Emergent Phenomena, Morphomatics and Theory of Complexity
Bíla, J. ; Krist, Pavel Typ dokumentu: Příspěvky z konference Konference/Akce: 17th International Conference on Soft Computing, Brno (CZ), 2011-06-15 / 2011-06-17
Abstrakt: This paper is devoted to knowledge and symbolical environments for grasping of emergent phenomena. Respecting the fact that the origin of shapes of nature has its essence in emergencies the paper turns attention to formalisms for direct work with such “shapes” (Morphomatics). There are described three environments for grasping of emergent phenomena especially environment 2 as a cognitive tool and environment 3 as dynamic relation between Macrostructure and Microstructure emphasizing their mutual interactions. As an example of formalism developed from synthesis of the introduced three environments is illustrated the use of theory of matroids (dual of Fano matroid) for case of supergravity D=11.
Klíčová slova:
emergent phenomena; macrostructure; matroids; microstructure; semantic space; sign model Číslo projektu: CEZ:AV0Z10480505 (CEP) Zdrojový dokument: MENDEL 2011 - 17th International conference on Soft Computing, ISBN 978-80-214-4302-0, ISSN 1803-3814
Instituce: Ústav jaderné fyziky AV ČR
Informace o dostupnosti dokumentu:
Dokument je dostupný v příslušném ústavu Akademie věd ČR. Původní záznam: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0202979