Název: The Inventory of Contaminated Sites in the Czech republic (NIKM 2019–2021)
Autoři: Suchánek, Zdeněk
Typ dokumentu: Sborníky
ISBN: 978-80-8213-084-6
Konference/Akce: International Conference Contaminated Sites 2022, Senec (SK), 2022-10-12 / 2022-10-14
Rok: 2022
Jazyk: eng
Abstrakt: The complete National inventory of contaminated sites (NIKM) took place in the years 2009 – 2021 in two phases, both co-financed from the EU Cohesion fund. The basic goal of NIKM was the capture and basic evaluation of the most complete number of contaminated sites/potentially contaminated sites (CSs hereinafter) on the territory of the entire country. The 1st stage of NIKM focused on the methodology of the inventory, its testing and collection of the main data sources. The 2nd stage of NIKM (2018-2021) was completed on 31.12.2021. CENIA teams and suppliers selected via public tender participated in the project. 30,020 CSs or CSs clues were inspected of which 8,643 sites were evaluated as CSs. From other sources, 1491 newly evaluated localities were registered. In result, a total of 10,134 assessed CSs were registered. These sites have a record at least in the scope of the summary form, including the evaluated priority of needed corrective measures. In addition, maps of CSs distributions in the 205 municipalities with extended powers (“small districts”) of 14 regions were processed, for each of the three priority categories (A, P, N). The result of NIKM is the filled in System for registration of contaminated sites (SEKM) (10,134 records), 14 inventory reports for individual regions and the Inventory Report for the Czech Republic.
Klíčová slova: inventář; kontaminovaná místa; metodologie; plánování analytických materiálů; plánování měst a venkova; registrace kontaminovaných míst; contaminated sites; inventory; methodology; planning analytical materials; registration of contaminated sites; town and country planning
Práva: Dílo je chráněno podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.

Instituce: CENIA (web)

Trvalý odkaz NUŠL: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-533126

Záznam je zařazen do těchto sbírek:
Konferenční materiály > Sborníky
Státní správa > CENIA
 Záznam vytvořen dne 2023-08-25, naposledy upraven 2024-10-03.

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