National Repository of Grey Literature 22 records found  beginprevious13 - 22  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The Cow as a Workshipped Animal and a Political Symbol: The Cow Protection Movement in the Modern India (Goraksha Movement)
Hyhlíková, Zuzana ; Strnad, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Štipl, Zdeněk (referee)
In my thesis, I have attempted to describe the development of the cow as a domesticated animal to a political symbol in India as well as its consequences. Although, the cow, like other animals, was used for sacrifices, and people ate its meat in Vedic times, over time it acquired higher status than other animals. Because of its connection with Brahmanism, it has become one of the main symbols of the nationalist Hinduism and it is used for ideological purposes. The symbol of mother cow embodies the entire mother India for orthodox Hindus, who do not hesitate to defend her in all kinds of ways. The militant offshoots of the Hindu nationalist organizations turn their hatred against people who have traditionally been killing cows, especially against Muslims and Dalits. In the name of cow protection, they attack their opponents and incite communal riots. Political party BJP led by current Prime Minister Narendra Modi fights for cow protection at the political level. There have already introduced certain forms of cow slaughter ban in the states where BJP controls the government. Due to the appeal of the Supreme Court in July 2017, the nationwide prohibition has not been applied yet.
Arabic and Persian influence on Hindi and Urdu
Stahl, Matěj ; Strnad, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Marková, Dagmar (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to characterize and divide the Arab-Persian components of Hindi and Urdu languages, as well as to describe the linguistic relationship between Hindi and Urdu and how Hindi translations of the same Urdu text differ. The first part of the thesis deals with the characteristics of the context of the language exchange on the Indian subcontinent, especially the Arab-Persian influence and the linguistic spheres, which were affected the most. The second part is an analysis of the Urdu text, tangibly Manto's short story Ṭoba Ṭek Sing and parallel Hindi translations, to help delineate and define the boundaries of Arab-Persian influence between Urdu and Hindi and within Hindi itself. It was discovered that the boundaries among Hindi translations can not be defined and the degree of borrowing acceptance varies depending on the translator.
The Christian Ashram Movement in India
Štipl, Zdeněk ; Vavroušková, Stanislava (advisor) ; Berounský, Daniel (referee) ; Strnad, Jaroslav (referee)
1 Zdeněk Štipl: The Christian Ashram Movement in India Abstract This thesis deals with the Christian Ashram Movement. The Movement represents a remarkable experiment of Christian inculturation in India, through which Christianity attempted to penetrate the cultural as well as the religious world of India. In spite of its long- lasting presence in India, approaching almost 2000 years, Christianity is still generally regarded a foreign element in the country. The story of Christian ashrams has been developing continuously throughout the 20th century and the idea of an ashram can be found in use across the various Christian denominations. First ashrams were established by the Protestant churches, especially in southern India. However, the Catholic Church got hold of the Movement in the late sixties, as a consequence of changes that were brought into the life of the Church by the Second Vatican Council. The Movement reached its peak in the seventies and eighties. At that time the number of ashrams in existence exceeded one hundred, they were found in every linguistic region of India, and the idea of a Christian ashram spread out not only to the neighbouring countries, but even across the globe. In the first chapter a brief overview of the history of Christianity in India is presented through the prism of...
Konarak: Architecture in the Context of Religious Policy of the Eastern Gangas
Jelínková, Silvie ; Strnad, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Ondračka, Lubomír (referee)
The great temple of Konarak in Orissa, built in the shape of the chariot of the sun god Surya, is one of the most famous hindu monuments in India. Even in the state of ruin it has always attracted attention of scholars, especially art historians. This thesis aims to present the Sun temple in a broader context of the time and place of its builder, and tries to propose the roots of its construction and causes of its collapse - both intrinsically connected with the religio-political climate of Orissa during the reign of the Eastern Gangas. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter deals with the royal temple policy, pursued by Orissan kings, and shows "the royal temple" as the means of legitimation of royal power. The second chapter addresses "tutelary deities" of king Narasimha, builder of the temple. These are Surya of Konarak, the sun god, who was the deity of all-Indian significance, and Jagannatha of Puri, the form of Vishnu, who is the state deity of Orissa. The third chapter focuses on Konarak in comparison with Puri as the places of pilgrimage. The fourth and last chapter presents a brief overview of the architectural traditions of India, specifically of Orissan architecture, of which the Konarak temple is the crowning example, attention is then turned to the exceptionality...
Malaiyaka Tamil Youth in Sri Lanka: Values, Aspirations, and the Forming of a New Elite
Novotný, Radek ; Vavroušková, Stanislava (advisor) ; Strnad, Jaroslav (referee) ; Hons, Pavel (referee)
Radek Novotný Malaiyaka Tamil Youth in Sri Lanka: Values, Aspirations, and the Forming of a New Elite Malaiyaka Tamils are a minority and lowest-status group within the society of Sri Lanka. A majority of them were brought by the British colonialists from India to work on their coffee, later tea plantations in the course of the 19th and 20th century. They were deprived of their basic civil rights in 1940's. However, the Malaiyaka Tamils have been undergoing a process of considerable social-economic changes over the last three decades, which was launched especially by the attainment of citizenship, growth of educational opportunities, and growth of civic and political awareness. The young Malaiyaka Tamils have an opportunity to become the first relatively well-educated generation and new elite of their ethnic group. This work attempts to analyse the prospects of the Malaiyaka Tamils youth's upward social mobility process by investigating their aspirations, values, and attitudes. I conducted field research in the so-called Hill Country of Sri Lanka, and I collected data by using methods, especially, of semi-structured interviews and questionnaire survey. We can assume that the target population will undergo a process of structural upward social mobility, and will become the new social- economic...
Creation of Bangladesh in context of the Cold War
Abonyi, Ondřej ; Strnad, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Hříbek, Martin (referee)
The thesis Creation of Bangladesh in Context of the Cold War deals with the manner and extent the United States, Soviet Union and China attempted to influence the creation of Bangladesh. This thesis includes a brief summary of the events as they unfolded prior to the conflict and the reasons which led to it. The creation of Bangladesh is considered in the global context of the then ongoing Cold War and the thesis attempts to concentrate on the regional aspects of the conflict as well as the partial change of geopolitical situation that occurred due to this conflict. The author also attempts to point out the long term strategic interests of India and other world powers in South Asia. The author bases his assumptions on sources published from the seventies up to today. One of the most important materials analyzed are the declassified documents published by the government of the United States of America.
Rammohan Ray's reinterpretation of traditional concepts: classical and modern approach to the concept of Adhikara
Válková, Kristýna ; Ondračka, Lubomír (referee) ; Strnad, Jaroslav (advisor)
Koncept adhikára (doslova právo, mandát, kvalifikace) tematizuje tradiční indickou představu, že různé skupiny lidí mají různou kvalifikaci pro přístup k posvátným textům, pro pořádání obětí a potažmo i pro vysvobození. Tradičně byla adhikára odvozována od pozice, kterou člověk zastával v rámci hierarchického řádu světa, tj. především od příslušnosti k jedné ze čtyř varen, do nichž se indická společnost tradičně dělí. Rámmohan Ráj (1772-1833) je předchůdcem tzv. neohinduismu, který vznikl v Bengálsku jako reakce na střet se západním myšlením a jehož představitelé se skrze reinterpretaci vlastní historie pokouší ustavit jednotnou náboženskou a kulturní identitu Indie. Tak se i Rámmohan příklonem k více než tisíc let staré filosofickonáboženské doktríně advaita-védánty obrací k tradičním formám, naplňuje je však novým obsahem. Největší posun oproti tradici přitom spočívá v Rámmohanově reinterpretaci adhikáry. Snaží se formulovat takovou cestu k vysvobození, která by nikoho apriori nevylučovala. Místo aby však adhikáru zcela odmítl, využívá jejího potenciálu jakožto autoritativního termínu a pouze ji nově definuje - kvalifikaci má podle něj každý, kdo není diskvalifikován sekundárně, tj. na základě své neschopnosti, a kdo po vysvobození touží. Tímto nenápadným posunem se dostává do sporu se zjevenými texty, k...
The historical roots of Indian federalism (1905-1956)
Holman, Jaroslav ; Říchová, Blanka (advisor) ; Strnad, Jaroslav (referee) ; Baar, Vladimír (referee)
The dissertation deals with historical roots of the Indian federalism. It focuses on the the first six decades of the twentieth century. At the beginning of this period India was a colonial realm (Indian Empire) consisting of the provinces of British India on one hand and the princely states on the other. At the end of the period, though deprived of the territories that had gine to Pakistan, India was a sovereign federal republic consisting of union states, the boundaries of which were mostly determined according to the "linguistic" principle. The year 1905, set as a starting point in the title ofthe study, brought the partition ofBengal (politically the most important province of British India), resulting in widespread protests all over India and in radicalization of Indian nationalism. It also strengthened autonomist tendenci es and thus provided a strong impetus to the federal idea. The final year of the period, set in the title of the study, brought the enactment of the States Reorganization Act, 1956, which finalised the formation of all main features of the Indian federal system. From the institutional point of view, the system has not been changed in any significant aspect since. India through this Act became a trne "ethno-federation" or "ethno-federal" state. In the author' s view a solid basis was...
The political life of Dr. Mohammad Mosaddeq
Tomíšková, Jana ; Gombár, Eduard (advisor) ; Strnad, Jaroslav (referee)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá politickou činností a životem Dr. Mohammada Mosaddeqa. Mosaddeq byl osobnost, která se nesmazatelně zapsala do moderní historie Íránu. Pocházel z vysoce postavené, vážené a bohaté rodiny staré perské aristokracie. Byl tělem a duší Íránec, který miloval zemi, ve které se narodil. Celý svůj život zasvětil službě své vlasti. Cílem mé práce je napsat politický životopis Dr. Mohammada Mosaddeqa na pozadí doby, ve které žil. Život člověka nelze oddělit od prostředí a času, ve kterém vyrůstá a žije, od prostředí a času, který formuje jeho názory a utváří a ovlivňuje jeho rozhodnutí a jednání. Narodil se a vyrůstal v době, kdy v Persii vládl Násero-d-Dín Šáh (1848-96), nejdéle vládnoucí panovník z qádžárovské dynastie a jeho nástupce Mozaffaro-d-Dín (1896-1907). Byla to doba, kdy Persie, ač samostatný stát, fakticky svou samostatnost začínala ztrácet a stávala se pouhou loutkou v rukou dvou velmocí, Velké Británie a Ruska, které stále více začínaly prosazovat své mocenské zájmy v Persii. Zažil perskou revoluci v letech 1905-11 a nastolení konstituční monarchie. Tato událost byla jedním ze stěžejních momentů, který ho poznamenal na celý život, po který prosazoval demokratické principy, zachovával věrnost ústavě a vzdoroval diktátorské vládě. Byl jedním z prvních vůdců na Blízkém...
Gender and caste
Bulvasová, Klára ; Marková, Dagmar (referee) ; Strnad, Jaroslav (advisor)
Jak se žena po dí 1 í na utváření k a s tovního povědomí a jaký má naopak kasta vliv na postavení a obecně celý život ženy? Je pro ženl n život určující právě pří s 1 ušnos t k té které kas tě nebo prostě jenom to, že je žena? Veena Talwar Oldenburg k tomu zastává jasné stanovisko, neboť tvrdí, že to, co ovlivňuje život vdané ženy "není kastovní uspořádání, ale gendrové a generační vztahy v rámci rodiny". 1 Urna Chakravarty se však domnívá, že na ženy je nahlíženo jako na "brány do kastovního systému":-. Lze tato dvě stanoviska smířit nebo je každé pravdivé svým způsobem? Je vůbec možné vystopovat nějaké styčné body, které by byly společné všem ženám v ta k obrovské a rozmanité zemi jakou Je Indie? A lze se nad nimi zamýšlet bez toho, aby se badatel či badatelka občas nezamyslela nad postavením žen v západní, euroamerické společnosti, která je rovněž patriarchální? Právě v tomto směru je užitečné zaměřit se na vliv kastovního systému na postavení žen, neboť je zřejmé, že to je jeden z hlavních rozdílů mezi oběma společnostmi. V první kapitole se pokusíme o obligátní definici kasty a gendru, dále pak nastíníme jejich vývoj v koloniálním období, abychom se ve třetí kapitole mohli dostat k samotné otázce jejich vztahu. Ve čtvrté kapitole se zaměříme na důvod potřeby monitorovat ženskou sexualitu a pátá se bude...

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