Kategorie budoucnosti a její jazyková realizace se zvláštním zřetelem k dánštině
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Categories language and its future implementation is an interesting view of the Danish
Haušildová, Kateřina ; Humpál, Martin (vedoucí práce) ; Gammelgaard, Karen (oponent) ; Štajnerová, Petra (oponent) Typ dokumentu: Disertační práce
Abstrakt: [eng][cze] The aim of this dissertation is to give an overall picture of the category future and its language realization in the Scandinavian languages. In the first part of the thesis, the category is described from a philosophical point ofview. With support in one oftwo most int1uential theories on metaphysics oftime, the dynamic A-theory, I suggest an intuitively plausible and linguistically relevant modelof time which as opposite to the traditional time line is able to account for the striking temporal asymmetry known from several European and non-European languages. The usual time line has been replaced by branching future with branches representing potential future courses of events, of which some are more probable than others. On the basis of this model, future constructions in Danish, Norwegian and Swedish which are the language s ofthe so called 'futureless area' (Dahl 2000) are described. In the second part of the study, the inventory of the future markers in the three language s is discussed systematically according to their grammaticalization source dornains (modality, motion verbs and aspect). I describe the three central types of future markers in the Scandinavian languages, i.e. modal verb constructions (vil and skal in Danish, ska in Swedish), the de-venitive construction with kommer til at (Danish),...Cilem teto pnice je podat uceleny pohled na kategorii budoucnosti a jeji jazykovou realizaci ve skandinavskych jazycich. V prvni casti disertace, ktera se zabYva filozofickym pojetim kategorie budoucnosti, vytvafim s vychodiskem v jedne ze dvou stezejnich teorii o metafyzice casu, dynamicke A-teorii, intuitivni a z lingvistickeho hlediska relevantni model casu, ktery je na rozdil od tradicnich modelu schopen postihnout temporaini asymetrii charakteristickou pro radu evropskych i mimoevropskych jazyku. Misto tradieni easove pfimky je budoucnost v tomto modelu znazornena jako rozvetveny system potencialnich sledu udalosti, z nichZ nektere jsou pravdepodobnejsi nez jine. Druh east prace je venovana popisu budoucich konstrukci v danstine, norstine a svedstine, tedy jazycich naldejicich k takzvane oblasti bez futura v severni Evrope (jf. Dahl 2000). Konstrukce jsou zde pojednany systematicky podle zpusobu jejich gramatikalizace z lexikalnich prostredku vyjadfujicich modalitu, ze sloves pohybu nebo z gramatickych ryrazu oznaeujicich aspekt. Za ustredni typy gramatickych prostredku pro vyjadreni budoucnosti jsou ve skandinavskych jazycich povaZovany konstrukce s modalnimi slovesy vil a skal (danstina a norstina), ska (svedstina), de-venitivni konstrukce s kommer til at (danstina), kommer til (norstina) a kommer...