Název: Analysis of Car Drivers’ Behaviour and Driving Style
Autoři: Novik, S. ; Mihálik, O.
Typ dokumentu: Příspěvky z konference
Jazyk: eng
Nakladatel: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií
Abstrakt: Driving security remains one of the important issues. Nowadays, various assistance systems are implemented, such as the systems for analysis of control of a car by its driver. To understand the performance of the driver’s control, a program was created to obtain valuable data and relevant characteristics. To obtain the data, we used an internally designed, laboratory-made vehicle driving simulator developed by D. Michalík [2]. Driver data were obtained using a proprietary vehicle driving simulator, and these were evaluated in the MATLAB environment via integral criteria and other calculated parameters, such as reaction delay. Features thus obtained were used as a training set for the machine learning, using LDA and QDA methods (linear and quadratic discriminant analysis). These methods reveal information concerning the importance of features for the task of driver’s identity prediction based solely on the driving actions.
Klíčová slova: driver analysis; Feedback control; integral criteria of quality; machine learning; MATLAB; vehicle driving simulator
Zdrojový dokument: Proceedings I of the 28st Conference STUDENT EEICT 2022: General papers, ISBN 978-80-214-6029-4

Instituce: Vysoké učení technické v Brně (web)
Informace o dostupnosti dokumentu: Plný text je dostupný v Digitální knihovně VUT.
Původní záznam: http://hdl.handle.net/11012/209376

Trvalý odkaz NUŠL: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-524803

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Školství > Veřejné vysoké školy > Vysoké učení technické v Brně
Konferenční materiály > Příspěvky z konference
 Záznam vytvořen dne 2023-05-07, naposledy upraven 2023-05-07.

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