Integrál - filozoficky zpochybňující ocenění Kena Wilbera
Překlad názvu:
The Integral - A philosophically questioning appreciation about Ken Wilber
Glogner, Tim Jakob ; Sepp, Hans Rainer (vedoucí práce) ; Negele, Manfred (oponent) ; Lucas, Marc (oponent) Typ dokumentu: Disertační práce
Abstrakt: Kenneth "Ken" Earl Wilber (born January 31, 1949 in Oklahoma City) is an American writer in the field of integral theory. He is considered a post-postmodern contemporary philosopher. He lives and works in Denver. Wilber writes in particular on philosophy, psychology, mysticism and spiritual evolution. His approach encompasses the humanities and natural sciences as well as psychology and the universal knowledge of the teachings of wisdom. In recent years he has developed an integral model with the help of which "eternally valid knowledge," also known as "Philosophia Perennis," can be applied to all areas of life. For example, in the field of psychology, the result is integral mod- els of therapy. On the one hand, Wilber would like to combine science with the spiritual theories and traditions of religions, including intercultural religious experience. On the other hand, his approach aims at a reconciling and constructive exchange between all (specialized) disciplines (e.g. philosophy, psy- chology, various forms of therapy, pedagogy, biology, physics, ecology, medicine, economics, poli- tics and many others). "Integral" has current meaning not only against the background of smaller and larger human crises. It also implies holistic consideration and exploration of all life phenomena and corresponds to...