National Repository of Grey Literature 48 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Geochemical study of the lacustrine deposits of the extinct Komořany Lake
Valentová, Daniela ; Martínek, Karel (advisor) ; Beneš, Jaromír (referee)
Komořany Lake, regarded as one of the most important sites of the Czechoslovak Quaternary, was situated at the southern foot of the Krušné hory Mountains, northwest from the Starý Most town, between the villages of Souš, Komořany, Ervěnice, Dřínov, Albrechtice, Černice and Dolní Jiřetín. Due to its size, Komořany Lake belonged to the largest bodies of water in the Czechoslovak Republic (25 km2 ) and due to the quantity of organogenic sediments get into the focus of paleoecologists. Gyttji sediments which occupy comparatively thick position in the lake infilling, formed a continuous record from the Last Glacial period to the Subatlantic period and up to now have been processed mainly from the paleoecological point of view. In this work the organogenic sediments are studied from the sedimentary record using modern geochemical methods (TOC/TN and d13C) for the first time in Komořany Lake history. The work was based on profiles (PK-1-C, PK-1-Ch, PK-1-I and PK-1-W) which were taken between 1977-1983 before a complete exploitation of Komořany Lake sediments as a result of coal mining in the Most Basin in the 1980's.
Alluvial stratigraphy of the Líně Formation, Central Bohemian Basins.
Podzimková, Petra ; Martínek, Karel (advisor) ; Opluštil, Stanislav (referee)
Líně Formation is the youngest basin fill unit of the Upper Palaeozoic Central and Western Bohemian basins. Deposits of the Líně Formation were being laid down in Stephanian C time, after an unconformity between Stephanian B and C. The deposits of Líně Formation are continental red beds usually dominated by mudstones with less common appearance of sandstones and conglomerates, originated mostly as fluvial deposits. Lacustrine deposition originated in deposition of less frequented fossiliferous claystones, carbonates of variegated and grey colors, coal occur occasionaly. The study area was at Kladno part of the Kladno- Rakovník Basin, Roudnice part and west half of Mšeno part of Mšeno-Roudnice Basin. Seismic sections were interpreted and correlations of boreholes based on lithology, gama and resistivity ray were made. Scientific borehole K-1 (Klobuky) drilled in 2009 showing 30 m long succession of Klobuky Horizon was described and interpreted too. The interpretations of approximately N-S oriented seismic sections show depressions on the base of Líně Formation. This morphology seems to affect direction and area of sediment deposition at the beginning of Líně Formation sedimentation in the study area. Well-log correlations show main areas of sediment deposition in the west and north of Roudnice part...
Spatial analysis of medical data
Stramová, Andrea ; Brůha, Lukáš (advisor) ; Martínek, Karel (referee)
Nowadays, all the aspects that can influence the function of the thyroid gland are not known. Since the influence of environment on progression of many diseases is proved, this thesis deals with the influence of environmental parameters on the thyroid function. The purpose of this thesis is to propose a methodology which will describe selected medical data spatially and statistically, reveal regularities in its spatial organization and create the regression model. The special organization of the data is described by the closest neighbour's methodology and by the Local Moran`s I. Then the methodology of O2PLS, which proposes the regression model, is used. There were identified the cluster organization in the vicinity of towns. In the thesis, the regression model, which takes account of the aspects of the environment (the concentration of As, Cd, Pl, Pb and Se in water), was proposed. The influence of the other environmental parameters on the thyroid function was not proved. The thesis is a benefit mainly for the field of spatial data analysis and also for the endocrinological specialization. Owing to this thesis, the process of the way of working with sensitive medical data, that can be used for inferring important information about its connection to the spatial data, was created. Key words: Spatial...
Facies and architecture analysis of the continental deposits of Klikov Formation, Hosín-Orty locality, Upper Cretaceous, České Budějovice Basin.
Kavková, Radana ; Martínek, Karel (advisor) ; Lojka, Richard (referee)
The Klikov Formation (Upper Cretaceous) represents the lowest stratigraphic unit of the South Bohemian basins. It provides record of continental deposits related to fluvial processes. Analysis of facies and architectures supplemented with paleocurrents data provided a basis for interpretation of depositional system exposed underground on the locality Hosín-Orty. In this study identifies sedimentary facies corresponding to high-energy river environmnent with dominance of traction current deposition are identified. Next to this, facies corresponding to low-energy deposition from suspension is preserved. From the perspective of architecture analysis depositional record represent active river channels and their fills eventuelly fills of abandoned channels. Low dispersion of paleocurrent values is consistent with a low-sinuosity river. Vertical aggradation of channels, dominance of river bars in channel-fill, downstream accretion, absence of ripples, point-bars, lateraly accreted patterns and floodplain deposits correspond with braided river environment. Stratigraphic units A, B, C, D, E, F corresponding to fluvial environment or environment of abandoned channel were distinguished. The direction of river flow is interpreted to northeast in unit A, and northwest in unit B, respectively. Autogenic and...
Genesis and distribution of clastic bands in the Main Coal of the Most Basin
Novotný, Tomáš ; Opluštil, Stanislav (advisor) ; Martínek, Karel (referee)
The thesis summarizes contemporary state of knowledge of genesis and distrubution of clastic bands in the Main Coal of the Most Basin. In the first part of the thesis I provide a classification and description of clastic bands including volcanoclastic and sedimentary bands. Following is the description of geology and stratigraphy of the Most Basin, and especially of the Main Coal, which contains many clastic bands. The thesis is focused mainly on the Bílina area, because the most of geologic research has been taken there.The main aim of the thesis is to distinguish various kinds of clastic bands in the Main Coal of the Most Basin, especially from genetic point of view. There are two kinds of sedimentary clastic bands. Predominant type of clastic bands in the western part of the Most basin are clastic bands related to fluvial processes of the Žatec delta. In the eastern part of the Most Basin (e.g. Bílina open-cast mine) we can distinguish two types of clastic bands. Clastic bands bounded to fluvial systems are settled in the lower and middle bench of the Main Coal. Predominating type in the upper bench are clastic bands formed during the late lake highstand when the Bílina delta started to prograde into the mire. Clastic bands in the upper bench of the Main Coal thus pass to the prodeltaic clastics...
Late Cenozoic response of the selected fluvial systems of the Bohemian Massif to tectonics.
Flašar, Jan ; Martínek, Karel (advisor) ; Pánek, Tomáš (referee) ; Moreiras, Stella Maris (referee)
Despite its intraplate tectonic setting, the Bohemian Massif underwent relatively intense tectonic activity during the Cenozoic. This activity has significantly formed the terrain morphology and river geometry, which can easily be observed from the present status of the streams and relief. Although the effect of tectonics and climate on the terrain morphology has been already researched in previous studies, the effect on the geometry of the river systems has not been surveyed complexly. The author's previous master thesis found two remarkable areas within the Bohemian Massif, where the effect of climate and tectonics on the river system geometry and its changes is very probable - the area of western Bohemia along the Mariánské Lázně Fault and the area of the Novohradské hory Mountains and their foothills. The focus of this thesis is to study the mutual interactions between the tectonic activity and the geometry of selected river systems in the Bohemian Massif. The goal is not only to prove the connection but also to test and evaluate the set of methods that can be useful for localizing those places with recent tectonic activity and which can be applied in similar areas in the future. Both areas - along the Mariánské Lázně Fault and in the Novohradské hory Mts. and their foothills - were surveyed by...
Proteolytic Enzymes of Vegetative Forms and Spores of the Bacterium Paenibacillus larvae
Hrabák, Jaroslav ; Martínek, Karel (advisor) ; Kotyza, Jaromír (referee) ; Titěra, Dalibor (referee)
Due to the high resistance of the spores, the bacterium Paenibacillus larvae is the most dangerous bacterial pathogen of the honey bee (Apis mellifera). Thanks to its biological properties and restricted pathogenicity, this bacterium can be used as a model organism to study gram positive sporulating aerobic rods. This work is focused on completing information about secreted proteases of this bacterium and in a study of proteases bound in a spore structure. MYPGP medium was used for the cultivation of P. larvae. In this medium, lysis of the culture was shown after 40 hours of cultivation. The pH of the medium decreased below 6.4 by lysis. The induction of temperate bacteriophage BLA was detected as a causative agent of this lysis. A new sporulation medium called HCBB agar was proposed for the sporulation of P. larvae. In comparison with HCBB agar with MYPGP agar by 31 strains of P. larvae stored in our collection, HCBB agar was evaluated as an appropriate sporulation medium with a median of sporulatin 4.2 ' 106 spores per cm2 in aerobic conditions and 5.65 ' 106 spores per cm2 in aerobic conditions with 10 % CO2. For purification of the secreted proteases, a one-day culture incubated at room temperature was used. Optimal purification of 87/74 kDa and 42/40 kDa proteases was observed after application of this...
Infectious waste management at regional level
Martinek, Karel ; Pavlas, Martin (referee) ; Máša, Vítězslav (advisor)
Současná pandemická situace ukázala obrovské dopady rozšíření infekce na společnost, i přesto stále ještě chybí jednotný přístup k problematice infekčního odpadu. Cílem této práce je představení metodiky nakládání s infekčním odpadem v rámci regionu v kontextu situace v Česku a Evropské Unii. V teoretické části práce je uveden legislativní rámec, charakter produkce, možnosti dekontaminace a podmínky spalování infekčního odpadu. Na základě těchto poznatků je navržena metodika pro nakládání s infekčním odpadem v rámci regionu. V praktické části práce je pak metodika aplikována na konkrétní region – Královéhradecký kraj. V rámci metodiky jsou navrženy možné scénáře nakládání s infekčním odpadem a vybrány nejvhodnější z nich z pohledu zdravotních rizik, rozpočtové zátěže a dopadu na životní prostředí. Na závěr je metodika kriticky zhodnocena a srovnána s metodikami jiných studií na podobné téma.

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