Original title: Trh rezidenčních nemovitostí během finanční krize - empirická evidence z regionu zemí střední a východní Evropy
Translated title: Residential real estate market during the financial crisis : empirical evidence from the CEE region
Authors: Hrachovec, Martin ; Vacek, Pavel (advisor) ; Streblov, Pavel (referee)
Document type: Master’s theses
Year: 2012
Language: eng
Abstract: [eng] [cze]

Keywords: housing price bubble; housing price determinants; price-to-income ratio; residential real estate; VAR; cenová bublina; faktory růstu cen nemovitostí; koeficient "cena ku příjmu"; Rezidenční nemovitosti; vektorová autoregrese

Institution: Charles University Faculties (theses) (web)
Document availability information: Available in the Charles University Digital Repository.
Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11956/40115

Permalink: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-476741

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Universities and colleges > Public universities > Charles University > Charles University Faculties (theses)
Academic theses (ETDs) > Master’s theses
 Record created 2022-05-08, last modified 2024-11-02

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