Original title:
Chemicko-mineralogická analýza vzorku malty odebraného ze studny ve dvoře objektu Sedláčkova 15, Plzeň
Translated title:
Chemical and mineralogical analysis of a mortar sampled from the well in the yard of the object Sedláčkova 15, Pilsen.
Frankeová, Dita ; Bauerová, Pavla ; Slížková, Zuzana Document type: Research reports
cze Abstract:
[cze][eng] Rozbor vzorků historické malty s využitím skenovacího elektronového mikroskopu (SEM‐EDS) a termické analýzy (TGA) analýzy. Charakterizace plniva a složek pojiva malty. Pojivo malty je nehomogenní, tvoří ho především hlinitokřemičitanová zemina (jíly) a vápno.The mortar sample was analyzed using a TGA and SEM-EDS analysis as part of the construction and technical survey. The mortars' aggregate and binder components were analyzed, and the binder was identified as a mixture of soil and lime.
mortar; SEM‐EDS; TGA
Institution: Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics AS ČR
Document availability information: Fulltext is available at the institute of the Academy of Sciences. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0325794