National Repository of Grey Literature 148 records found  beginprevious123 - 132nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Control Machete: contemporary Mexican music in its social context
Straková, Zita ; Křížová, Markéta (advisor) ; Binková, Simona (referee)
This thesis introduces an analysis of production of the music group Control Machete which belonged to a broader music stream called A vanzada Regia in the nineties of the twentieth century in the city of Monterrey. The production of Control Machete reflects two music genres: rock and hiphop. First chapter summarizes the historical development of rock in Mexico; the differences in comparison to the historic situation in the us are indicated as the genre was overtaken from the us cultural scene. Rock history of both countries is drawn from the social and political point of view. Second chapter contains a historical overview as well: it summarizes the specific features of the style, its relation to the social environment and its historical transformations. Last chapter contains the analysis of the verbal production of Control Machete: reflected influences are studied as well as the expressed social conditions of the production.
Formation of the Unites States foreign policy towards Latin America 1848-1898: before the eagle flew out of the nes
Vytečka, Aleš ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor) ; Baďura, Bohumil (referee) ; Křížová, Markéta (referee)
Foreign policy is an outer side of the nation's life, and this applies even more to the foreign policy of the United States. Historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. sums up this statement in his excellent book The Cycles of American History writing: "The foreign policy is the face a nation wears to the world."1 Tremendous growth of the United States during the 19th century set up conditions, which helped to the 'Colossus of the North' to assume during the 20th century a role of the most important world power. Especially because of the result of the Cold War and the recent course of international events, political scientists are comparing present position of the United States with the Roman or British Empire in a peak of their power.2 One of the most interesting aspects of a study of American history is its uninterrupted continuity and 'logic,' which consequently brings forward strong appeal to our presence. By continuity I mean creation of a national identity or a 'common identity' of the American nation. A line between the past and the present in case of the United States is very strong.3 If we accept the statement of Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., then the face of the American nation obtained mature features during the second half of the 19th century. The process of framing of principal characteristics and...
Huehuetlatolli: moral lessons not only of the old Atzecs
Deylová, Iva ; Křížová, Markéta (advisor) ; Korecká, Zuzana (referee)
The diploma thesis "Huehuetlatolli - moral lessons not only of the old Aztecs" examines this rather unknown genre of Nahua literature from various viewpoints. The original form of these probably only orally transmitted traditions is nowadays known due to the records made by two Spanish Franciscan missionaries Andrés de Olmos and Bernardino de Sahagún. Both of them started showing interest in the indigenous cultures and traditions immediately after arriving in the area of the present Mexico at the beginning of the colonization period. The analysis presented in this work is based on the Volume VI of the book Historia general de las cosas de Nueva Espaa written by Bernardino de Sahagún. The introductory chapters offer a rather general description of Nahua culture and its relationship to the most famous pre-Columbian ethnic group - the Aztecs. This information was largely obtained through the study of texts of both Mexican and foreign scholars such as Ángel María Garibay, Miguel León-Portilla, Markéta Křížová, and others. The text also mentions how the missionaries Andrés de Olmos and Bernardino de Sahagún collected the texts. I also provide arguments why I chose texts edited by Bernardino de Sahagún as a source of this thesis. Additionally, it was also important to classify and mention the main characteristics...
Fair Trade on example of Bolivian cocoa
Lédl, Lukáš ; Křížová, Markéta (referee) ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor)
Diplomová práce Fair Trade na příkladu bolivijského kakaa nabízí detailnější pohled na organizaci drobných pěstitelů kakaa z oblasti Alto Beni. Družstvo založené před třiceti lety na základech hledání obchodní rovnoprávnosti a tržní kontinuity patří v současné době k nejdéle fungujícím družstevním organizacím tohoto druhu v Bolívii. Drobní pěstitelé jsou sdruženi do 38 lokálních družstev, které jsou dále napojeny na centrální kooperativu El Ceibo. Celá organizace je samosprávná a veškeré funkce zastávají pouze členové El Ceiba. Nejvyšším statutárním orgánem je valné shromáždění všech zástupců lokálních kooperativ, na základě jehož usnesení jsou přijímána potřebná opatření, uzavírány smlouvy, schvalovány rozvojové projekty a přerozdělován zisk. Tímto je zajištěna participace jednotlivých členů na řízení celé organizace a kontrola přijímaných rozhodnutí. Základní jednotkou celé organizace jsou drobní pěstitelé, kteří hospodaří na vlastních pozemcích, fungujících jako rodinné podniky. Jednotlivé usedlosti se vyznačují systémem hospodaření, který spojuje pěstování zemědělských plodin a chov domácích zvířat s pěstováním užitkových dřevin. Pozemek tedy není využíván pouze k pěstování kakaa, ale slouží jako zdroj základních potravin a pro pěstování dalších plodin určených k prodeji (především citrusové plody)....
Ideological basis for exploring the road of Hispanoamerican countries to the independence: issues of church and religion
Eichlová Ördöghová, Gabriela ; Křížová, Markéta (referee) ; Binková, Simona (advisor)
The aim of my thesis is to provide an intensive introduction to the Problem of ideological basis of process of emancipation of Latinoamerican countries from Spain (in the period between 1810 and 1825, during which the Emacipation occurred) with strong focus on studying the ideological influences and the various patterns (on top of economic and social factors) which influenced fundamentally the process of emancipation in Latinoamerican countries under very specific conditions of Spanish colonies. Special attention should be paid to explain and show the need to be extremely careful with all types of difficulties connected with this problem, especially influence of Catholic Church and church-related movements as Jansenism, Catholic Enlightenment, Regalism or Religious syncretism and other important phenomena (e.g. creole patriotism and Freemasonry), because only a relatively few researchers has addressed mentioned movements and phaenomena. The other serious problem making difficult furthter studies and research is a lack of complex sources including all mentioned fields, regardless of the fact that the research is sometimes outdated and fragmentated in this area a National and International Context and the absence of the of the linkages between individual issues focusing on the mentioned problem. There are...
Forms of Selfidentification of Czech Evangelic Emigrants in 18th century
Pukančíková, Petra ; Horský, Jan (advisor) ; Křížová, Markéta (referee)
Forms of selfidentification of Czech evangelic emigrants in 18th century Selfidentification analysis of Czech evangelic emigrants who settled in Berlin during 18th century is based on their own biografies they wrote before death. Nevertheless, emigrants did not primarily presented themeselves in it but rather they demonstrated through reflection of their own life their belonging to Czech community in Berlin. Research of thease texts is therefore concentrated on textual analysis of chosen categories (for example heart, soul, conscience, salvation, awakening and so on), which emigrants indentified their relations to their belief, fellows and to themselves. Biografical writing aimed at devotional self-reflection was connected with lutheran pietism and presents only one part of authors self-perception. Dispite of this limitation we can find out how emigrants viewed themeselves through their realtionship with God and "awake kommunity".
Czechoslovakia and Argentina between wars
Padrtka, Ladislav ; Křížová, Markéta (referee) ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor)
Práce se zabývá tématem československo-argentinských vztahů v období let 1918-1939 s důrazem na díla a zážitky vystěhovalců nebo cestovatelů ve sledovaném údobí, vystěhovalectvím Čechů do Argentiny a diplomatickými vztahy .
Racial problems in Cuba and the USA during 60s in the 20th century
Brychtová, Michala ; Křížová, Markéta (referee) ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor)
This masters thesis discourse analyzes the racial problems in Cuba and the USA during the 1960s. The main goal of this thesis is to analyze racial problems in Cuba and the USA during the 1960s while referencing the historical background of both countries and then comparing these results in order to find their appropriate influences. At the beginning of the 1960s, Fidel Castro claimed that racism was a nonissue in Cuba's society while in the USA there were still segregation laws discriminating against African Americans. President John F. Kennedy had to solve the racial problem while there was a new Soviet threat on the international field. Cuban authorities soon realized that African Americans could be a valuable ally and that racism was a formidable political weapon to combat the negative campaign waged by the U.S. press against the revolutionary government. Historical analysis is done differently in Cuba than in the USA with regard to the abolishment of slavery when negroes found their own liberty and assimilated into the mainstream population. For further understanding this master thesis discusses this separately in four chapters. I applied casual historical methods normally used by historians in their writing as historiography analysis and logical-historical methods.
The integration of Latin Americans immigrants in Europe - the example of integration of Latin Americans in the Czech Republic
Čížková, Jindřiška ; Křížová, Markéta (referee) ; Janská, Eva (advisor)
This thesis deals with the integration problem of Latin Americans immigrants in Europe. It focuses primarily on the integration of Latin Americans in Spain, Portugal and in the Czech Republic. The main aim of this thesis is to map the migration and integration of Latin Americans in Europe from historical, political, social, cultural, psychological and economic points of view. The practical part contains two researchs. The first speaks about the attitudes, opinions of the Czech and Spanish majority society in the context of the problems migrants' integration of migrants in the Czech Republic and Spain. The second objective was to find out how Latin Americans integrate into the Czech society.
Trans - Rhenic Europe on the mental map of the 17th century English traveller
Radiměřská, Božena ; Klusáková, Luďa (advisor) ; Křížová, Markéta (referee)
First of all, the thesis "Trans-Rhenic Europe on the Mental Map of the Seventeenth Century English Traveller" dealt with the problem of the other European identity as reflected in the English travel writing of the seventeenth century. The crucial questions were if any coherent whole was distinguished on the mental map of the 17th century English traveller in the area of "Trans-Rhenic Europe", and what could be the uniting characteristics in cultural terms. By "Trans-Rhenic Europe", the geographical area delimited by rivers Rhine and Dnieper from West and East, by Baltic from North, and Turkish border from South was meant.

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