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Direct elections of mayors: Study 5.305
Pecháček, Štěpán
Studie srovnává postavení přímo volených starostů v Maďarsku, v Polsku, na Slovensku a ve Spolkové republice Německo. Konstatuje, že přímá volba starosty představuje model, kde je větší důraz kladen na exekutivu. Přímá volba starostů posiluje jejich politickou autoritu a postavení, jejich mandát je silnější než v případě zvolení zastupitelstvem Dochází zde k silné personifikaci odpovědnosti v osobě starosty. Přesto se postavení starostů v jednotlivých zemích liší. Jde zejména o jejich vztah k volenému zastupitelskému orgánu a o jejich pravomoci v oblasti přenesené působnosti při výkonu veřejné správy.
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Legal regulation of the financing of political parties and election campaigns in selected EU countries: Study 1.187
Drahorád, Vojtěch ; Němec, Jan ; Pecháček, Štěpán
Srovnávací studie Úprava financování politických stran a volebních kampaní ve vybraných státech Evropské unie. V zemích EU existuje několik základních modelů úpravy dané problematiky. Slovensko a Spolková republika Německo nestanoví žádná omezení pro výši získaných finančních prostředků, v Rakousku toto omezení stanoví sama strana. Omezení finančních zdrojů může být také navázáno na počet voličů v daném volebním obvodě (Španělsko) nebo počet volebních obvodů (Velká Británie). Zajímavá je také úprava portugalská, která stanoví limit pro financování jako násobek minimální měsíční mzdy.
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Electronic voting in elections – in connection with the issue of exercising the right to vote: Study 1.216
Pecháček, Štěpán
Volební právo je způsob projevu politického názoru jednotlivce. Osvícenský koncept lidských práv chápe volební právo jako nezadatelné právo jednotlivce. Výkon volebního práva je technicky naplňován prostřednictvím volebního zákona. Volební zákon musí být konstruován tak, aby umožňoval výkon práva a nevytvářel pro jeho výkon technické bariéry. Diskutovaný způsob elektronického hlasování může v důsledku vést k odstranění dlouhodobého spojení výkonu voleb s konkrétním místem.
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Laws applicable to financing political parties and campaigns in the Baltic States: Study 1.217
Pecháček, Štěpán
Práce přináší přehled financování politických stan a politických kampaní ve třech pobaltských republikách – Litvě, Lotyšsku a Estonsku. Všechny tři země vytvořily model financování politických stran a kampaní, který reflektuje standardy a doporučení mezinárodních organizací, zejména Rady Evropy. Jednotlivé principy financování politických stran a kampaní jsou srovnány se situací v České republice.
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Methods of appointing the Government: Study 1.228
Kuta, Martin ; Němec, Jan ; Pecháček, Štěpán
The paper compares the process of nomination of then-to-be prime ministers in parliamentary and semi-presidential systems in which the existence of government depends strictly on the confidence vote expressed by the Parliament. The possibility of the Head of State to form the government poses questions to which extent the prime minister nominee may differ from the will of the parliamentary majority. The respective variations of the nomination process are assessed in terms of advantage for either the Head of States, or the Parliament. On the one hand, the paper shows those procedures in favour of Parliament; on the other hand, the paper also contains those procedures in which the president may act independently on the will of the parliamentary majority. The paper also discusses incentives that influence actors to reach an agreement on personal composition and programme of the government. In the last section, the paper depicts the process of governmental composition in the Czechoslovak and Czech political system with concentration on constitutional convention of prime minister nomination after 1989.
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Direct Presidential Election, Competence of the President: Comparative Study 1.150
Kolář, Petr ; Pecháček, Štěpán ; Syllová, Jindřiška
The position and competence of the head of state plays decisive role in the constitutional system. In the republics, the position of the head of state is closely connected with the presidential electoral system Traditional classification of the forms of government is not sufficient enough, especially because of leaving out several important variables. Most of authors nowadays tend to classify forms of government into following models: parliamentary system, half-presidential, prime minister-presidential, presidential, presidential-parliamentary system. The paper surveys the position of president in France, Ireland, Finland, Poland, Portugal, Austria and Slovakia. The conclusions of this study may be summarized: a) there is no direct implication between direct presidential election and importance of president in the constitutional system of the country, b) it is necessary to distinguish between importance of the presidency in the constitutional system, as it results from the formal constitutional regulation on one side and the manner how the president is functioning in practice, mainly considering the presidential position in the party-political system on the other side. Whereas in the light of the formal constitution we could consider Finland and Portugal as the states with the strongest president, in reality we could unambiguously identify France as country with the strongest president. The weakest president is then, in both lights, in Ireland. c) The fact of outstanding personality of the first president elected in the direct elections may be the very important factor affecting the importance of presidential position. The example of such a personality which engraved the style of the presidential function for following periods was Antonio Salazar in Portugal or Lech Walesa in Poland. d) Another element affecting the presidential position within the constitutional and political system is the extent of his participation in political life. In some countries the president is taken as non-party man and independent arbiter (Ireland), in other countries, president is a leader of main political party regardless if it is a governing or opposition party (France). In Austria the directly elected president may be an active member of the political party while the federal chancellor is its chairman. e) Presidential legal and political responsibility determines the constitutional status. The direct election causes that constitutional authority of the president arises from other source than the Parliament and which creates conditions for political unaccountability of the president. Majority of constitutions of European countries define a certain grade of criminal immunity during presidential electoral term, appended by some form of impeachment. President may be charged by one of parliamentary chambers, the judgement is completed by one of the top judicial instances or by a special judicial body. Besides, in some countries (Poland, Portugal, Austria), there exists limited criminal responsibility of the president. In Austria and Slovakia the constitution contains political responsibility of the president. In Austria the president is accountable to the Federal Assembly, in Slovakia the constitution even enables the possibility to remove the president by the plebiscite.
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Drafts dealing with Changes of the Electoral System into the Chamber of Deputies: Analysis and Alternative Approach: Study 1.191
Pecháček, Štěpán ; Němec, Jan
The paper starts from the analysis of the elections 2006 (Chamber of Deputies). The results gave birth the idea of electoral system change to strengthen the proportionality and to establish the bonus for the winning party. The idea has been included into the coalition agreement and into the program of government policy. The paper analyses effects of various modifications of the electoral system. The results of the survey proves that D´Hondt divider fulfills the best way the optimal rank of proportionality only in the case it is applied in the single electoral constituency (Czech Republic as a whole). This system also includes a certain natural bonus for the winner. The adoption of an artificial bonus for winner in other models of electoral system causes always smaller rank of proportionality.
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Legal Regulation of Financing of Political Parties and Electoral Campaigns in Selected EU Countries: Comparative Study 1.187
Drahorád, Vojtěch ; Němec, Jan ; Pecháček, Štěpán
There are several basic models of legal regulation of political parties. Slovakia and Federal Republic of Germany do not provide any limit for the financial means, in Austria, this limit is determined by the party itself. The limit of financial sources can also depend on the number of voters of the given constituency (Spain) or on the amount of constituencies (Great Britain). The Act of Portugal limits financing by the multiple of minimum monthly salary.
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Panche vote as a modality of personalized vote within the proportional electoral systems: Study 1.223
Pecháček, Štěpán
The study is concerned with the integration of panache vote, which allows voters to cast their votes for candidates from different party lists, into proportional electoral systems. The study tests the effect of panache vote on the intention of personalization of elections. The integration of panache vote into electoral systems of Switzerland, Luxembourg, France and Slovakia is compared, and, in addition, there is the current draft of electoral law amendment in the Czech Republic discussed.
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Correspondence voting: comparative study
Pecháček, Štěpán
Korespondenční volba je jednou z možností jak umožnit voliči využít aktivního volebního práva a přitom nespojovat výkon volebního práva s nutností fyzické přítomnosti v určitém čase na určitém místě. Korespondenční volba je prostředkem, jak vyvázat volební akt z vymezeného prostoru, a to téměř absolutně. V současné době není korespondenční volba pro volby (na jakékoliv úrovni) v České republice umožněna. V minulých volebních obdobích můžeme nalézt pokusy o její zavedení. Tato práce přináší přehled předmětných návrhů a popis úpravy korespondenční volby ve vybraných zemích.
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