National Repository of Grey Literature 352 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Development of solution for analysis and vizualization of LoRa network
Meško, Tomáš ; Věchet, Stanislav (referee) ; Hadaš, Zdeněk (advisor)
This thesis focuses on the development of an interface designed to analyse and visualize the data collected from wireless microcontroller-based axes in a LoRa network. The type of interface chosen was a web page. The web page provides a visual display of the measured sections and plots the characteristic data in graphs. MySQL database structure was chosen as the storage method for the collected data.
Interface design and construction for viscous vacuum gauge data refinement
Pohorský, Tomáš ; Věchet, Stanislav (referee) ; Appel, Martin (advisor)
This thesis deals with the design and implementation of a viscous vacuum gauge data refinement device that is used in the laboratory of the Czech Metrology Institute. The aim of the thesis is to get acquainted with the principle and operation of the viscous etalon with the spinning rotor gauge (SRG). Another aim is to design a device which, using the current value of the ball rotation frequency in the vacuum gauge and using the current temperature to refine the vacuum gauge value. This refined value is then displayed on a display that is part of the device and also allows it to be transmitted over a serial link to the parent system (e.g. a personal computer).
Design of a weighing unit for an automatic phenotyping line
Mikuš, Martin ; Věchet, Stanislav (referee) ; Štěpánek, Vojtěch (advisor)
The purpose of this master thesis is the design and realization of a weighing and watering unit for an automatic phenotyping system. The master thesis is structured into several phases. Firstly, a market survey of available control systems for unit operation is conducted, followed by design of conceptual solutions and selection of the most suitable design. Subsequently, the design is optimized and appropriate components are selected for implementation. Finally, the weighing and watering unit itself is implemented and thoroughly tested.
Design and implementation of an automatic system for watering indoor plants
Szymik, Ondřej ; Formánek, Martin (referee) ; Věchet, Stanislav (advisor)
This work is focused on the design and realization of an automatic irrigation system for houseplants. The emphasis is on the modularity of the system, i.e. to be able to irrigate plants and to measure their environmental variables independently. The work includes the design of a suitable system architecture, the selection of suitable sensors and actuators, the assembly of the system and the verification of its functionality.
Design and implementation of an obstacle avoidance method in an outdoor environment for a mobile robot
Fargač, Tomáš ; Králík, Jan (referee) ; Věchet, Stanislav (advisor)
This thesis focuses on investigating the usability of the optical flow method in image processing. Firstly, this method is introduced theoretically, followed by its mathematical derivation. Subsequently, the idea of implementing it into decision-making algorithms and potential areas of application is presented. The thesis also elaborates on suitable environments for such applications in both virtual and real worlds. The practical part demonstrates the step-by-step development process and the refinement of working with this method and its outputs. The work utilizes the Matlab programming environment and detailed work at the level of individual components in this programming language, enriched with auxiliary toolboxes, especially from the field of computer vision. The entire research is summarized clearly at the end, and all undertaken steps are depicted in a flowchart. Finally, all explored approaches with their strengths and weaknesses, identified throughout the process, are clearly presented.
Autonomous unit for growing indoor plants
Pluskal, Petr ; Appel, Martin (referee) ; Věchet, Stanislav (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis focuses on the design and assembly of an autonomous cultivation system for indoor plants in households. Autonomous and efficient cultivation of indoor plants poses a challenge for many home gardeners due to the constant need for care and attention. The thesis discusses the basic requirements and conditions for quality plant growth, such as temperature, soil moisture, air humidity, and lighting. Suitable sensors for measuring these key parameters are selected, and the thesis addresses their integration and implementation into the entire system. The unit's construction is realised using 3D printing, analysing its properties, particularly regarding waterproofing and contact with organic elements. These insights inform the printing of individual parts of the system. Combining printed parts, sensors, and a programmed Arduino system creates a functional autonomous plant cultivation system. Monitored data are directly utilised in the system's code, statistically processed, and visualised using the ThinkSpeak service. Experimental results demonstrate the successful functionality of the system in maintaining optimal conditions for plant growth and development. This autonomous cultivation system represents an innovative solution for simplifying the care of indoor plants in a home environment.
Development of a GPS tracking device for the specific needs of a tourist club
Němečková, Karolína ; Věchet, Stanislav (referee) ; Appel, Martin (advisor)
This Bachelor thesis focuses on the development of a GPS tracking device for specific needs of tourist club. First part summarizes available products on the market and technologies which can be used for creating such a device. The second part describes the concept, which outlines the exact function of the transmitter and receiver. It follows by describing selected electronics, printed circuit board design, program implementation and the manufacturing of enclosures. To demonstrate the functionality, tests of wireless communication, discharge characteristics and device consumption are performed.
3D model registration with depth camera data
Boháč, Daniel ; Věchet, Stanislav (referee) ; Adámek, Roman (advisor)
Tato práce se zaměřuje na úlohu 3D rozpoznání objektu a odhadu jeho transformace na základě dat získaných z hloubkové kamery. Konkrétně jde o mračna bodů, přičemž jedinou referencí pro dané objekty jsou jejich 3D modely. Cílem práce je vybrat vhodný algoritmus na základě provedené rešerše, implementovat řešení využívající tento algoritmus, ověřit jeho funkčnost a identifikovat jeho limity. Práce představuje snadno použitelnou a rozšiřitelnou knihovnu napsanou v C++, která je dostupná také prostřednictvím Pythonu. Tato knihovna využívá postup identifikovaný během rešerše, který řeší danou úlohu pomocí globálních deskriptorů. Nakonec je řešení ověřeno na umělých i reálných datech.
Localization system for mobile robot B2
Korytár, Lukáš ; Věchet, Stanislav (referee) ; Krejsa, Jiří (advisor)
The master’s thesis implements localization and navigation routines for mobile robot B2 in order to operate autonomously in an environment described by a road map only. The ROS framework was used for developing new software. The research part describes possible approaches to localization problem and summarizes ROS packages with localization and navigation software. The following part includes communication with the robot’s sensor modules and data processing from LIDAR, IMU and camera. The localization package robot_localization based on Kalman filter is implemented and setting of the navigation stack navigation is proposed, aiming to robot’s autonomous outdoor navigation. Implemented functions were tested in park environment and they are evaluated in this master's thesis too.
Experimental testing of bus peripherals on single-board computer Beagleboard.
Hladík, René ; Zuth, Daniel (referee) ; Věchet, Stanislav (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis obtains a kind and possibility of communication, which single board computer offers. Check range of communications using mobile robotics and summary for this system. The result of this work provides a configuration all peripherals for Beagleboard system using. The introductory part of work is focuses on the definition and summary single board computer systems. Description main differences single board systems. Next point is competition and summary single board computers from the world's leading manufacturers and hardware differences. The next part is making complete description and summary of using single board computer Beagleboard xm Rev C. Practical realization obtains the most important interface of communication, which we can use in case of prototypes mobile systems. Realization of USB camera, multifunctional interface GPIO, serial communication of CMUcam3 camera module and in conclusion I2C communication using GPIO SRF08 ultrasonic sensor. Demonstration of Beagleboard system diversity, what can use all users of embedding systems in mobile robotics. Modern mobile robotics systems are complex analog and digital devices like different kind of sensors, sensing elements, cams and else. Bachelor work describe basic configuration some possibility communication with using cameras, sensors and systems elements.

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