Original title: Imaging Reflectometry Measuring Thin Films Optical Properties
Translated title: Imaging Reflectometry Measuring Thin Films Optical Properties
Authors: Běhounek, Tomáš ; Spousta, Jiří (referee) ; Zicha,, Josef (referee) ; Kotačka, Libor (referee) ; Druckmüller, Miloslav (advisor)
Document type: Doctoral theses
Year: 2009
Language: eng
Publisher: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství
Abstract: [eng] [cze]

Keywords: aditivní šum; analýza citlivosti; disperzní model; faktor spolehlivosti; Levenberg~-~Marquardt; metoda nejmenších čtverců; nelineární regrese; obrazový filtr; odrazivost; optické vlastnosti; reflektometrie; spektrum odra\-zivosti; Tenká vrstva; zpracování obrazu; additive noise; dispersion model; image filter; image processing; Levenberg~-~Marquardt; nonlinear regression; optical properties; reflectance; reflectance spectra; reflectometry; reliability factor; sensitivity analysis; sum of the least squares; Thin film

Institution: Brno University of Technology (web)
Document availability information: Fulltext is available in the Brno University of Technology Digital Library.
Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11012/18281

Permalink: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-565165

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Universities and colleges > Public universities > Brno University of Technology
Academic theses (ETDs) > Doctoral theses
 Record created 2024-04-02, last modified 2024-04-03

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