National Repository of Grey Literature 36 records found  beginprevious21 - 30next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Late Antique palaces of Roman and post-Roman world (3rd - 8th century)
Kostěnec, Jan ; Bouzek, Jan (advisor) ; Bažant, Jan (referee) ; Štefanovičová, Tatjana (referee)
This disertation deals with the palace architecture of Late antiquity, understand as the period between the third and eight century. The author examines palatial buildings and complexes from three points of view: 1) A possibility of interaction between the function and the form in different types of palace (imperial, aristocratic, governor's, episcopal). 2) Innovations in the later Roman and early Byzantine architecture. 3) Continuity and changes in the palatial architecture in the post-Roman period. Point 1 suggests that the late antique palace architecture is surveyed in this study not only from the formal point of view (simple examination of groundplans) but also in connection with a function they served.
The Celts in Asia Minor
Trefný, Martin ; Bouzek, Jan (advisor) ; Bažant, Jan (referee) ; Venclová, Natalie (referee)
This thesis contains the following basic aspects of Celtic/Galatean penetration and presence in Anatolia (central Turkey). 1. Historical background and survey; records of the ancient authors concerning the Celts and Galatians; Celtic penetration through the Balkans and Greece to Galatia; the establishment of the Galatian state; the struggle between the Hellenistic kings and the Galatians; questions of cult, society, policy and urban living and the decline of the Galatian tribes in Anatolia. 2. The archaeological evidence for a Celtic/Galatian presence in Turkey in general and in central Anatolia in particular; groups of monuments and archaeological material. 3. Reflections of the historical events in the figurative art of Antiquity; sculpture; toreutics; terracotta. 4. Evaluation and interpretation. Having left Central Europe, the Celts passed through the Balkans in the fourth and early third century BC and established here between 279 and 277 BC a Celtic state called the Tylis Kingdom. Contemporaneously they entered Greece, where they and their chieftain Brennos were infamous as the bands, endangering the sacred area of Delphi in 278 BC. After this incident a part of the Celts moved on to the Hellespont, reacting to the invitation of Hellenistic Bithynian ruler Nikomedes to assist him by struggle of...
Choricius of Gaza's "Defense of Mimes" and the question of the continuity of Greek theatre
Šípová, Pavlína ; Stehlíková, Eva (advisor) ; Bažant, Jan (referee) ; Just, Vladimír (referee)
to an extent uncharted territory in the field oftheatrical history. It is only in the past few decades that works attempting (albeit partially) to map the situation in the Greek environment have started to appear. Though yet more new dramatic texts are being discovered, the processing of these texts is complicated due to the specific and demanding requirements the researcher has to meet when presented with them. The essential requirement for analysing these materials is philological competence and knowledge oftheatrical history. It has traditionally been the case that philologists in the main have approached the texts from the point ofview oftheir discipline only, while theatrologists have rarely had a command of ancient Greek or Latin, or other languages of the multiethnic Byzantine Empire. An equally essential requirement is the knowledge of and respect for the different cultural and religious tradition of the East whose dissimilarity may easily distort conclusions reached by a researcher weaned on Western thought and standards. This dissertation sets out to translate and thematically sort Choricius' Apologia Mimorum, a major literary testament to the lateantique ancient mime, written in the Christian milieu ofthe Rhetorical School of Gaza in the spirit of the antique literary tradition. I attempted to...
The votive terracottas of the Middle Roman Republic and the impact of Magna Graecia art on them
Titz, Pavel ; Ondřejová, Iva (advisor) ; Bouzek, Jan (referee) ; Bažant, Jan (referee)
Od nejrannějších dob po dlouhá staletí lidé ve starověké střední Itálii přinášeli svým božstvům jako projev náležité úcty nejrůznější oběti. Hmotné pozůstatky dokládající jejich víru v nadpřirozené síly a uctívání některých přírodních prvků a jevů jakými byly například prameny, jezera, řeky, hory, jeskyně nebo výrazné stromy v krajině, nacházejí archeologové v podobě zbytků obětin či votiv. 1 Tyto předměty- ex vota, tedy votivní oběti/dary člověka bohům, měly zajistit člověku přízeň božstva nebo vyjadřovaly vzdání díků božstvu za laskavost projevenou konkrétnímu člověku nebo skupině lidí. Původně skromné dary reflektující každodenní skutečnosti a nesnadnost lidského údělu se postupem času stávaly propracovanějšími a dokonce byly často vyráběny nebo i dováženy jen pro tu kterou příležitost. Antický člověk vyhledával božskou pomoc v nejrůznějších situacích.2 At' už to bylo v čase nejistoty, osobní nouze či obecného nebezpečí nebo si lidé chtěli naopak bohy naklonit s předstihem pro případný zvrat zatím přejícného osudu, věřilo se, že dobrovolný akt vzdání se něčeho osobního ve prospěch vyšších sil, jim může zajistit přízeň mocných obdarovaných. Toto chování do značné míry staví na víře v platnost výroku, že bude-li se člověk sám chovat odpovídajícím způsobem k bohům- a bude tedy pius3 - budou i oni muset...
Anthropogenesis of consciousness
Bažant, Jan ; Kebza, Vladimír (referee) ; Šípek, Jiří (advisor)
What is a development of consciousness of modern human being, i.e. with species Homo sapiens sapiens? The beginning step alone, how to define the inquired object in the research, brings considerable problems and discrepancies in different conceptions and approaches, there is the reason why it is important to answer another question at the first. How to qualify consciousness? In the part "Theories of consciousness ", in the chapter "Formation the term" I try to give a brief succession of particular conceptions about consciousness and a view of contemporary theories of consciousness posted up with the critical reflection. I am interested especially of the development so in the chapter "Development of consciousness" I summarize the up to now findings about evolution of hominids till the top species Homo sapiens. I mention some theoretical approaches there and critical survey of terms. In the last chapter of the first part, I inquire after reasons to qualify the culture as potential equivalent of consciousness. I appoint the culture as an expression of consciousness in outer world that is comparable as well as deducible into history and pre-history. What is possible to deduce from consciousness is possible generally to describe as products of psychic behavior (not only in pure behavioral sense).
Ionian entablature in classicistic architecture in Bohemia and Moravia
Zyková, Michaela ; Bouzek, Jan (referee) ; Bažant, Jan (advisor)
Toto téma jsem si vybrala, protože mě zaujalo na první pohled. Jeden z okruhů, kterými se klasický archeolog zabývá a který mě osobně zajímá, je vliv antické kultury na pozdější období dějin. Antické tradice v evropském umění středověku i novověku jsou nesporné. Někdy byly intenzivnější, někdy méně, ale v podstatě stále přetrvávaly. Fascinuje mě právě to, jak se lidé neustále vrací k antické kultuře, která má i po tolika staletích takový vliv. Dále mě také k tomuto tématu táhla možnost, že předmětem zkoumání jsou právě památky v Čechách a na Moravě, které mohu osobně navštívit a prohlédnout si je, než je použiji ve své práci. Nemalý vliv na výběr tématu měl také ten fakt, že se týká architektury, neboť tato oblastí umění se u mě těší rovněž nezanedbatelnému zájmu. Z hlediska tématu klasicismu je práce také zajímavá, protože do dnešní doby nebylo napsáno mnoho literatury, která by se zabýval pouze klasicistní architekturou. Předchozí a následující období vývoje architektury byla zpracována mnohokrát a různými způsoby, ovšem o klasicismu se dočteme většinou jen ve všeobecných publikacích o architektuře. Otázkou zůstává, zda je toto období stavební aktivity nezajímavé, nedůležité, opomíjené či špatně zpracovatelné kvůli nedostatku informací. Můj osobní názor je, že to není téma nezajímavé či nedůležité, ale...
Pípová, Kristína ; TÄUBELOVÁ, Kristýna (advisor) ; BAŽANT, Jan (referee)
This thesis discusses briefly about development of the theater space in history, describes my experience in work with space on four theatre projects and contains also theoretical part, where I compare advatages and disadvatages of diferent kinds of theatre space .
Project of Giant Puppets
Bažant, Jan ; KALFUS, Pavel (advisor) ; KOCMAN, Ján (referee)
The contencts of this dissertation is to map and describe the phenomenon of giant puppets. Its aim is to find solutions for the future direction of modern puppetry. I will try to contextualize the historical developlment of this genre from the beginning to the present and consider contemporery art as the starting point of reflection on the future puppetry. I will focus on various technology solutions giant puppets and on the issue of the dramaturgy of giant puppets in a public space and atristic conception of this discipline. In connection with this, I will be interested in the relationship of creativity and technology and how both approaches affect final work in art
Bartůňková, Tereza ; SMOLÍK, Robert (advisor) ; BAŽANT, Jan (referee)
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to analyze the issue of illustration, its relationship to scenography and its function in the theatrical context. The work focuses mainly on illustration as a phase in the creative process and its transformation into language on stage. The bachelor's thesis is composed of two larger text units and an appendix containing images. The first part of the work provides an explanation of the term illustration, a historical context, a general overview of the issues related to illustration and the stage, important figures related to illustration, as well as the author's own perspective on this topic. The subjective nature of this work lends more space to the second part, in which the author's own scenographic practice serves as a demonstration and elaboration of the theoretical findings as described in the first part. Indeed, practical experience in the field can effectively represent the claims, which would not fully convey the meanings if they remained only in the theoretical realm. The bachelor's thesis is permeated with images that illustrate the written passages accordingly. Documentation of the auteurial theatre performance Korvína is attached at the end of the work.
Laocoon, Tyrš and Czech Art History
Bažant, Jan
Miroslav Tyrš's analysis of the scultural group of Laocoon was erroneous, but it in no way belittle his status as the founder of Czech history of art and classical archaeology.

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