthur Young
Borodáčová, Jana ; Klusáková, Luďa (advisor) ; Tinková, Daniela (referee)
The author makes an analysis of the book of travels by Arthur Young who from a position of a physiocrat observed and explored the economic situation of French country during his three journeys in 1787 /1788 and 1789/90. The traveller used his own experience of agronomist and he supplemented his observation with information from local landed proprietors who were interested in agronomics. He also broadened his horizons via conversations with his French friends . When he conducted a survey of conditions of French country he used his method of statistics which he introduces during his preceding research journeys in England and Ireland. But the traveller omitted the social side of the country life when using this method. The characteristic of this method was abridged of a general opinion of educated Enlightenment class. The work of Arthur Young is also a typical Enlightenment book of travels even thought the aim of his journey the author broke out of traditional destinations. The traveller delimited himself distinctivelly nationally in the French environment and for this reason he expressed his opinions from a position of Englishman. This feature is characteristic of the whole contents of the book of travels, no mater if he adressed himself to agriculture, behaviour and customs of French society or to...
Propaganda strategy of Austrian Empire during the war 1809 ( with special view to Bohemian countries)
Holas, Václav ; Tinková, Daniela (advisor) ; Pokorná, Magdaléna (referee)
This work presents the Austrian state propaganda in the Czech lands in the background development of French-Austrian war, which culminated in 1809. The main intention is to try and analyze the performance of the anti-napoleonic campaign in the context of political-administrative changes accompanying the emergence Austrian state Landwehr after the battle of Austerlitz. The study also outlines the thematic definition of contemporary propaganda that has become a significant representation of the contemporary state ideology. There are also presents media, means and ways in which the war ideology was disseminated around the monarchy. Content analysis of the propaganda messages is based on material originating mostly from Czech authors. Part of the thesis deals with the organizational structure and the campaign tactics that were used by promoters to influence public opinion. A special space is devoted to the pursuit of understanding the role of Czech patriots in the state propaganda and the importance of propaganda campaign for further development of the Czech national revival. The final chapter then provides answers to questions reception of propaganda, as it could be perceived broad social layers. Key words: Propaganda - war 1805 and 1809 - napoleonic wars - austrian empire - austrian state ideology -...
Anti-monachism in the Bohemian society in the epoch of enlightenment
Hasan, Petr ; Tinková, Daniela (advisor) ; Zdichynec, Jan (referee)
The diploma thesis Anti-Monachism in the Bohemian Society in the Epoch of Enlightenment deals with reforms by Josef II., in particular with the abolishment of monasteries from view of the then documents appeared in support of the reforms in progress. The author selects some significant themes handled by the reform devotees. The main theme is the criterion of the men's nature. The related themes include: monks' asceticism, celibacy, monasteries as the quintessence of the baroque devoteness, and mendicant orders. In the context of their criticism, the authors of the texts in question refer to the epoch of early Christendom and to the emergence of the first monasteries. Therefore also the author of this diploma thesis pays attention to this historical period as well as to the contents of the anti-monarchistic texts. Key words: Anti-monarchismus - History of Christendom - Enlightenment - Men's Nature - Asceticism
Gender, identity, body
Řídký, Josef ; Tinková, Daniela (advisor) ; Činátl, Kamil (referee)
The thesis Gender, identity, body attempts to set out a method suitable for historical description and analysis of representations of bodily identities, such as old age, childhood, race etc. The conceptualization of gender identities presents our starting point, the very capacity of the term of gender is examined through the reading of the works of Joan W. Scott and Judith Butler. In respect to our final purpose, the term appears convenient only partially, for it balances between two extremes: it is either overly dependent on gender binarism or it utterly ceases to represent bodily identities. This paper brings an alternative concept: corpus. Combining the concept of gender and the phenomenology of body, it conceives bodily identity as a type of Paul Ricoeur's narrative identity. Composing different bodily parts and behaviour stereotypes, this kind of identity creates a distinctive collective identity: corpus. In its next part, the thesis follows the construction of representations of old age and adolescence in the field of Czechoslovakian 20th century developmental psychology. It appears that both old age and youth are disqualified in the name of a symbolic adult-centrism. Keywords: gender studies - identity - phenomenology of body - marginal groups in the 20th century
Spa guests under surveillance in the end of the 18th century and in the beginning of the 19th century
Jílková, Lucie ; Tinková, Daniela (advisor) ; Čechura, Jaroslav (referee)
On the verge of 19th century, all ancien régimes tried to find any way how to treat changes and impacts from the French revolution and other democratical movements across Europe. One of the biggest fear were citizens coming to the Habsburg lands from new republics. The guests who came to relax in Western Bohemia spas enjoyed a international society, but hated the regime well-known for spies who didn't have any respect for postal secret. The author uses Michel Foucault's theory of disciplination to see Austrian institutions'attempts to register all foreigners, especially those at spa resorts, to check their supposed liasons with revolutionaries. Thanks to this attemps, a lot of new sources that records every spa guests appeared and haven't been almost discovered until recently. Systematical monitoring of the foreigners goes hand in hand with with creating of the Ministry of Police and the Spa inspection. At this time, passport forms were settled and since then they were kept unchanged up to 1850's. To sum up, the control of foreigners coming to Bohemia was not an invent of this period, only the rigorousness of it is new.
Antirevolutionary discourse of the Czech written prints in the period of Franch revolution
Dufka, Tomáš ; Tinková, Daniela (advisor) ; Činátl, Kamil (referee)
Tomáš Dufka: Antirevolutionary discourse of Czech written prints in the period of the French revolution Abstract The thesis Antirevolutionary discourse of Czech written prints in the period of the French revolution deals with texts, which at the end of the 18th century had an objective to form an opinion of the Czech speaking population about events in France and assesses the way it has been being done. In the first part the author summarizes results of existing research of the French Revolution and its reception and defines theoretical and methodological approach of the thesis; in the second part he first presents the corpus of prints and of their creators with an aim to later describe the discourse of antirevolutionary texts in general by means of the methodology of critical discourse analyst, Norman Fairclough; in the third concluding part he focuses on specific revolutionary events: he observes what kind of techniques Kramerius' journal used when reporting revolutionary events and on examples of executions of Lewis XVI and Marie Antoinette he compares the discourse of Czech prints with the discourse of similar French prints. This work aims to find out strategies of antirevolutionary texts and to point out which images of Revolution were diffused among the Czech population. The thesis thus tries to...

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