Original title: Lávka v Čáslavi přes silnici I/38
Translated title: Pedestrian bridge in Čáslav over the road I/38
Authors: Gaidos, Daniel ; Daněk, Stanislav (referee) ; Koláček, Jan (advisor)
Document type: Master’s theses
Year: 2023
Language: cze
Publisher: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební
Abstract: [cze] [eng]

Keywords: changes in prestressing; integrated construction; model; notched join; pedestrian bridge; pedestrian bridge with three spans; prestressed concrete; serviceability limit state; static analysis; strut frame bridge; ultimate limit state; integrovaná konštrukcia; lávka o troch poliach; lávka pre chodcov; medzný stav použiteľnosti; medzný stav únosnosti; model; predpätý betón; statický výpočet; vrubový kĺb; vzperadlová lávka; zmeny predpätia

Institution: Brno University of Technology (web)
Document availability information: Fulltext is available in the Brno University of Technology Digital Library.
Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11012/209068

Permalink: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-520386

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Universities and colleges > Public universities > Brno University of Technology
Academic theses (ETDs) > Master’s theses
 Record created 2023-02-05, last modified 2023-02-05

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