Název: Compliance behavior under surveillance: introduction of the video assistant referee to European football
Autoři: Trestcov, Ivan
Typ dokumentu: Výzkumné zprávy
Rok: 2022
Jazyk: eng
Edice: CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, svazek: 733
Abstrakt: This paper analyzes the effect of introducing the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) to European football. First, the setting allows for decomposition of the deterrence and monitoring effects in Becker’s (1968) model of crime. Second, I estimate the deterrence effect’s spillover outside the surveillance environment. Third, I find evidence of a much under-studied learning-by-punishment effect. This paper applies the difference-in-difference strategy to show that the introduction of VAR causes a significant decrease in the number of fouls in two German football leagues. VAR had an immediate impact on severe fouls, while the effect on penalty fouls is apparent after a 12 week adjustment period. Punishment intensifies the deterrence effect as punished players commit even fewer fouls than unpunished players. Moreover, the deterrence effect persists outside of the surveillance environment, i.e., there is a spillover effect on international competitions. I show that players from countries with VAR commit fewer fouls in international competitions than other players.
Klíčová slova: Becker model; deterrence; video assistant referee

Instituce: Národohospodářský ústav AV ČR (web)
Informace o dostupnosti dokumentu: Dokument je dostupný na externích webových stránkách.
Externí umístění souboru: https://www.cerge-ei.cz/pdf/wp/Wp733.pdf
Původní záznam: https://hdl.handle.net/11104/0334985

Trvalý odkaz NUŠL: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-510678

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Věda a výzkum > AV ČR > Národohospodářský ústav
Zprávy > Výzkumné zprávy
 Záznam vytvořen dne 2022-10-23, naposledy upraven 2023-12-06.

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