National Repository of Grey Literature 26 records found  previous11 - 20next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Water and Drainage System of Břevnov Monastery
Linart, Petr ; Horyna, Mojmír (advisor) ; Macek, Petr (referee)
Resumé Water System and Drainage System of the Břevnov Monastery The Břevnov monastery was found ed on grounds highly saturated wiht water, in the spring area of the Brusnice stream. This position has always asked for a specific protection of the monastery buldings but at the same time it provided the monastery wiht various possibilitis of the usage of its water resources. The monastery's tunnel system preserved up to now dates back to the beginning of the 18 th century.
Influence of Baroque in the Provost's Church of the Nativity of Our Lady in Roudnice nad Labem
Zentner, Jakub Václav ; Zlatohlávek, Martin (advisor) ; Horyna, Mojmír (referee)
RESUME Historicky doložené počátky Roudnice nad Labem sahají do 12. století. Roudnice byla tehdy městem pražských biskupů, kteří zde zbudovali románský hrad. V průběhu 13. století dostává osídlení pod hradem městský charakter. Po osvobození města z jeho obsazení vazalem Oty Braniborského (1279) dává pražský biskup Tobiáš z Bechyně město opevnit a v roce 1294 zde zakládá kostel Narození Panny Marie. Rozkvět města přichází za episkopátu Jana IV. z Dražic. Ten dal v roce 1310 postavit v Roudnici druhý kostel, zasvěcený sv. Václavovi. Po svém návratu z Avignou, kde se deset let soudil před papežským dvorem, přivedl do Čech novou řeholi augustiniánů kanovníků, pro které roku 1333 zakládá v Roudnici klášter. Vedle kostela Panny Marie byl pro řeholníky postaven nový kostel bazilikálního typu, přičemž ze starého kostela se stala sakristie. Nový klášter se stal centrem hluboké mariánské zbožnosti, vzdělanosti a umění. V roce 1421 byl však klášter vypleněn husitskými vojsky. Pokus o obnovu řeholního života po roce 1436 se nakonec nezdařil a duchovní správa v Roudnici v průběhu 15. století plynule přešla k utrakvismu. Katolickou obnovu zahájila po roce 1603 Polyxena z Pernštejna, provdaná roku 1603 za Zdeňka Vojtěcha Popela z Lobkowicz. Ke kostelu Panny Marie byl opět dosazen katolický kněz s čestným proboštským...
The Dean Church of the Holy Cross in Děčín
Vavřička, Miloš ; Horyna, Mojmír (advisor) ; Macek, Petr (referee)
The Decanal Church of the HoHy Cross in Děčín The Church of the Ascension of the Ho1y Cross in Děčín (North Bohemia, Czech Republic) is one of the most significant pieces of an ear1y baroque architecture in Děčín region. It was bui1t in years 1686-1691 as a manor church for Don Maximi1ian von ThunHohensten (1638-1701), in the place of an older medieval church. The church embodies strong influence of a classicism Roman architecture that,is characteristic for Gian Lorenzo Bernini's school. Maximilian von Thun-Hohensten as an imperial diplomat, lord counci1 and knight of the Go1den Fleece had a 10t of opportunities to charge notable architects ofthe Central European region with building ofthis sanctuary. Thus it cou1d be a baroque architect influenced by Bernini's school of the first half of 17th century. However, the construction project could also have been sent by post or cou1d have been gained by Don Maximilian during his stay in Rome or Salzburg. A number of skilful artists and craftsmen of the turn of 17th and 18th century were participating during building and decoration works - for instance sculptor Franz (František) Preiss, stonemason Santin Aiche1 or plasterer Johann Peter (Giovanni Pietro) Palliardi. In 1791 sp1endid fresco painting on a motive of the holy cross story was created by Josef...
Johann Hoffmann, the artist in the region of southwest Bohemia
Šmilauerová, Adéla ; Horyna, Mojmír (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
The diploma thesis is focused on the artist Johann Hoffmann (17001747), active in the region of southwest Bohemia. The first part covers his life, the second one deals with customers of Hoffmanns works and the third one summarises his famous works of art. Key words: Johann Hoffmann, Baroque sculpture, Castle Lnáre, Baroque frescos, Architecture
Filip Spannbrucker
Rychnová, Lucie ; Horyna, Mojmír (advisor) ; Macek, Petr (referee)
Filip Spannbrucker Filip Spannbrucker, česká barokní architektura, hrabě František Josef Schlik, Jean Baptiste Mathey, Jičínsko The main aim of this thesis is to present the life and work of Filip Spannbrucker (approximately 1672?1729), Prague architect and builder, in the context of contemporary artistic and social course of events. In the first part of this work there will be outlined Spannbrucker's life and professional career based on elaborate archival research. Special attention will be devoted to proprietors and a patronage of building projects wherein Spannbrucker participated or whereof was an author. In the connection, his work will be brought in contiguity of contemporaneous cultural, socioeconomical and aesthetical notions and relations. In the second part of this thesis there will be pointed out a characteristic and spring of inspiration of Spannbrucker's architecture by means of an accurate formal analysis. Final part will be a catalog of Filip Spannbrucker's works. Filip Spannbrucker, Czech baroque architecture, count František Josef Schlik, Jean Baptiste Mathey, region of Jičín
Early Baroque Altars in Prague
Kolář, Jan ; Zlatohlávek, Martin (advisor) ; Horyna, Mojmír (referee)
ENGLISH ANNOTATION This paper discusses Prague altars that were crafted in the years of early-baroque between 1620 and 1680. It contains a brief outline of the historical period during which - in relation to counter-reformation and recatholization after the defeat of the Estate uprising in 1620 - baroque style had been fully accepted in Czech lands. The church, supported by the state, had made it its goal to restore catholicism in Czech lands and for this purpose it also used the means of arts. The baroque church combined all kinds of arts in its complexity. The main attention of its builders was paid to altar constructions, most often wooden ones. This paper then analyzes the history and typology of the altar and its components - the altar table, the retabulum (altar leg) and the tabernacle (sanctuary). The overall development of early-baroque altars dated from late-renaissaince mannerism to the beginning of top-baroque is discussed, together with the metamorphosis of the altars' architectural concepts, the artistic perfection of the altars and of their decorative elements. Both preserved and some non-preserved altar constructions located in Prague (in the area of Hradčany, Lesser Town, Old Town and New Town) are listed and described in this paper. Furthermore, an account is given of the artists...
Church of the Guardian Angels at Veselí nad Moravou
Břečka, Petr ; Royt, Jan (advisor) ; Horyna, Mojmír (referee)
9 ANGLICKÁ ANOTACE Church of the Guardian Angels in Veselí nad Moravou This former monasterial church of servits order originate from the ages 1714-1764. The church is one of the most valuable monument in Hodonín's region. It atract by its high roof with a small towers and by very first-rate baroque architecture. The builging began built by a marriaged couple Maxmilian and Maxmiliana Želečtí from Počenic, who owned rule in Veselí nad Moravou. The church was consecrated in 1739. From the artists, who part in its anterior first-rate decoration we know only Jan Jiří Schauberger, an author of the side altars, and brilliant vienner painter Franz Anton Maulbertsch, an author of a great behind-altar picture. There was also sculptor from Brno, Andrew Schweigl. Under the church are in the crypt buried the members of servits order, founder of church and monastery and Chorinský'family.
Water and Drainage System of Břevnov Monastery
Linart, Petr ; Horyna, Mojmír (advisor) ; Macek, Petr (referee)
Resumé Water System and Drainage System of the Břevnov Monastery The Břevnov monastery was found ed on grounds highly saturated wiht water, in the spring area of the Brusnice stream. This position has always asked for a specific protection of the monastery buldings but at the same time it provided the monastery wiht various possibilitis of the usage of its water resources. The monastery's tunnel system preserved up to now dates back to the beginning of the 18 th century.
Early Baroque Altars in Prague
Kolář, Jan ; Zlatohlávek, Martin (advisor) ; Horyna, Mojmír (referee)
ENGLISH ANNOTATION This paper discusses Prague altars that were crafted in the early-baroque years between 1620 and 1680. It contains a brief outline of the historical period during which baroque style was making its entry in the Czech lands. For the restoration of the catholic religion by means of art were used as well. The baroque church combined all kinds of arts in its complexity. The main attention of its builders was paid to altar constructions, most often wooden ones. This paper then analyzes the history and typology of the altar and its components - the altar table, the retabulum (altar leg) and the tabernacle (sanctuary). The overall development of early-baroque altars dated from late-renaissaince mannerism to the beginning of top-baroque is discussed, together with the metamorphosis of the altars' architectural concepts, the artistic perfection of the altars and of their decorative elements. Both preserved and some non-preserved altar constructions located in Prague (in the area of Hradčany, Lesser Town, Old Town and New Town) are listed and described in this paper. Key words: Altars, Early-baroque, Prague, Early-baroque altars in Prague, 17th Century

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