Home > Conference materials > Papers > Drone Based Vertical Profiling of Black Carbon Aerosols at a Rural Background and an Urban Site in Central Europe
Original title:
Drone Based Vertical Profiling of Black Carbon Aerosols at a Rural Background and an Urban Site in Central Europe
Julaha, Kajal Document type: Papers Conference/Event: Bažant Postgraduate Conference 2024, Prague (CZ), 20240605
eng Abstract:
This research aims to assess the vertical distribution of BC aerosols using a drone and micro Aethalometer AE51 at two distinct sites in the Czech Republic: 1. NAOK (National Atmospheric Observatory Košetice) representing a regional background, and 2. MFF (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in Prague) representing an urban site. At NAOK, a 250-meter measurement tower is accessible, providing a means to validate and calibrate the drone measurements.
aerosols; black carbon; pollutants Project no.: LM2023030 (CEP) Funding provider: GA MŠk Host item entry: Proceedings of Abstracts, ISBN 978-80-86186-32-0
Rights: This work is protected under the Copyright Act No. 121/2000 Coll.