Original title:
Po stopách pojmu "Empatia diváka"
Translated title:
"The Empathy of the Spectator" - introduction
Vlčková, Jana ; Čihák, Martin (advisor) ; Doruška, Tomáš (referee) Document type: Bachelor's theses
slo Publisher:
Akademie múzických umění v Praze. Filmová a televizní fakulta AMU. Knihovna Abstract:
[cze][eng] Pokúsila som sa definovat pojem empatia diváka ako spojenie psychologickej empatie a empatie estetickej.I tried to define the term "empathy of the spectator" a s an conjunction of psychologic empathy and aesthetic empathy.
Institution: Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Document availability information: Available to registered users in the Digital Repository of Academy of Performing Arts. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/10318/3638