National Repository of Grey Literature 196 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Latin-American immigration to Spain during the last twenty years
Řeháčková, Linda ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor) ; Křížová, Markéta (referee)
This thesis refers to Latin-American immigration to Spain during the last twenty years (1990 - 2010). This thesis is divided in two main parts. The first part is devoted to a general overview and also to the most important aspects related to the emigration of Latin Americans into Spain. The individual chapters are focused on the following topics: discussion and development of research of immigration in Spain, the roots of Latin American emigration, Spain as the destination of emigrants, migration policy of Spain, the composition of the Latin American population living in Spain, the integration of Latin American immigrants in Spanish labour market and Latin American gangs in Spain. The second part of this thesis is dedicated to a research focusing on the coexistence of Spanish and Latin Americans in the Iberian Peninsula. Based on the survey the following aspects are examined: the reasons of Latin Americans leading to emigration to Spain, experience of Latin American emigrants with attitude of Spanish people towards them, attitude of Spanish towards immigrants and last but not least the integration of Latin American immigrants into the Spanish society. My thesis is based on available materials concerning the issue, i.e. existing studies focusing on immigration at the present time, and statistical...
Czechoslovak-Spanish relations (1918-1977)
Timko, Maroš ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor) ; Chalupa, Jiří (referee) ; Eiroa San Francisco, Matilde (referee)
The dissertation focuses on Czechoslovak-Spanish relations between 1918-1977. The main focus of the thesis is the research of the Spanish communist exile in post-war Czechoslovakia and the Slovak and Czech anti-communist exile in Francoist Spain, using new methodological approaches and concepts (everyday resistance, (im)mobility). Through the case studies focusing on the everyday life of "heterodox" Spanish exiles, the thesis also addresses the question of the dichotomy between the Spanish collectives in Ústí nad Labem and Prague. The research is also oriented towards the question of the development of economic relations between the people's democratic Czechoslovakia and Franco's Spain, as well as the subsequent process of the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, with an aim to contextualise the post-war Czechoslovak-Spanish relations within the reality of the Cold War. Last but not least, the thesis analyses the relations between both the individual emigrants (the leaders of the exile and its "rank and file" members) and between the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ) and the Communist Party of Spain (PCE). Keywords: Czechoslovakia; Spain; Exile; Communist Party; Cold War; everyday resistance; (im)mobility
Ferdinand Klindera and project of Austria-Hungarian colony in Argentina
Přibilová, Lucie ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor) ; Baďura, Bohumil (referee)
Ferdinand Klindera byl v českém i zahraničním povědomí v období první republiky znám především jako starosta Ústřední jednoty hospodářských družstev, blízký spolupracovník Antonína Švehly a dlouholetý propagátor družstevnictví. Ve své práci jsem se zaměřila především na období, které předcházelo jeho působení na předních místech české politické scény. Věnovala jsem se hlavně počátku 20. století a období kolem roku 1911. V tomto roce se stal Ferdinand Klindera účastníkem průzkumné výpravy směřující do argentinské provincie Chubut. Organizátorem celého projektu byl rakouský průmyslník Artur Krupp, který měl zájem zřídit v Argentině hospodářskou kolonii, do které měl být směřován proud emigrantů z Rakouska-Uherska, projekt měl významně zasáhnout do otázky vystěhovalectví na přelomu století. Zároveň měla kolonie fungovat jako odbytiště rakouských výrobků a případně i dodávat zemědělské plodiny a produkty jako bylo obilí či maso. Myšlenka realizovat kolonii v Argentině vznikla nejpozději v roce 1910, kdy byla v Buenos Aires uspořádána velká hospodářsko-průmyslová výstava, které se účastnila i rakouská delegace v čele právě s Arturem Kruppem. Hlavním propagátorem realizace kolonie v Argentině byl původně pozdější konzul v Hamburku Mikuláš Post, který se na výstavě s Kruppen často stýkal. Myšlenka Artura Kruppa...
Traveler Čeněk Paclt (1813-1887) - the first Czech that has ever been to all five continents in respect to historical anthropology
Kříž, Jaroslav ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor) ; Binková, Simona (referee)
This dissertation analyzes the life of Czech traveler Čeněk Paclt (1813 - 1887), who was born in the town of Turnov. Čeněk Paclt belongs to the most famous Czech travelers. He is also the first Czech, who has provably traveled through all five inhabited continents and has left written evidence about his journeys. Fundamental part of this thesis is focusing on his life and describes his adventures, which he had come across on the five continents. The thesis is written in historical, and employs historical anthropology, which focuses on a single individual in the course of human events, as one of the main methodological approaches. Secondarily, this thesis elaborates Paclt's personality and his view on aboriginal cultures, which he encountered during his travels, and Paclt's relationship towards his hometown is also mentioned. Furthermore, the dissertation touches upon traveling background in Czech nation during 19th century.
The history of mining, processing and exportation of the Chilean nitrates. Political, economic and social context (1830-1930)
Hladíková, Eva ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor) ; Nálevka, Vladimír (referee)
Historie těžby, zpracování a vývozu ledku v provinciích Tarapacá a Antofagasta (dnes sevemí Chile) tvoří důležitou součást historie chilského homictví a počátků industrializace regionu, který do tzv. ledkové války patřil Peru a Bolívii. Přesto bylo toto téma chilskými historiky opomíjeno až do poloviny 20. století, kdy zaznamenáváme rozvoj ekonomické a sociální historiografie. Dalším faktorem, který v určité míře přetrvává do dnešní doby, byla jistá okrajovost zájmu centra o sevemí region, vzdálený jak z hlediska geografického, tak z hlediska mocenského. Zpracováním tohoto tématu se zabývali a zabývají vedle chilských historiků i autoři z dalších zemí (Peru, Bolívie, USA, Velká Británie) a nepřekvapí, že ve svých analýzách docházejí k často odlišným závěrům. A třebaže těžba ledku nemá dnes prakticky téměř žádný význam, jeden z následků pacifické války - ztráta přístupu Bolívie k moři - představuje stále živý problém, nehledě na fakt, že oblast dříve bolívijské Antofagasty je nejvýznamnějším, dnes chilským, nalezištěm mědi v LA a jedním ze základních zdrojů chilského národního bohatství. I současný vývoj v bolívijsko- a peruánskochilských vztazích svědčí o tom, že rány z minulosti nejsou zdaleka zaceleny i přes existenci vzájemných smluv formálně situaci upravuj ících.
The question about Central American canal at the end of the 19th century
Vítková, Hana ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor) ; Křížová, Markéta (referee)
This thesis is dedicated to the issues of deciding about the place of construction of Central American canal, how it was mentioned in speeches of American politics and presidents. The main part is dedicated to these speeches in American Senate and theannual reports of American presidents with taking historic affairs into account. Since the canal was an important issue of international politics, in another part of this thesis we also mention French participation in Panama region. Success was strongly assumed for Nicaragua Route as well, this topic is the focus of a separate charter, too.
Characteristics of tourism in San Francisco de Sales
Liška, Juraj ; Opatrný, Josef (referee)
Characteristics of Tourism in San Francisco de Sales, Colombia (a doctoral thesis summary) The country areas of Departamento Cundinamarca, which creates the background of the nine-million-inhabitant capital city of Bogotá and thus represents the most important Colombian region, have shown a significantly decreasing production and effectiveness of both primary and secondary economic sector since the second half of the 20th century. Consequently, since the end of 1990s, an economic alternative has been sought in various regions of Colombia. Ecotourism, which has been found as a reasonable solution, appears to be a suitable economic alternative also for the town of San Francisco de Sales. Active tourism in Colombia, i.e. tourists coming to the country, has decreased recently as a result of the problematic situation of the country. However, despite the economic crisis, domestic tourism remains the moving force of development on both local and regional levels in many areas. This research does not include one of the significant phenomena of the Cundinamarca region countryside, i.e. "the second home". The main purpose of this research is to identify and characterise tourism developing in the town of San Francisco. The author researches possibilities of sustainable development of the town provided by its hotel...
Ohrožení ekonomických zájmů EU v Jižní a Střední Americe.
Frýda, Jiří ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor) ; Kovář, Martin (referee) ; Barteček, Ivo (referee)
The dissertation analyses the threats to economic interests of EU in Latin America - mostly focused on MERCOSUR's countries. Both regions share history, cultural and social bonds which were interrupted by the Cold War. During this period was Latin America a natural zone of interest of the United States (similarity with East Europe and USS R). The fundamental event is the end of bipolarity. The dissertation is mostly focused on one decade between 2003-2013. The three main chapters define the concept of economic security, the relationship between the EU-Latin America on the background of the historical insight and third main chapter analyses China's engagement in Latin America. In the post-Cold War period came a significant paradigmatic shift in the perception of economic security/vulnerability. Considering the asymmetry of relations between the two regions, we analyze a historical background, including the so-called "shared values" that partially (but not entirely) can be challenged. Relations between the two regions are viewed as highly pragmatic with a strong emphasis on trade ties. China as a new element in the region, where traditionally has competed the United States and Europe, is the core topic of the main third chapter. Latin America isn't perceived as a single region, but it is consider in...
Presentation of discovery of America in the official historiographical sources and fiction
Burdová, Helena ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor) ; Křížová, Markéta (referee)
The thesis does not include an abstract in English. Powered by TCPDF (
The Cuban revolution in international context from the beginning of the fifties to the beginning of sixties
Jandová, Soňa ; Opatrný, Josef (advisor) ; Nálevka, Vladimír (referee)
This work is dedicated to the political development in Cuba from the beginning of the fifties to the beginning of the sixties of the 20th century. This period is mostly known because of the Cuban revolution. The international relations between Cuba and the United States are the main interest of this thesis. AU chapters describe the most important incidents which affected Cuban history in this time. Because of the complexity of thís topíc, the history before the rise of anti-Batista opposition is also mentioned. The changes and reforms after the revolution did not only change the relations between Cuba and the USA, but affect relations in the whole region.

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