Název: Směrem k 'jednotnější Unii' v oblasti bezpečnosti a obrany: případ EMILYO
Překlad názvu: Towards a 'more united Union' in security and defence: the case of EMILYO
Autoři: Schianchi, Eleonora ; McDonagh, Ken (vedoucí práce) ; Kučera, Tomáš (oponent)
Typ dokumentu: Diplomové práce
Rok: 2023
Jazyk: eng
Abstrakt: Towards a 'more united Union' in security and defence: The case of EMILYO Abstract The topic of security and defence integration has sparked a great deal of debate among scholars, and the literature has yet to produce a theory that can account for the variety of elements at work. This research project aims to shed some theoretical light on the still unclear process of EU integration in security and defence, arguing that, notwithstanding the importance of material factors, the role of ideas and widely held beliefs cannot be overlooked. To support this claim, the dissertation will use the programme of mobility for Cadets, the European Initiative for the Exchange of Young Officers (EMILYO) as a case study. First, by applying a theoretical framework designed by Meyer and Strickmann (2011) which combines insights from the Realist tradition (specifically Neoclassical Realist insights) and the focus on ideational factors typical of Constructivism, to demonstrate the importance of a coherent synthesis of theories to incorporate both material and ideational factors. Then, starting from the assumption that further integration can be reached only by fostering a European 'sense of belonging' among the citizens, and thus military personnel, the dissertation explores the outcomes of the experience for the Cadets on an...

Instituce: Fakulty UK (VŠKP) (web)
Informace o dostupnosti dokumentu: Dostupné v digitálním repozitáři UK.
Původní záznam: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11956/187385

Trvalý odkaz NUŠL: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-539067

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 Záznam vytvořen dne 2024-01-26, naposledy upraven 2024-01-26.

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